I had planned on doing an actual entry this evening, but I'm just to tired. I have writers block to boot. AOL pissed me off again this evening. Got home from work and had tons of mail only to be told it wasn't available. Those that were, wouldn't load the graphics, and the links to journal entries did not work. I just logged off and said screw it! I have noticed when the ads in mail are just blank white boxes instead of the wonderful animation they force down our throats I have issues. I noticed Joe posted at 11:50 this morning that the issue was fixed, but hellloooooo I don't even log on until 6ish so either they had a relapse or someone is blowing smoke up their bosses arse and saying it's fixed. Here nor there bitching doesn't fix it, no one seems to give a flying rats ass the service is going in the shitter!
:::deep breath::: Did I say writers block? LOL On to the good stuff.......... enjoy :)

Well thank God...I thought it was just my mail...I could not send either or check some journals...I have more problems than I did when I had dial up...different things that is...huggies, TerryANn
Great graphics. You do wonderful work.
I had exactly the same last night! I couldn't be bothered after a hard day at work either. I was told it was fixed yesterday morning but no, it wasn't! Will they ever get it right before everybody leaves AOL. The graphics are great! Jeannette xx
Oh I love it when you talk ...writers block ,Mind I think your right about the service ,should we all go on strike do you think ?Amazing pictures Donna ,again ,Thankyou ..........Jan xx
Here nor there bitching doesn't fix it, no one seems to give a flying rats ass the service is going in the shitter! ..........
AOL UK has always been very poorly serviced compared to the US, especially regarding Journals. Now that the UK business is on the market - and non-aol customers can have free aol journals and use aol message boards and have free aol email addresses all areas of provision are going down the slide to the pigbin. :O((
I heard they were going to make AOL free. Maybe thats why its getting so crappy. Linda
I suppose I was lucky I didn't have any of those problems - I do a lot of Internet work through a stand-alone browser, with AOL not having a look-in. There was a journals outage yesterday afternoon. AOL free? Blinking heck.
writers block my ass lol,bless you hun we are all having probs with aol,Ive resigned to eating chocolate now to cope with it all xxzoexx
I was told my mail was unavailable at this time and to come back later. I have informed the Attorney General (Retail Department) of my State and suggest others do the same. They won't help us so let's report them for their failure to deliver the promises we are paying for.
Um ... may I borrow some of your writer's block? LOL
Donna, the first one is flashing but I don't know if it's my puter or what. The others appear fine.
It is like an every day thing now with AOL. I am SO SICK OF IT. I always worry it is my PC but its not and it is so frustrating and can throw you off. I hope you are doing well my friend.
Oh, I couldn't agree with you more....once again, I got so frustrated I just ended up turning my computer off. All of your graphics are just beautiful!! You've been a busy girl! Thank you for sharing with all of us. Hope you're having a good evening.
Take Care,
oh wow! those are very beautiful Donna!
love and hugs, natalie
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