Yes, you heard that correct. I thought I was going to die and leave it up to my son to explain what happened. I was in the shower getting ready for work enjoying the hot water and steam as it relaxed my muscles. I washed my face and turned to rinse the soap off me, and away from eyes. I don't know what the hell I was thinking but apparently I wasn't! I took a breath and in came water. I swear it filled my lungs and I coughed and gagged trying to catch my breath. My eyes watered and my head started to pound. My life didn't really flash before my eyes, instead I saw CSI folks trying to figure out how I drowned in the shower. I envisioned my son stopping before work and finding me naked on the bathroom floor with the water still running. Eeeww now that is scary! After, what seemed like several minutes, I was able to catch my breath. I sucked in fresh air over and over as I lost the dizziness and regained my composure. I was lucky!
Speaking of lucky.....
A couple weekends ago my son lost his cell phone. Well, he didn't really lose it. He was walking home after a night out and had been trying to call the house for me to go get him. I've instilled best I can for him not to get in a car after they'd been drinking. I had been sick and took NyQuil and never heard the phone. He called and called he said, and then at one point dropped the phone. When he picked it up it was busted and not going to work. Instead of putting it in his pocket, he chucked it into the woods and continued to walk home. When I got up in the morning he asked if he still had insurance on his phone and what kind. He spent way to much on his phone and good thing he kept the insurance. He called the insurance company to see if it was covered and told the girl he dropped it in the creek. She couldn't help him as everything is in my name. So I called back and of course gave the same story. Either way the insurance he carried would have covered the phone, but why confuse the issue with the claim already started. She said they'd have to turn off the phone and I replied with, 'No, I'd like to have an older phone turned on with that number since it is the only phone he has, and it's not like anyone is going to use it, it is laying at the bottom of the creek.' She agreed and took more information about the account and then said, 'I will need the serial number, it's on the phone under the battery.' I rolled my eyes and replied, 'oh can you hold? I will jump in the creek to get it.' We both kind of laughed and I told her I'd have to call back since I needed to call my carrier to get that information. I got the information and finally had a minute, or should I say a good 20 minutes to hold for next available rep, yesterday. We got the information together and they would ship it over night. I had to be at home to sign for it. I let her know I'd be at work but they could deliver to my son's place as he would be home. 'No Ma'am, you have to sign for it, we can send it to your work.' Another eye roll. Ok don't send it to him, but send to an office where someone else will sign for it. Makes sense doesn't it? I didn't argue, just gave her the address. So this morning I'm at my desk and the guy from the mail room comes with 2 boxes. Two? So I open one and it is a phone, but not the right one. I am ready to blow a gasket as this 'replacement' phone is a cheap 'ole brand. Like mine. LOL So I proceed to the other box and there neatly packed inside is the correct phone. So they send me two? Yeap, another eye roll. For a split second I was going to just keep it and say screw it but I knew they'd catch on sooner or later. I called to let them know of the error. The girl I'm talking to has no clue. Doesn't see that they sent two and can't imagine why. I told her maybe to throw in the creek with the other one. She didn't get it and just went on with the process I need to take to return one, at their expense mind you. My luck day!
Earlier today I had a friendship turn the corner, move to the next level. A friend showing complete trust. Not with secrets, not with a story, not with money, but something very private and personal. A true sign of love and friendship. It's so nice to have that feeling with someone, to get passed that point while building a new relationship. I know you'll read this at some point, and just wanted to say thanks again, I've been smiling ever since!!
My niece's bridal shower is Saturday, and boy did I have the days mixed up. I actually thought it was next weekend (the 18th), glad I found out I was wrong. LOL It's a breakfast/brunch affair and I am hoping to get home in time for the Vivi chat which starts at 3 EST. I hope someone will save me a seat :) I've missed the last two chats and I'd like to be able to make an appearance at this one.
Since water is my friend I decided to do water snags. A bit of this and a bit of that. No the water wheel is not turning, it's broke. LOL But someday...........
Happy Hump day everyone...

Oh my gosh, I couldn't have imagined a worse death, naked in the shower and my son finding me. I would have just died..... oh right I would have been dead, thank goodness as the embarressment would have killed me. LOL. Take care. Great graphics and great story about the cell phone.
I've always had a fear of drowning...but drowning naked in the shower?? Wow!! Thank GOD you are OK!! Be careful!! Maybe you could take your cell phone in the bathroom with you just in case you pass out in there? Then, when you wake up you could call for help.
Hope you get the cell phone incident completely sorted out. Crazy that they'd deliver to your work? Makes you wonder who's running the show there?
Will look forward to chatting with you on Saturday. Maybe they'll have computer access at the party you are attending? Then, you won't have to leave.
Good luck on the Vivi's.
wow what a day you have had. glad everything worked out. tags are so pretty. thank you for sharing them. ((((hugs))))))))
I've done that before too, not as bad as you, I only sucked in a lil water and just coughed a lil and was fine. I've choked before though, and so I KNOW how scary that is. Glad your ok. And the phone situation, it's only funny now huh? I bet that whole process was aggervating, lol. TTYL.
- Jessica
Nearly drowned in the shower?! I'm so glad you didn't! Glad you managed to get the right cell phone along with the wrong one! Funny how they'd send it to your work and not to a family member! I love the graphics today,maybe the waterwheel won't turn cos someone dropped their cell phone in there and clogged it up! Lol! Jeannette xx
WOW! What a scary experience, Glad you're ok tho! Millie x
I am sorry but I had to laugh at your almost drowning in a SHOWER!! That would have been terrible to die that way and have the coroner trying to explain how it happened though! You would make the news for sure! Funny story about the cell phone in the "creek". Typical man though chucking it into the woods because it didn't work! LOL!
Hugs and love,
Lisa who is happy you didn't drown. :)
Can easily happen, Donna, but scary nonetheless. What a palaver over that phone, dearie me. Have a good Hump Day.
Hi= it's been awhile thanks to AOL!!I can't get feeds to load on My AOL and I can't get journals to load.I was persistant(re-starting pooder and all) and finally got yours.My you have been a busy little beaver-haven't you!!
Everything I have seen is beautiful (still slowly loading-doubt it will completely!!)Glad you made it back from the shower incident,never -ever thought of that happening(it will teach me to keep my mouth shut!!)
Take good care
Glad to know your son didn't see you naked! I'm sure it's a vision he'd rather not think about.
Newsy note and beautiful graphics! Happy Day to you!
i had a diet Coke go down the wrong pipe at work and i thought i would die. I am so glad you made it and are no worse for wear. I lol at the jump in the creek are so naturally funny. I am glad you have made a real friend too. You deserve some sunshine in your life.
XO lisa
Hi Donna,
Yey !! we're back. Missed everyone loads.
Glad you're okay. What a scarey thing to have happened. I almost choked on a blood orange sweet when I was about 10 years old and now I have a fear of choking too.
Glad you have the cell phone sorted out. Nothing's ever simple is it ?
Hope to catch up with you later.
Bye for now D.
Love ya Pat x x x
Now don't laugh, but when I got baptized in 1999, when the preacher dipped me into the (water) pool, I forgot to hold my breath,and the whole church was watching! lol lol Ok, you can laugh!
Thank you so much for the tags Donna!
love ya,
I am so glad you lived to tell your story! Sounds like you really had a close one.
Love the graphics. You are so great with water!
yep love all these glad you didn't have to jump in a are too know all kidding a mom had a friend whose daughter choked and died on her own spit...he mother could not do anything for her and she died before anyone could help...sad! Hugs,TerryAnn
Oh Gosh Donna...
what a horrible day...
Glad you are okay!
Oh Donna that could have been so aweful , clever girl getting Steve a new phone well done ,the graphics are really lovely as ever ,love Jan xx
Glad you finally got the phone issue taken care of... why does something so simple always have to be so complicated to replace?? Anyway, I love the water movement in your graphics... such gentle, calming motion. Bea
Hello hello hello. I was reading Morgan's journal when she mentioned yours. I had to come by and visit so here I am. I am a new visitor of course. Let me begin by saying that I love love love love love love love love love love love your journal and your writing. I am glad that Morgan introduced me to your journal. I want to say thank you for allowing me to visit. I also keep a journal titled "Dear Diary" please feel free to come in and say hello as well. Here is my link ----->
Thanks again for allowing me to come by. Take care and do keep writing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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