Monday, October 17, 2005

Day of Relaxation......


The company I work for has a 'use it or lose it policy,' and with the end of the year coming I have PTO time that needs to be used.  I already have the week between Christmas and New Years off and still have several days I need to take.  I decided last week I would take today as one of my days.  I really didn't make plans, I was going to use the day for relaxation, which is what I did.  I puttered around the house, picked up here and there, cooked a roast for dinner.  I did a lot, but accomplished very little.   

I watched some TV, caught up on some reading, napped with me feet up.  LOL  But, hey that is what was supposed to happen today.  Can I just say I can't stand the soaps, the court shows are just as bad, and after about 10am there is nothing on TV until late in the afternoon.  How do people become addicted to these shows?  I mean I have an addictive personality but not for junk shows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

    Oh, My God. I thought I was the only person on the planet who can't stand soap operas and court shows. There is another me in this world. Or at least someone with an interest that goes on past what fictional charecter is doing whatever to some other fictional charecter. I have enough stress in my life with out that crap. You're right. TV sucks between when the morning news shows end and Jeopardy begins.