Had a conversation with someone at work today. They were talking about someone they love, but how they needed them to do this, act that way, be this, etc. I remembered this quote from High School and said it. The person just looked at me as though I was speaking French. I don't know, I think it is so true. You don't have to love everyone, hell you don't even have to like them, but love them for who they are not for who you want them to be or envision them to be. Most times trying to change someone only leads to disappointment.
Now that things are being cleaned up around town it is becoming so obvious how much damage was done by the storm. I happened to be driving through a neighborhood near work that was one of the most beautiful streets. The trees lining the road actually created a canopy as you drove through. Shade was a gift to all the houses. Today what I saw was heartbreaking. There along the road stood mere toothpicks poking towards the sky. No outstretched limbs trying to protect or share love. Later in the day I was in the back parking lot of work. I happened to notice birds flying in a wild manner, more birds then I've seen at one time in the area. I didn't hear singing but squawking and shrieks. Squirrels running almost in circles, up the shrunken trees and back down. Making a deep grunting type sound, almost like that of a buzzer. At first I just looked around and wondered what the hell was going on. What was going to happen. Then that street came to mind, and I remembered, these animals lost their homes. The nests are long gone, taken to the street and then shredded into chips. Their cover in the wooded area has fallen and they are exposed like a naked person on the street corner. Then I thought of the food they had stored, gone. There is no food pantry for them to go to, no homeless shelter, they are left to fend for themselves. I hate to think that folks will forget to help them with food in the upcoming months. I think I will be stopping to get some feed to throw in the way back of my yard. I don't want to spoil them, or have them think the garden is their feeding ground come summer, but I don't want them to starve.
Wow! A different entry if I say so myself, but I did some different animal graphics for snag, I hope you find something you like. I'm off to bed and then to the Dentist first thing in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed that we can come up with a solution and resolution to the issues. Enjoy!

That is the saddest thing, when animals lose their homes because of the wrath of mother nature. I hope that people don't forget to feed them, also. After all, like you said, they don't have their stored food anymore, and it's going to start getting colder, and they won't have time to start storing it again.
Love your graphics tonite. Good luck at the dentist!
how sad for the homeless animals. and what lovely graphics, thank you for sharing them i snagged some. (((((hugs)))))))
I just love the animal graphics.... I am sorry to hear aobut all the damage. I know how it is when bad storm comes in... living in FL. I have seen some pretty bad storms...
It is so sad to think of all the birds and squirels ,with out their homes ,and no it isnt a good idea to remould some one it leads to disapoinyment ,as you say ,.,.great graphics as ever ,.,.love Jan xx
I'm so glad those birds and squirrels have you as a neighbour! It must be frightening for them to be homeless with the approaching winter coming. I love the snags tonight, thanks for them! I agree we should love people for what they are, we're all unique and should be loved for that, not for what others try to make us. Good luck at the dentists. Jeannette xx
yes so sad to think that the poor animals have lost tiher food thier homes and no government to help them. Im so glad you have thought enough to put some food out for them. I love that saying becuase too many now days only love you if you agree with them or are like them or what they expect you to be. I have found that so often with friendships. As long as Im what they expect or do it thier way they will hang with me but when I m different or not thier paper cut out then you cant continue on. Family , friends and even religions are that way alot. I love your animal graphics. your blinking is so much better than mine.
This entry was lovely.Sad yes when things like this happen.I have always fed animals and birds etc in winter,also if I have seen any wondering around,I have usually thought as you have put in this entry.I never waste anything if I can help it.The gulls here are now missing the many tourists tit bits now summer season is over.So I go well away from residential areas,but try to feed as many as I can.Every scrap from all meals is saved for the birds etc.I even saw a little hedghog the other morning hiding under bushes in a big car park.So I pulled a leaf off my cauliflour I had just bought at the supermarket and tucked it into the bushes.What am I like LOL!!Hope little harry hedgehog found it.Haa!!Hope your visit to the dentist goes well.Take Care.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
That was actually quite sad, Donna. However, we often hear of disasters as they happen, but the follow-up never features on the news.
As far as the start of your entry is concerned: my motto runs: "Live and let live".
Have a good All Hallows
Rick would LOVE your squirrel tag...and he would cry if he saw the birds devestation in your city because he has a kinship for birds. I love how you describe your life. I LOVE that first tag...you really outdid yourself Weds night.
That is so sad about the birds and especially the squirrels. I know alot of people think they are pests but as we speak I have around 8 in my backyard eating the sead and corn my husband has out for them. I would put a comment in your local paper and just make people aware of their plight.
I wish you well the dentist! Beautiful how you understood the animals and their loss. Thank for beautiful snags! Hugs, Ann
I just wrote this out for my one group ... personal like......
They had checked me out about 4 years ago with my very first type operation to explore what makes me tick. So my first time being put to sleep with their gas . Which they were concerned about with my not wanting to wake up!
Well, the Doctors nurse at this Hospital called me with a report that all was good and clean as a whistle and I had no cancer or anything bad ! Ah all Happy!! Yes, Happy tears even at that time.
Now they tell me, four years later that they had found pre-cancer cells the virus type, at that time?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as I now came in they decided to tell me about it and it is urgent to take care of those right away with a lazer ....... hopefully? I am still in shock really and mad as _____, you can guess your own word. As I watch the bills stack up with all their extra testing of what they really already knew!
Sorry, but if I disappear? They finished me off at operation on Dec. 4th! But not in Spirit........
Peace and Blessings at all your camps and please be careful and safe from harm in this crazy world we have now.
Ann Little Running Deer
PS: That is the hospital I was working for when I was injuried!! Can I trust them now and again?
Donna, good luck with the dentist You reminded me that next Thursday is my appoinment day and we are going all the way this time.
Your affinity and empathy for animals and nature sure came through today in your entry.
You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself and I enjoy it as much as I do your graphics.
Oh, I HATE going to the Dentist (or doctor <g>) Fingers crossed for you....
I always feel bad for wild life after a storm. You can see their nests lying on the ground. poor babies......
thank you for your great comments and I really appreciate how you care about people and waht them to be treated well Donna! (((((Donna rocks!))))))
I always feel bad for wildlife when they tear down acres and acres of trees that they lived in to make new developments of homes- or a shopping mall. Changing the landscape like that isn't good, either. You take away all the trees and grass that would suck up all the rain water. Now where does the rain go? There is more flooding now in some areas than there ever has been.
I used to always feed the squirrels when I was a kid. Good for you for putting feed out in your yard.
Love the graphic up top...
So very true....snagged it...thank you!
You have a way with graphics Donna...
you can sure work the magic on them
between the moving water, breathing and blinking
animals...and graphics with words...i don't know which
i like more....a combination of all ..lol
Loved all the graphics.That is the reason why your graphics are so extraordinary,because you put your heart and soul into them.
Bless the little critters,hope others remember them as well.
Huge hugs. We are like two peas in a pot LOL. I leave the fallen apples from my crab trees on the ground so the squirrels and literally every wild thing there is can have them. Yesterday I went outside to find a herd of deer in my side yard. It was so beautiful and serene they were eating the apples.I live on a dead end in suburbia. But my bf and I have brought 7 lots along side our property and keep it wooded for all the little critters. I'm so sorry your still sick, prayers on the smoke for you. From my spirit to yours Indigo
the cardinal pix brought to mind-the other day -out my kitchen window were two males and two females-i took many pix but because of the screen in window that is all blurry pix-oh well at least I enjoyed them.And the raccoon-we had a pet raccoon once but he got snippy and we had to give him back to the people who gave him to us.
Loved all the graphics,I get to actually see them-page by page today...YAY
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