Just in a bizarre mood today, as the hodge podge of snags will no doubt display. It's not that I'm sad, depressed, or ill. I guess I'm just indifferent. The behavior of some never ceases to amaze me. Ever know anyone who has to compete in every aspect of life? They are not happy unless they are the center of attention? They have experienced everything bigger and better? Hurt more? Without even realizing it, (or maybe they do) the green monster of jealousy shows it's ugly head? I've been experiencing that a lot lately and it makes me tired, I'm not in the mood to compete with anyone.
I really don't know what I want to say tonight, just a bunch of mumbo jumbo going through my head. I could ramble and babble, but I will spare you :) Gaawd only knows what it would lead to anyway. LOL
For those of you not hearing music, try going back to the main page of the journal instead of the alert. It's there and I can't figure out why some aren't hearing it.
Also, Guido made a comment on my entry yesterday regarding saving animation. AOL pictures is not compatible so you will have to use hometown or an outside storage such as photobucket. Go figure, another beautiful option of AOL that only half works!
I'm off to bed, hope everyone has a great night!!

These are all so pretty! Such a variety of tags. Wow!
I do know someone like you describe. Very energy draining to be around. I have found I do better with only monthly contacts with this person. Sometimes I wait 2 months. I don't need anyone draining any energy from me. I don't have enough as it is!
Hope you are having a good night overall.
i am sorry people are being mean and rude. like my son says act like a duck Quack Quack let it roll off your back LOL
Love each and every one of them! Hugs to you! TerryAnn
Years ago I had a patient who had the biggest gall stones I had ever seen. She said it didn't matter, know matter what anyone had her Aunts were bigger and better. On break I went outside and gathered the biggest rocks I could find from the edging and brought them inside. I put them in a speciman bottle and labeled them with her name. She roared with laughter. I think I may finally be able to get her to admit she couldn't top this. Hang in there.
i think there all beautiful and i am gonna snag them, thank you so much for sharing them. and i hope you get a good nights sleep. ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Dropping in to say hello, I snagged 2 of them...all are beautiful.
These snags are absolutely beautiful! You are truly talented. Thank you so much for sharing! Hope you are having a wonderful night!
Donna tags are beautiful ~ each and everyone of them ~ Ally
Yeah, we all know somebody like that, just ignore them! I love these graphics, especially the covered bridge, that's really pretty! Hope you had a good night and wake refreshed and raring to go! Jeannette xx
beautiful tags as always. I love the old man and the fiddle. about aol pictures........... are you talking about you've got pictures??????? I have saved those down to my pc. there is an option to save them when you openthem up. But I do save your graphics with animations if you right click and gif doesnt come up in the graphic name then see if it has the BMP and when the gif does not come up if the BMP is there and it always has been for me that works. but here lately the gif file comes up. But I did go thre a season that I had to use my BMP. DONT ask why I do not know. LOL They say women are confusing but AOL sure has me beat lol Yup competition is feirce. I have been feeling that lately. Its well its bringing back a flood of emotions such as the ones Ishared. that is why tehre are problems like that in this world becuase of competition. its whythings get out of hand rather than people working together. Seems more and more its that way. I saw it the day of 911 when we all rushed to get gas becuase it was jumping up......... when everyone was at the station cuasing the pumps to lock up by rushing to grab the nozzel before it rest the pump. No one got gass that way. she kept going out saying give it a second.
Thank you for the use of your graphics, they are lovely. I think we all know someone like you mentioned in our lifes, just try and ignore and smile ever so sweetly.
love and hugs
The tallest trees catch the strongest winds, Donna. I've done an entry on graphics.
Everytime when I open your journal I am amazed by the beauty, creativity and love I find in your graphics! You amaze me everytime and I love it! You are the center for me.- I know, you are not a person that looks for being in the center..... but, for me, YOU are. Thanks again and have a beautiful day. Hugs, Maria
By God, you have outdone yourself tonight.....LOVE these tags....you are quite an artist and i love how you share your life.
Jealousy? Did you say jealousy? Ha, i cant even have a tag or a comment in my journal or i am a mockable moron.....to hell with those jealous of you...you are the best and a true friend. I am holding on desperately to those who seem to care but jealousy in J Land hurt me beyond words...
love,lisa jo
Thanks, for all your wonderful animations the last few days. I'm on AOL and I can see them..I have to admit that sometimes I switch over the Internet Explorer via comcast to open the AOL journals quicker... AOL just has too many things it does behind the scenes.... However, I hear the music and I think you made a good point...music is what feelings sound like.....!
Wow!!!!! these are amazing.Just so so great.Snagged a couple thanx a million.I cannot believe I am still reading of so much jealousy around.I would like to say at one period in my life people like this realy did almost ruin my life.But not anymore they don't and never will again.........
I started a journal to pass my lonely hours and not with the thought it would become competative,and each entryI edit,I think the same now.I do it to pass the hours and it is something I enjoy. Your work is brilliant and deserves to be recognised by the many people who see it.Take no notice you love your work, so carry on, and do what you love.Let the green eyed monsters be so.They are only wasting there own time if they try to better.As everyones own work is unique.God Bless You.Take care.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
I was wondering do you take tag requests?
Thanks in advance
Love the graphics... Pam emailed the "Music is what feelings sound like" one to me, I'm definitely using it!
I hate it when ppl always want to compete
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