Saturday, July 1, 2006


What a difference a day makes!  Today the sun was out and the temperature hung around 80.  The sky was crisp blue with a few thick puffy white clouds.  The day was perfect for me.  My house emptied about 11 and I was home alone all day.  The only sounds I heard were those from outside.  Birds singing, children laughing, and traffic going by.  No lawn tools at all.  Must be everyone got the work done prior to the holiday or things were still to wet.  It was like being on the range... you know ... 'home, home, on the range...'  It was perfect!  


I did get a few errands done, and decided to complete all my laundry.  The hamper is empty!  Yeehaaawww!   I worked on a few graphics, played a few games and surfed the net to get some information on the free agency for hockey.  I'm a bit frustrated right now so I will comment on that a bit later. 


As the day wore on and night rolled in a nice breeze kicked up making the house extremely comfy.  The sounds completely changed and off and on I can hear fireworks going off.  A pop here, a boom there.  They are illegal in New York State, but being so close to the PA border it is not difficult to get them.  I remember as a kid you'd hear them for days before and days after.  Those days are over and you only  hear a few.  There are a few sites in the towns surrounding the city that put on free supervised shows and that is generally where folks go.  If you live near one of the sites you are usually the elected host for the picnic. 


Though I really didn't do much today I am pretty tired so I am going to hit the hay a bit early by my standards.


Anonymous said...

I love those times when the house is all quiet...everybody off somewhere.  And they sell fireworks on every damn corner here and we have been hearing them go off for weeks and will for weeks after the 4th as well.  uggh.  lol   A very happy 4th of July to you D.  Hugs and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful enry you wrote Donna! have you considered publishing a book?

Anonymous said...

Another lovely entry ',where seldom is heard a discouraging word ',evoking a lovely memory My Dad used to sing that song ......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

The graphic is absolutely beautiful Donna, I love seeing horses running free! I'm glad you had a good day and the weather was sunny for you! We have firework displays where I live every week, the noise is deafening, my cats don't mind them at all though otherwise I'd complain! Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Beautiful graphic.  One of the joys of life is hearing birdsong.  I wish they would ban fireworks over here.  They used to be only available for 5th November.  That was bad enough.  Now in England they are on sale all year round.  People use them for Birthdays, Anniversaries, barbecues, just because they fancy it.  Hardly a week goes by without them going off somewhere near us.  Drives me mad.  I do not mind the pretty ones.  But all we get are ones that sound as though a bomb has gone off.

Anonymous said...

I do enjoy a nice quiet day too!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Beautiful graphic:) enjoy the rest of the weekend


Anonymous said...

Just look at that graphic above..that is BEAUTIFUL......i LOVE how the horses move and there are shadows, what great work.
I love how you describe your home and the weather. You have a poetic way of saying things. I am glad you had some solitude and down time for yourself. I love quiet times too.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish my hamper was empty!!  LInda

Anonymous said...

WOW! The graphic is awesome. Glad you are having another sunny day!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not difficult at all!  In fact kids were popping them away.  They drove me crazy all night.  Kids were up until 1am lighting up fireworks.  I remember last year one came really close to our house.  I was afraid that it would start a fire.  I read somewhere that New York is only 1 of 5 states that bans Fireworks.  I also read something a long time ago about a fireworks business going out with a bang (literally).  It blew up.  there dangerous.  They should be handled with care and caution.  With that said, will there be a Fireworks show, in your area?  I'm going this year, even if I have to walk by myself.

Anonymous said...
