Wouldn't it be perfect to be here right now? I thought so. A slight chill in the air, with a nice cozy fire going inside. Sitting curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. Wrapped in a soft blanket. Listening to the geese fly overhead and the water lapping on the shore. Leaves rustling as they scatter across the land leaving the smell of sweet autumn. Aaahhh I wish!!!
AOL has been a bit funky today. It wouldn't let me post all my graphics in my morning entry. I thought maybe there was just too much, but I've only gotten a few alerts today so I'm thinking maybe it is something more. Folks in J-Land have a life? LOL ok, didn't mean to sound nasty just thought it kind of funny. Can I blame it on a fever again? :) It's just been a bit odd if I say so myself. I'm not real sure I like the new set up either. I thought I liked the graphics coming in the alerts, but wonder when it actually happens that way. To me it seems a bit sporadic and wonder if alerts are sent out depending on how you put your graphics in or if you do. GGGrrrr with each upgrade, it seems we take a few steps back. Anyone else notice anything weird out there? Do you see my graphic in the alert? That is if you have me on alerts. LMAO
Really didn't do much today besides laundry. I also updated my sidebar. LOL with snow :)~ I just had no energy. I was suppose to go to a party this evening for a family friend but couldn't bring myself to do it. I know he'll understand. I just have so much going on between the lingering cold and sore mouth. It's like having a gazillion broken blisters and paper cuts inside my mouth. Don't feel like talking (can you believe that?) and surely don't feel like being at a party. Just hung out in sweats and laid around. Feeling a bit sorry myself no doubt.
The boys lost in regulation tonight. It was inevitable and I'm actually kind of glad it happened. They've been playing a bit crappy and have still come back to win. I knew their recent play would bite them and better it happen now so they can get their act together. Just wish it didn't happen against Toronto. ARGH!! Won't complain much though. They started the season great and grabbed 23 out of a possible 26 points. I remember a time I'd be happy if they went .500, ok so not happy but satisfied... some what.
And.... the rest of the snags. A little Thanksgiving, a little Fall. Hope you enjoy, and find something you like. I'm going to finish my cup of tea, watch a little more hockey, it's a good thing to get Hockey Night in Canada, and then crawl in bed. MMMMMMmmm nice clean sheets, maybe my stuffy nose will allow me to enjoy the scent.
Have a great Saturday night and a peaceful Sunday

Sorry your boys lost. I love your snages. they are aesome nad yes I like to be in the top pic. GIRL its okay to take a rest sometimes your body needs that to catch up
Im so sorry that your still sick. I hope u feel better, and yes I would like to be there in that cabin
I hope you feel better. I voted for you twice. Was I supposed to spread it around ;'}? I don't use graphics/animation, but I do appreciate it. Eat ice cream. Powerful mouth healer. ~Mary
AOL can truly kiss my ASS. I am not getting hardly any alerts and i should have way over a 100 because i am over a day behind and i read so many and i have 48. No, i didnt see your snags. I do not like these big letters....i am NOT going to reset my alerts again...because now i know its not ME. I love these tags, so so cute as always. I wish you felt better. I did get an alert for this entry.
LOVE, lisa jo
I wish too! LOL I have no energy as well...took some time off from my psp group to clean up all my mail and get back to scratch..also need to get some things done around my house..actually should have rested cause I am witchy and moody..LOL...Everyone of us had that cold and weird thing is we all ended up with a sore mouth...maybe a type of flu going around...I didn't think too much about it til you said that is how you felt...If it helps I am feeling sorry for you too..and it is a cold that lingers for along time..but...the sore mouth thing will go before the cold does! Hugs and get some rest and take care of yourself..will be praying for you! TerryAnn
So sorry you still are not feeling good ,just chill till you feel abit better ,Your dear little cabin is getting very crowded we all want to be there with you ,Id like coffee to drink though ,.,feel better soon.... love Jan xx
No, your graphic wasn't in the alert but at least I got an alert! Sorry you're still feeling bad and your mouth is sore, hopefully it'll get better soon. I love all your graphics, especially the last one with the Indian corn! Have a good peaceful Sunday! Jeannette xx
Love your graphics as usual. Hope you feel better. I think things are running smoother then they did at first since I went beta.
Hey Donna, where in Canada do you live?
I would love to be in that cabin right now -- perfect! Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad -- feel better soon! Your graphics are beautiful as always :-)
Thanks for visiting my journal.
Thank you for stopping by my journal...your warm thoughts mean a lot to me. I have all of the above except the cabin and the geese...I do have the fireplace going around the clock....as always your work and talent is wonderful...many hugs and love...feel better soon and have a lovely Sunday.
AOL has been messing my journal up the last 4 or 5 days! I've gotten graphics in some of my alerts but not this one. Beautiful graphics!
I took one look at that cottage and thought exactly the same thing...how great would it be to be there right now! That's a perfect picture for the day.
AOL needs to stop improving its product. Then all the problems will stop. Glad you stuck to it, though!
Love the first pic you talk of Donna it would eb delightful as you said.I don't like the new alerts they are some with graphics in others not and I have had lots of muissed alerts this week I can telly you.I usually work my way through my list anyway just to make sure and most of them have made an entry but no alert for them has come through.Grrrrrrr it makes me so angry as it proves hard work.Also at times it will not let me edit comments on certain journals.So much so I get that frustrated I feel like leaving J/Land when this happens.As it wastes such a lot of preciuos time for me.Well I hope you feel better soon .I think i am coming down with something,so when my wedding blessing outing is over tomorrow I am going to curl up too.Hope I make it.Take Care Thanks for the snag.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
beautiful Donna! thank you!
Absolutely beautiful!
Absolutely beautiful!
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