Good news... ah yes... the sun was still shining today and the temperatures were in the 60's. I'm in an absolutely great mood. I pushed my dentist appointment up to today because I really needed the adjustments. She took out the stitches and smoothed out the rough spots. What a difference!! They feel much better, and now that those sores are on the way to healing and the plates are sitting better. I did notice a few more rough spots, yet they are no where near as bad! I am still in shock over the difference. I will be getting back in there in a few days to take care of the rest and have another adjustment as things will continue to change as I heal. That, however, is not the sunshine I was referring to in my title.
What sunshine you ask? I'm talking about the sunshine that is being blown up our asses from the folks who are here to help with journal issues. Or maybe sunshine is being blown up theirs and they are just passing it on. Alerts don't go out, folks can't edit or add entries. We express our concerns and low and behold it's fixed but file manager doesn't work. The URL expired? What the hell is that? The only time I've heard a URL not working is because it was changed, not because it expired. We are given that sunshine and told to do this, go here, click this, and only load one file at a time and things will be fine, they'll work. Bull shit! I know I'm not the only one still having issues and getting the 'page has expired'. You have to try repeatedly before you can even get there to try and upload that one file. They say it works fine for them, it's a temporary fix and they are still working on it. Well folks, go buy some lottery tickets! Let me suggest Mega Ball, as you are the luckiest damn people in the world if you are not experiencing the same issues. Or... maybe you really haven't tried? Maybe you are just blowing sunshine up our asses?!
Then today, journals won't open or are slow. More often then not they didn't open. Oh, Pamela Anderson filed for divorce. Who gives a rats ass!?! Ok, so some folks do care. Why I don't know, but I will give the benefit of the doubt that some one actually does care. But as I sat here today it dawned on me that with the last issues the same thing happened as they supposedly tried to fix it. What excuse was it then? Paris Hilton? Brittney Spears? So often I hear the bullshit I can't remember the order. You can't be some what proactive as you know when news breaks this could happen? It wasn't adjusted 'just in case' after the last few times it happened? I'm not a tech person, and will not even try to be one. I just know these cannot be coincidences. Not each and every time, and more and more often. Why not just come out and be honest. Say someone F'ed up and we don't know how to fix it, bare with us. Don't send me on a wild goose chase telling me things will work this way when you know damn well it doesn't. I'm no brain surgeon, but I sure as hell am smarter then you are giving me credit for. Please don't insult us in this manner!
Aaaahhhh..... you think it was by accident that my first graphic is that of an elf with the mistletoe over his ass? No way in hell, take it for what it is worth! Forgive me readers, I don't mean you... that is unless ....... Ohhhh.. and I did use file manager to load just that one. It took me 4 tries to get past the page has timed out, but I did do it the way Bam Bam said.... but it works.... ??????????????? Oh warning, there is a bare bum in the snags.. LOL
Ok, done with the rant, just tired of folks making excuses. I'm also tired of folks posting links to this bullshit like it is giving us news of a fix. It's sunshine folks... just sunshine :) It's late and I'm tired. Let's hope hump day proves to be better here in J-Land. Can't wait to see what 'fix' we get, only to find something else 'expired'.
I am happy.. and no drugs.. just an opinion of this little 'ole lady. Thanks for humoring me by reading :)