I was actually working on different graphics last night when Jackie announced the winners to the Vivi's. (I'll post those graphics another time) I was surprised and honored, thank you again! I did make the rounds last night and was able to congratulate all the winners, and Congrats again! Dianna, I am sorry, I tried to comment last night to give you kudos' but you once again have blocked me. I tried again today after your message in my journals, but still you are forbidding me from leaving a comment. So, I'll just say it here. Congrats on your Vivi.
I got several alerts today but could not access the journal. I found a common factor. Any alert that I got with a graphic in it was not available. Those without seemed to work. Took forever to load, but I was able to get to them, and leave a comment. Grrrrr Freakin AOL and their changes and updates. Why not fix what is broken? No doubt this won't have an alert and/or folks won't be able to get to it. GGGGRRRRR
JessiesOnlyGirl, I'd like to thank you publicly for your opinion/comment on my previous entry. To say the least it was enlightening... now come out of the shadows, stop being a coward, and maybe, just maybe someone will take you seriously. I was going to delete it, but thought I'd let everyone see what an immature twit you are!
I couldn't resist doing these new graphics. I saw the frames and thought how pretty. I couldn't decide on the pictures to put in so I did a few. Thoughts? I am partial to the Cardinals :) I will attempt to get the frame red and do a few more down the road, but wanted to post these tonight. ::grin:: yes I am a bit proud of them. I did check on a test journal and they will/should fit on the side bar of your journal. Snag as is though, at this time I really don't want to get into personalizing, I'm sorry. I just finished the requests for my newest 'tag', and I was amazed at the number. Holy Crap I think it was an all time high for me. Over 40! Can I just say thanks again for your support!
It's late, my eyes are tired, and my boys won again in OT 5-4. Yeeehawww that was without our leading scorer Myyyyyy Maaaaxie and our #1 goalie who is out with a pulled muscle. :( All that time off, and now they have like 10 games in 17 days. You know what I'll be doing!!!! Gonna hit the sack, nieces bridal shower is tomorrow morning so it will be a loooooong day. Sleep well all!

Thank you. :o)
thank you, they are lovely. (((((hugs)))))
I love the pics. Just now gettting in freaking aol I wish they would quit doing once weekly updates becuase the updates take four to five days to mess up for us and on ly two dod they ahve them fixed!!!!!!!! just do once a month but freaking on vetrans day weekend nad right as the awards are annouced MY GOSH every time we have some special even they freaking mess it up IM so stressed and do not need this on top of everything else
OH and I LOVE YOUR danglies
wow Donna! those are all so beautiful! thanks!
Congratulations again Sweetie! you do great worka dn your entries are warm, loving and they have a great sense of humor!
These are so pretty! Thanks!
All of them are so pretty! Have a fabulous weekend!
Thankyou Donna how lovely ,.love Jan xx
You deserved your Vivi for all the hard work that you do in your journal ...well done.
bella xx
Well done Donna for the Vivi and thank you for these snags, they're beautiful, I love the cardinals too! Jeannette xx
Congratulations on your award. You deserve it.
Very nice, had a hard time deciding which one to snag. LOL Finally got the last one!
Love it! Thank you! Hugs, Maria
These are great graphics... I'm going to snag a couple for my Christmas season entries... gif! to save the motion. Thank you. Bea
The haters come in all forms.....damn shame i think.
There are also some fake ass people in J Land.....we need a BEWARE sign put in our journals, public and private. I love your tags you did but then i always love your work.
I have not been here in J-Land for quite awhile--
Really love these frames thank you. LOve Joan.
Hello Donna!
I just realized that I'm not getting AOL alerts from everyone I usually do so let me offer you my belated Congratulations on the ViVi wins! You are giving of your time and talent and I can't think of another J-land Graphics Designer who demonstrates the desire to share and the drive of artistic expression that you do. That is my considered opinion.
You deserve the recognition Donna and the Awards.
That Jess Zero person, I can't decipher her name, is kind of pathetic I think. I'm so tempted to do a pseudo analysis rant on her right here and now, the possibilities available for causes of her befoulment (oops I went there) are endless.
I will refrain.
Congratulations again Donna. I want to say that it was through this episode of Awardarama Drama that I got to know you better and I'm so very glad I have. Good luck to your Bills tomorrow!
Very glad indeed.
very beautiful graphics
Love them all!! Hugs,TerryAnn
<<<so it will be a loooooong day.>>>
Donna, you do not have to watch the Sabres tonight. They can just mail it in. The Flyers probably won't even show up. Bill
Congratulations Donna on your win! You deserved it. I see the nastiness is still going on even after the awards were given. <sigh>
have i congratulated you yet? love your graphics.
thanks for the snags!
I LOVE these....I think I will put that on my side bar after Thanksgiving! I'm so jealous of your talent!
These look like some beautiful sidebars to me, D. I'm going to have to snag one for December. Boo hah hah to Ms Jessie. Glad you left that sad, immature comment up. Congratulations on both of your awards! You certainly are deserving of them...HUGS Chris
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! love 'em! Millie x
Very pretty missy! I am sooo glad you won...I love your graphics...I always end up staring at them....they always have something substantial to say, even if its just sicky cute...lol....-Raven
what a clever hanging pictures, what a neat way of showing them, they're beautiful.
I can not believe that person (JessiesOnlyGirl) You know something.....where I come from , we were taught that if we have the "gumpion" to say something mean about someone, then we ought to be brave enough to stand up and say we did it....not be a coward and hide behind a blank wall. But then again, that is the COWARD'S WAY, isn't it???
You deserve an award fro putting up with this crap! lol
Love ya,
Next time I would delete her.....then all her "little fun" would have been in vain!
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