Thursday, December 8, 2005

Old & Tired


This is going to be a very quick entry as I am beat!  I am grabbing my pillow and climbing into bed.  It's been a busy week so far and I've been up way too late and then getting up early each morning.  I think I've gotten less than 5-6 hours of sleep each night and my body just can't take it!  I'm old!  I ache like I got hit by a bus and my eyes......... oh my gawd!  I was in the ladies room at work today.  I'm washing my hands and looked in the mirror and thought, damn my mascara is all over and not one person said a word.  Great friends!  I grabbed a towel and got it wet.  Started to wipe and shit it didn't come off.  It wasn't mascara at all, it was big black bags!  So large in fact I can pack my entire wardrobe and move!  Maybe I should head south!?  Either way I made a commitment to be in bed early, not only in bed but asleep.  No TV, no nothing but blissful sleep.   

Now, I just want to add a couple of random things.....  

Why is it those folks driving in the a big SUV's think they always have the right of way?  Is it the bigger stronger syndrome?  

Those driving 4 wheel drive vehicles, what makes them think that because they have 4 wheel drive their tires are going to react differently then those without when they are going 60 mph and slam the breaks on while on ice?  

What happened to common courtesy?  When I walk in a store or any door I hold it for the person behind me, man or woman.  I am not a feminist and not a woman's libber, but 'cmon you can't hold the door for the person behind you?  You just let it slam shut on them?   

Do ladies need make up so badly that they have to apply it while driving on the highway?  How good can that look?  Hellloooo?  I know some that have made it an art form, but geeze  

Good night folks, it's off to slumber land :)  Y'all sleep tight.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel I've been burning the candle at both ends myself and not in the way I used to do in my heyday either! Just doing chores late and up  again doing them early. I guess we could all do with an early night occasionally! (Although you look pretty perky in this graphic! LOL)

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

Those folks who drive SUV's are a law unto themselves. I was listening on the radio about them, they also cause more than four times the pollution of ordinary cars and we're trying to get them banned from towns in the UK. Know what you mean by the door comment. I got to work yesterday and my boss was going in the door in front of me, she let it slam in my face, I felt like going home again, it's so rude. Bring back manners!! I've only been having five hours sleep all week, sat up last night practising on my camera till 4am!! Thank God it's friday and I can rest at the weekend! Hope you will too! Jeannette.        

Anonymous said...

Up here we not only have SUV's, we have the "Good Ole Boys" in there big Pick em up trucks riding my bumper all the way into town.  Even worse on snowy like today, they think they can drive thru anything, including the person in front of them!  I hope you get some rest, take some Benedryl you will sleep like a baby!  Linda

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well praise God its friday! know what you mean about manners;not many out there anymore I know. I feel old alot too but hey we are not getting old ,only wiser and more beautiful,lol, rest up ok


Anonymous said...

I promise that you'll feel better after a good night's sleep, hope you got yours!

And I promise I'm a courteous SUV driver. Anytime I feel like being rude, I'll think of your entry, k?  You've done your public service, LOL.
