I warned you these were coming. Expanding my horizons one might say :)

I love these little kids, and when I was going through some of my tubes to clean things up I found them again. I remembered while we were camping over Memorial Day I had taken a picture of a little bridge that was in a yard at Lily Dale. I thought the two would go nicely together. Using some elements from a digital scrap kit I collected along the way I added the 'pearls' to give it a frame and the kiss charm. I added the ribbon as an after thought.

The little girls were just adorable. Not as cute as our 'bug' of course, but adorable. I used some digital scrap elements to create a frame. The frame looked a bit bare so the butterfly went on it too :) I added an extra layer and faded it a bit to try and give it a frosted effect to appear as though there was glass over the picture. I must be on a 'sister' kick. No, I didn't say I wanted to kick my sister! :)~

The bench is my favorite. I think it might be because both pictures were taken by me. The bench is actually a decoration in the front yard of the house next to my parents. The flowers grow wild in a huge patch in my parents backyard. It took a bit of work to clear out the background on the bench picture, but I thought it would look much nicer on the flowers. After arranging the two I misted it to soften it up and :::giggle::: to hide some mistakes. The quote was something I saw along the way and thought it fit perfect. A simple frame and drop shadow finishes it off.
I love the bench also, thanks for sharing, Sherry
These are all incredible Donna. I just love it when you add the little stories behind the graphic, makes it so interesting to see how it all came to be!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful talents!!
Take Care,
Yes the bench is perfect ,Icould imagine sitting on there a smelling the flowers and letting the cares of the world melt away ..........Jan xx
These are just adorable.
Hugs, Angela
I love how the bench turned out...I wouldn't be able to tell you had any mistakes in any of them...love them all! TerryAnn
Donna, you've done it again. You never cease to amaze me. These are great! You did a great job on the frames, and the butterfly was a nice touch. My favorite is the park bench. It's funny cause it reminded me of my childhhod when we used to go to Riverside Park in NYC, even though the benches there were different. My dad used to take me there a lot before he died, and I continued to go even after I got married. Your pictures always draw me in and "take me away," that's why I love them so much!
I just love all the children tubes, especially the top. So adorable. You've done some really unique creations lately (lol...you always do, but different this time.) HUGS Chris
The kids graphics are gorgeous but I love that old ornate bench, we used to have them in parks over here when I was young. Great work! Jeannette xx
i have a LOVE of any tags with innocent children in them...i am drawn to it....if i ever use PSP i will have lots of tags with them. Its my loss of innocence i am searching for and i love your tags, all of them.
love lisa
I love them all but the bench is my favorite because it's true.
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