Good Morning!!
Well, it was supposed to be morning when I entered, this but the kids stopped by. What a way to make one smile. Seeing those faces always makes me feel better and hearing the stories make me chuckle. I was making toast and of course Bug needed to know. 'whatcha making?'
I answer her while showing her the plate, 'toast.'
'You make it all by yourself?'
All I can do is giggle, 'yes babe, I made it all by myself.'
'Ohhh, you going to eat it?'
I have to bend over and kiss her on the top of her head. Too sweet for words.
I'm feeling much better today. The cold has taken a bit of a break. My head is still a bit stuffy and my throat a bit sore. I feel like I can open my eyes without my brain falling out and I don't feel like I need to carry the porcelain bucket with me any longer. With any luck that is it, I really need to get healthy by the end of the month.
Oh, yes the end of the month. GRrrrr Dentist appointment was a bit disturbing and showed me just how vain I can be. I have two choices. Leave things as is and deal with the constant aches and pain while my teeth loosen so much they just fall out on their own one by one. Or, I can go in for surgery and have them taken out all at once and be done with it. I cursed, I cried, I bitched, and then the Dentist so nicely reminded me I am here, I beat the effects of everything else, it's a small price to pay. I had to agree, but still it made me feel so sad, so embarrassed. How come that decision was so hard to make? Because I am vain!?! So off he went, poking and prodding. Pulling my lips this way and that. Took some impressions and sent me on my way. Or so I thought. I woke up Friday morning to blisters on my lips and gums. Turns out I had a reaction to the 'goop' they used for the impressions. Oh, what joy. Can't anything ever be easy? So to go along with the effects of the cold my lips and gums were burning and sore. Nothing they can do but let it run it's course. Oh great, good thing it's on the inside of my mouth!! Today it's much better, just feels like really bad chapped lips. The big day? November 21, just in time for Thanksgiving. No worries about me overeating. Mashed potatoes anyone? Wow! I can't believe I just typed all that for the world to see. Geeeze.. I must still have a fever!
Now, on to the snags :)~ A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Maybe, just maybe you'll find something you like. Ok, can't put all the snags in now, AOL doesn't want me to. I will back later with the rest.
Have a great day!

Good luck for November 21st, Donna. Have a good weekend.
Teeth are so overrated anyway!
Think you've sent me some of your cold weather. Been very chilly over here. Had to put the heating on for the first time since march! It was 48degrees in my bedroom this morning.
My ickle toes were as chilly as a peguins bellybutton.
hugs DOnna! did you finaly get tot eh Dentist or whenare you going?
Best of luck on the 21st Donna, I didn't get an alert for this one. Sorry you had an allergic reaction to the stuff they used. Jeannette xx
You will be sooo glad when you have them gone.I know I bless the day I decided to.I do know some people who had all theirs pulled and then got dentures and never use them.They eat just anything they want.Don't know how.But anyway-no more pain or gaps or any of that.You will look different but a good different.I have never used that stuff to hold dentures in-stay just fine.
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