I have so much to be thankful for. To start with, all of you. The cards, emails, comments, and IM's have helped give me strength. I know in comparison this was something very small but to me it was huge and having so many behind me has made me feel so loved and so special. Thank you!
Everything went as planned. My son picked me up and got me there right on time. The Dr. walked into the room and asked how I was. I couldn't even answer, but rather broke down in tears. Once I was composed I answered the questions he asked and let him know about the pain I had been experiencing for the past couple days. Contrary to my earlier entry I did not mean my bottom as in my ass, but the bottom portion of my mouth. I blame the play on words on the drugs! LOL I did have an infection in my gum below one of my bottom teeth and it had ached for a day or two prior. Before I knew it they were telling me to wake up and open my eyes. When I did I had no pain except in that spot. I tried to tell him and at first I couldn't talk. I felt like my teeth were too big for my mouth, but they assured me that wasn't the case. He did let me know there was an infection there and he took care of it by inserting some antibiotics. By the time the numbness wore off the pain there was pretty much gone. My teeth no longer feel to large, and I could put my lips together. I napped off and on all day and as I write this I feel pretty good, but did just take more med's. I will go back tomorrow afternoon at 5 and they will remove the teeth, examine my gums and assume send me on my way. I have to eat before taking my med's, so I have eaten a bit. Pudding and whipped cream earlier, chicken noodle soup for dinner, but will admit I was leery of the noodles and veggies. And then had more soup and a bit of ice cream just a bit ago. I do hope I feel as good tomorrow. I didn't bleed a ton, and came no where close to bleeding to death, but on occasion I can still taste it in my mouth. No rinsing, and no spitting. I must swallow. LMAO And yes, I did laugh when the Dr told me that too :)~
My son was a trooper through this all and treated me like a princess spoiling me rotten. He has called me about 15 times to make sure I was ok and to see if I needed anything. So, yes he does love me. Not that I doubted it, but it's nice to have it re-enforced from time to time. Being 20 he isn't always as open with those feelings.
I am off from work until Monday and do plan on getting back before the holiday but I wanted to make sure I wished everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving just in case.
Love you all and again thank you so much for friendship and support.

Wow, they put your teeth right in after surgery? Awesome. I'm glad it all went well, I knew it would. What a nice son you have to do all this and call to make sure your ok. Now you just may enjoy that turkey dinner. (((((hugs)))))))
I'm so glad you are doing good! Don't be shy on the pain meds. If it's hurting ....take them. Because if you wait too long then the meds can't get ahead of the pain.
So glad your son treated you so well. He's so lucky to have you as his mom. I'm sure he knows it, too!
So now what are you going to eat for Thanksgiving?? Turkey soup, perhaps?? You could do mashed potatoes maybe?
What a time to have dental work, huh?
Get some rest. I hope you are able to sleep well tonight.
Im so glad ur doing well, thats great news. :)And of course your special
Sounds like you went through a lot, but glad you are doing better now. A girl I used to work with was really into Hockey, so I understand. We are here in Seattle, those Thunderbirds. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! I love the tags. Joni
Oh I'm so happy to see you may have put the worst behind you. I hope you're in tip-top shape for the Thanksgivving holiday
glad you are feeling better:) Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
I am glad you are home all went well..will be praying for you to have a speedy recovery...Big hugs,TerryAnn
Brave girl. Thank goodness that part is over. Hugs. Terry xxx
I am so glad it is over and your feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
This sounds good....I am praying this is done for and its not going to be a problem again...you shouldnt have to deal with this over and over....after your feeling better, go chow down on a big steak and indulge....maybe the holidays will be more wonderful than you could imagine...get some rest you...-Raven
so glad to hear that you are feeling better, and that your son is helping to take care of you,
hope that you dont mind but I've just made a wish on your wishbone, heres wishing you a speedy recovery, and a happy thanksgiving
take care Lynne xx
well share a pic of those peraly white lol yes I remember that feeling. Teeth too big and after having not had any teeth for six weeks that made it even more the so worse. yes taht aweful taste of blood yuck ewe and makes you kind of sick to your tummy too. I remember a couple of teeth had an infectionin them I had. there were a bit sore. I remember when she pulled them out they almostfelt relief. exceptthere is nothing like the feeling of having your tooth pulled out and feels like they are going to break your cheek bone. you will get use to eating wtih those teeth but yes you are kind of feeling your way. I had to teach my tongue not to play with them and get inthe way. it seems like a foreign object to it I guess . but man not to have that pain and snaggle teeth is awesome and to know NO MORE DENTIST visits. who hoooooooooooo. I found the tablets dont work as well for me but Todd likes the over night ones. He takes his out at night and I never take mine out except to brush. everyone is differenct. I do like this toothpaste for dentures very well. I use that in the morning and gives me that clean fresh feel peraly feel on my teeth. do remeber the peroxil for swisshing (once your healed up aenough ) it works wonders and there is some great stuff called benzodent if you do get a sore in your mouth . Oh and I also use fixodent at times becuase then my teeth dont move at all and it lets me eat better and the sore heal better. Of course I use the powder on my uppers and the tube of stuff on my lowers.
Wonderful...now you can relax!!! hugs, Millie :)
I am thankful ,that the worst is over ,and also all those horrible days anticipating are behind you ,Steven is a lovely fellow but look who his Mum is ! I knew you meant the bottom of your mouth ,you did well to up date us yesterday ,but Im glad you did ..love Jan xx
Glad to hear everything went well...it will all be so worth it in the end..bless your son taking such good care of his mama.. that warms the heart...stay medicated..
Wonderful ! So happy for you , so nice to have happy endings:)
So glad all went well.And I read that one where she puts fixodent and powder and stuff to hold hers in..don't worry -you may never even need that stuff-I never have.Mine aren't lose or anything.
Take care
Very pleased everything went well Donna. Hope you're comfortable now :-)
Thank God you are fine....i thought of you constantly until i read this.
I am so glad you are ok, i was thinking about you yesterday.I hope you get no pain and everything goes ok for thanksgiving, have a lovely day
love and hugs
katie x
Donna, sounds like you did better than I did and I am happy for you. After two week to the day I can tell you I am doing great. Ready for a big meal tonight, rehersal, dinner, Thanksgiving Dinner but I will skip the wings and legs and finally the Wedding Reception dinner. I am ready after the many bowls of chicken soup and soaking my begal in my coffee.
Isn't it nice to have caring children. Mine are now my best buddies.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and take you meds and take care.
I'm so glad you're being spoilt by your son, bless him! I hope all will go well tomorrow too Donna, I'm sure it will. No, it wasn't a very small thing, it was a huge thing to you and I'm proud you went through with it! Jeannette xx
so glad you are doing ok. really happy to hear your son is treating you like a princess.
still got you in my prayers.
Hope you are feeling better. The dentist is my least favorite person in the world,LOL. I think they are disliked by many. I would rather go to the gyno anytime than the dentist,:)
Hope you are able to eat your thanksgving food.
hugs and love
Sounds like the worse is over!! So glad you are feeling better! Julie
Happy Thanksgiving, D! I'm so glad everything is working out for you and your feeling better. Love the turkey! I think I just may have to snag it for my Thanksgiving entry. HUGS Chris
I am so happy that everything went so smoothly! It takes a Mommy to have something like this that they have to go through for their children to let them know how much they love you!! He would be lost without you is what he is trying to say and that is just too sweet! Did you say that you "swallow"?? Man, don't tell my hubby that! LOL! Pudding sounds good and ice cream!!!!!! You lucky girl!!! Hope you can have some delicious turkey tomorrow and mashed potatoes. HAPPY TURKEY DAY!
Hugs and love,
SO glad all went well....our prayers were answered =)
Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
A very happy Thanksgiving to you too. I am glad all is well.
Martha :-)
Glad you are feeling better and it's over and done with. I have to get my butt to dentist too soon love v
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