Jeannette recently returned from her trip to South America. She has a gazillion pictures posted and gave me permission to snag and use what I like. Like? Good Gawd, I love all of them!! I'd need another hard drive to store hers and mine. :) I know I linked her before and then remembered she was private. I am sure if you shoot her an email she will get you on the 'viewing' list, if interested.
I wish animating was as simple as pushing a button it would go. Aaaahhh but alas I can't afford a program like that (if there is one even remotely close) so I do it the old fashion way. Makes for some jumpy pictures and mistakes are not easily covered up, but I still love doing it and have only gotten a few complaints. Complaints? Oh yes I have. One person even had the nerve to email me to fix one experiment and put their name on it. Not ask mind you, told me. ROFLMAO!! Some are too freakin funny. I wanted to reply with, 'if you want it perfect and with your name learn the f'in program and do it yourself.' I didn't of course, I just deleted the mail laughing. I don't think they've been back and if they have been they haven't said a peep. Wonder why?
:)~ If you are reading! Better yet... :)~ :)~
Ok, so I have two here. They are the same picture of Iguassu Falls. One is the original and one I added a separate layer and repeated one of the falls. It is by far from perfect, but I think I might like them. Or...... maybe they are growing on me after all the time working on them. You decide.........

Yes, some people have a lot of nerve. My choice is the first one as I like the moss covered rocks. I love all of your work of course. I do read Jeannette's journal. Helen
It's absolutely brilliant, like being back there again!! Thanks for spending time on it, it was worth the effort to get this result. I loved the photo of the twin falls, you just made it look so good. If anyone wants to be added to my journal they can email me, I added a few from the last time you wrote about me. Jeannette.
BEAUTIFUL as all your work is! My fav is the first one, can I snag? (I have sooo much don't know where to put it all LOL)
I knew ,when I saw that one it would inspire you ,it is lovely isnt it ,you are an amazing duo ,you know ,two very special people ...........Jan xx
Excellent animation for an excellent photo!
You crack me up girl...ROFL
You did better than me by deleting that persons
email ~ i'm one that would have prolly just came right out
and said how i felt about the matter, then regret it later... =)~
The first pic is absolutely stunning....great job to both
Jeanette and yourself!!!
How very nice of Jeannette to share her great pictures with you (us)!
South America? How awesome!!!
D, what you did with the pic is sensational! I love the first one very much!
Complaints? You said: Complaintsssssss??? Plural?
I can't believe it! Really, some people make me speechless.
ONE complaint is already way over the top of my comprehension.
You rock Donna!!! Hugs, Maria
Hi D! Love all the new animations! Great job. And that was really nice of your friend to allow you to use her pics. I've seen a few that I would like to use but I'm afraid to ask. lol Anyway, Happy Sunday to ya! Love, Shelly
Yeeks, D, it's been a couple of days. What awesome creations you've been working on. You simply amaze me. The falls are gorgeous. If there are errors, I sure don't see them. Your ability to animate really does blow my mind. I've been looking through the past entries for the last few days. I'm in awe! HUGS
wow what great pictures.
When I saw Jeannette's pictures I automatically thought of you and your ability to make the falls flow. Beautiful photos and graphics. Thanks to you and Jeannette. You guys must have been reading my mind:)
Wow...great pics!!
You did a real nice job! Linda
D~Absolutely incredible!!!
Soooooooooo well done ya lil show-off! ;-) Sass
They are brilliant - well done :-)
I have been checking out all of your new creations and love them all....Wow! is all I can say about this entry....this came from a photo....Terryann.
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