You may or may not know I started using site meter for a count on my journal about a year ago. AOL proved not to be dependable with the count as it regularly would reset to 0 and it counted each time you did an entry or an edit as a visit. For the fun of it I did site meter because it gave the location of where your visitors were from. Besides my normal visitors, I've had stops from Germany, Australia, Singapore (Hi Julie!), France, and the countries go on and on. I've gotten comments from a few of the visitors, but not all. I had always hoped they would someday leave word to let me know where they were etc. Today I logged in just to see, it had been forever since I'd done that. I found this graph and thought it really interesting. Not that I'm all into how many come to my journal, it's really not a big deal, that isn't why I do it. I just got a kick out of the dips and spikes and the fact that on average I have about 55 visitors a day. So thank you! I do appreciate it. Anyone interested can get the counter free at

Just did a few 'goofy' snags today. I thought the pictures were different, and along the line of some type of fantasy. Maybe you'll find something you like. I'm going to go take some pain pills and climb into bed. I need to get my ass to work tomorrow!
Hope everyone had a great day!

Most intriguing fantasy pix, thanks Donna xoxo CATHY
I love these!!!!!!!!!!! they are so pretty. that site meter soudns interesting
Hey you, GO TO BED!!!!! LOL! I don't know if I would want one of those meters on my journal. I think I would be freaked out by it, but then again, I am private, so there wouldn't be any surprises right?! GOODNIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT!
Hugs and love,
I've been really into fantasy stuff lately. Funny that you'd make these now. How did you know <wink>!
Hope you feel better....sleep well.
Loved the carousel...loved that one..had to I just got a site meter too...It seems in Oklahoma is my greatest fan base.....and a few hits in Bahrain had me going...hmmm....Its interesting to see where our readers are...I wish they would leave comments too but I am assuming they arent AOL members. -Raven
I wanted to add to my last comment because I am having a hormonal moment. which causes me to feel like I should offer clarity on such silly
I wanted to write LOL...after my greatest fans in Oklahoma...but I chose not too because I thought the LOL might be misconstrued towards the world Oklahoma instead of greatest fans...
Well it was pretty cool but doesn't work for me for some reason.
I'm gonna check this site out. I hate how the counter goes to zero all the time too.As for your snags, I love them all. Great job as always! SNAGGED! ;-)
- Jessica
So glad you are happy with the results of the counter.What a good idea.Love these graphics so differant.Hope your pain subsides soon.Snagged the Merry- Go- round as we call them here,it's wonderful.Take care.
Iam not at all surprised you get that many visits a day ,wouldnt it be lovely if everyone who visits left a comment ,I hope you soon feel heaps better ,.,.,love Jan xx
I don't have the meter on my journal now. I had AOL's one but never looked at it, someone emailed and asked where it was, I hadn't even noticed it had disappeared! Think I must have deleted it accidently! I love these graphics, the carousel is so pretty, I love carousel horses. We have big murals of them on our walls at work! Hope you feel better today and can get to work. Jeannette xx
I did the same as you. I changed my meter a very long time ago because aol was always setting back to zero. I cannot track where comments come from on mine but I am happy with it and so far it has not let me down, fingers crossed. Love the graphics.
that sitemeter thing sounds good..i will check it out. I love the fantasy tags..very different and very pretty too. I hope you feel better today!
XO lj
Thank you so very much for the beautiful fantasy graphics. Love them all.
Hugs, Maria
As you know, I've also got Sitemeter; I'll check my attendance lol
that site meter thing is cool and I loved the fantasy tags snagged all 3 hope you feel better soon love vicky
Oh so pretty!
Donna, that is great, I am not surprised that you get that many daily hits. I would suspect you rank very high on the hit list. You deserve ti. Keep up the good work and do try to get some more sleep than you seem to be getting.
site meter? is that complicated? love the tags, and i snagged them. thank you for sharing them. ((((((hugs)))))))
Dear Donna
what abeautiful exraordinary graphics! what a nice enry! thanks!
*jumping with joy* am glad you remember me Dear Donna... haha.. yes i still love to visit you and infact many times a day...i enjoy your animation graphic... they are tremendous works...*smile*
I love these tags hun... very pretty.
Congratulations, for D's Designs VIVI award!
Might have to try the site meter.
Love the snags! Love different stuff!!
Thanks so much,
These are so frigging awesome!!! Love them all! Hugs,TerryAnn
Oh WOW! These would look so cool in my blue journal! I think I am in love with this journal!
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