Saturday, April 8, 2006

Something to Share

I actually did this graphic after reading an entry in Angel Rose's journal.  It made my heart heavy and sad and was hoping it would send strength to her.  I then got this 'story' in email and it was very fitting for so many of us here in JLand I thought I'd share it.  I know it wasn't the share you had expected, but I will be back later with those.  This was more important to me right now :)  Hugs to you all!


A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked,  "Who would like this $20 bill?"

Hands started going up.
He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this.
He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill.
He then asked, "Who still wants it?"
Still the hands were up in the air.
Well, he replied, "What if I do this?"
And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe.
He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty.
"Now, who still wants it?"
Still the hands went into the air.
My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson.
No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value.
It was still worth $20.
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way.
We feel as though we are worthless.
But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.
Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you.
The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE and WHOSE WE ARE.
You are special- Don't EVER forget it."
Count your blessings, not your problems.
If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.


Anonymous said...

Oh Donna ,with love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I loveeeeeeeeee this!
I snagged it....i hope thats ok
Great job =)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful graphic, I love it...  Linda

Anonymous said...

Love the graphic...have the story in my archives, always did like it.

Anonymous said...

This was very beautiful hun, I loved the true! :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's very nice :o)

Anonymous said...

So sad about Dezeray.
This is a lovely entry ~

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful entry......I read the other story and got chills.  How very very sad.  I will say a prayer for her.  

Have a wonderful day..........Liz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bless you donna, this  pic did give me some comfort. I thank you. It's so beautiful. And I thank your friends whom you sent my way .


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Headed there now.  LOVE the last line. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely entry ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I've had that email before, it's so true isn't it? Jeannette.  

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I had tears Donna !! This is lovely ~ the email and the graphic. Thank you very much.
hugs ~x Debbie x~

Anonymous said...

Donna I'm really crying now ~ just been to Angel Rose ~ how sad and tragic, I'm so so upset for the family. Have left messages of thoughts and prayers.
take care, big hugs ~x Debbie x~

Anonymous said...

Dear Donna
thank you very much! Whata wonderful message!

Anonymous said...

This is a great message....this is something that I always try to tell the girls I work with at church.  Thanks for sharing this...we all need to be reminded of our worth!!

Anonymous said...

Amen and thanks for sharing this with all of us...TerryAnn.