Apparently AOL is going to be giving us another upgrade, an improvement they call it. I can't imagine why they bother. Tonight was the absolute pits! I couldn't surf at all, and forget getting to journals. Not even my own. Maybe one out of every five or six alerts I got actually allowed me to view something. The rest of the time I sat there freaking waiting until I wanted to pull my hair out. So if I missed you, my apologies, my patience was gone this evening. Mail was an adventure. For a few minutes I thought maybe they were going to rid us of the lovely 2 inch ads at the bottom as mine had disappeared. I joked with my sister that we'd probably see 4 inch ones tomorrow. Bigger and better.... 'welcome, you got ads!' But no, they are back and my issues surfing ended, for now anyway. I won't get excited though as I was lucky on and off tonight. I had done several graphics to share, but I've had so many issues getting here I decided I would just bitch and go to bed. LOL Yeah yeah, I know you'd have rather me post the graphics then go to bed. :::evil grin:: Not tonight you get the bitching. It's just getting to the point were AOL is 'down' more than it's 'up'!!
Got home from work today and had a ton of mail. I started to read it, I skipped most alerts thinking I'd go back after AOL fixed the glitch. I couldn't keep my eyes open and jumped in bed for a nap instead. The pay back for taking a few days off. Your body can't adjust and it takes a few days. I know I fell asleep for a bit but then forced myself to get up. I think I could have slept right thru to the am. Now I have my second wind and AOL messes up. ARGH!
Oh, I will share one graphic tonight. I got this and it reminded me of my sisters. All 4 of them! I love them dearly and couldn't resist doing something with this picture. The more I played the more it evolved. I had a tough time with the font color, but wanted the saying on here. So I added, lightened, darkened, and added a drop shadow. I love the way it came out! For all my 'sisters' here in JLand this is for you too! Love ya!

Now, I'm off to bed, 'gnight
UPDATE: thanks for the great catch by Maria. LOL I made a typo or AOL helped me out. Either way if you snagged you'll want to update with this one. It's not exact, but close :)
I didn't hear about anything else new and improved coming our way. "New and Improved" is a euphemism for screw the customers when they start having problems. They are probably going to put ads on the toolbar or maybe in your favorites. Don't laugh. They'll stop at nothing to make money and lose customers. They're too damned stupid to learn.
The graphic is beautiful.
I didn't hear about anything else new and improved coming our way. "New and Improved" is a euphemism for screw the customers when they start having problems. They are probably going to put ads on the toolbar or maybe in your favorites. Don't laugh. They'll stop at nothing to make money and lose customers. They're too damned stupid to learn.
The graphic is beautiful.
I have been getting really tired of all the AOL glitches I just started using my internet explorer to read journals and much easier and faster. But I'd rather be actually signed on to do a journal entry. Don't know why that is. lol The graphic is beautiful! Love it. Hugs and GBU, Shelly
Love the ya too girl!!!!!!!!!!! TerryAnn
Hi, again...hey I just notice that you may want to change the word your to you're in that great sister graphic......:)
love it! Yep, Aol is driving me nuts too, ugh!
- Jessica
Aargh, no please, not another upgrade!! I don't think I can stand it! Last one was bad enough and had everyone tearing their hair out. I love the sisters' graphic although all three of my sisters have died I still remember them and the fun we had. Hope you have a good nights sleep. Jeannette xx
Wow thanks for sharing ,the news of the upgrade I mean !thats really cheered me up !(not),wonder what delights we will have to put up with now then, good old AOL ...,The graphic is superb ,what a lovely sentiment dear sister ,have a happy restful weekend ........Jan xx
I took a nap yesterday too! We must of needed the extra sleep! Linda
Aol is such a pain. I love that graphic so pretty and the saying on it is so true. Have a great weekend!
Hugs, Angela
I agree aol has gone down the pan hun,great graphics as always and we can still get to you here,so no worries,take care xxzoexx
Oh Donna,
I just love your graphics....the one with the sisters is very special to me. I have 2 sisters and plan to snag and send it to them if that's okay. I totally agree about AOL. When I signed on this morning it mentioned the upgrade...I tried to ignore it but it was taking up too much screen in the lower right hand corner. There was no way to "x" I did the damned thing. Once I was finally able to get my computer back on, it had deleted ALL of my favorites again!!! Now I ask you, why in the hell would my favorites have anything to do with their upgrade??????? GRRRRRRR!!! Sorry....guess I shouldn't complain so much. Hope you have a good day.
Take Care,
So glad you are staying with AOL. I do believe a lot of the old CLs are remaining as you and I are doing. Old dog here, no new tricks. Enjoyed catching up with your journal. Bill
I am so pissed at AOL....i have not hardly read any journals since keeps saying AOL journals are down and i cant comment and so on and so on. BS.
I like your tag...good work. I hope you have had a good Friday with no stress.
HUGS,lisa jo
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