Friday, October 28, 2005

Fall Back


I can't believe it is already October 29 and it is time for most of us to roll our clocks back an hour.  Just what I need, for it to be even darker (if that's possible) when I get up in the morning!  All this week I had a heck of a time crawling out of bed.  Maybe the cold air, the darkness, or not feeling well, but I can't believe it is time to 'fall back' already.  Funny thing, they say, 'turn your clock back at 2:00 am on Sunday.'  Yeah right!  I'm going to get up out of bed and turn all my clocks back!  Geeeze does it really matter if I do it before I go to bed, or first thing in the morning?  Why do they say 2:00 am??  LOL   

I'm reminding you now, just don't forget or your Sunday could be all messed up!

PS Don't forget to change the batteries in your smoke detectors as well :)  And no you do not have to do that at exactly 2:00 am either, just make sure you do it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the reminder.  I have to work tonight until 9:30 and be back at 7am the next morning.  I would probably have been late if you didn't post that in your journal.  I forgot!