Evening folks! I hope this finds everyone ready for the big feast tomorrow. I know some don't celebrate like we do here in the States, but that doesn't mean you can't have a feast anyway :) I would just like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving whether you celebrate or not. You can use it as a day to just give thanks for the good things in your life and allow me to thank you for being part of mine.
I had every intention of doing a graphic for the special day, but I just haven't had the energy or creative spark to even try. I have so many winter/Christmas ones already done I am just using them. I had thought of doing theme entries along the way, but I never really got that done either. So this evening I have a few bells that I had done, so I will share them. Surely you won't mind.
All in all I am feeling fairly well. I slept through the night last night and woke about 5:45 in pain and swollen. I got up and ate some pudding and took my med's ( I am not suppose to take them without food), and went back to bed. It took me a bit to fall back asleep and really started my day badly. It took a few more doses to get me feeling comfortable but it did eventually come. I had a check up with the Dentist at 5 and it went well. They were very surprised at how well I was talking. LOL they don't know I am a huge talker I guess. Out came the teeth, it was a bit painful but at the same time felt wonderful and odd. They washed them up and cleaned them nice and actually let me rinse my mouth. They had me use diluted Listerine and I was able to finally spit! I went through the entire cup they gave me and asked for more. We all got a chuckle but it felt so good to be able to swish, spit and swish some more. I am now suppose to rinse with warm salt water 4 times a day. I'm a bit scared to pull them out, but rest assured I will. It maybe be a bit painful taking them out and putting them back, but it is so refreshing. I'm one of those people who has a toothbrush and toothpaste handy at all times. Going over 24 hours without grossed me out! I know doing this will help me heal faster and with each hour I do feel a bit better.
I doubt I will be able to eat turkey tomorrow but I know I will go to town on mashed tators and gravy. Even some stuffing as I requested some with no nuts :) Then of course chocolate pudding for dessert. Yeah! We will be going to my sisters and the majority of my family will be there. I am not sure if I can make a complete day of it, but I will go over for a bit at least. The pain killers make me sleepy and I definitely need to put my head down once they kick in. I don't want to 'hog' the couch over there so we'll play it by ear.
Well, I had some Jello and took my pills so it's off to bed for me. I will definitely not sleep straight through tonite. The alarm is getting set so I can get the pills in me and not let everything completely wear off. Everyone have a great turkey day!

I'm so glad you are able to swish!! LOL! Such a simple thing and when we can't do it we're miserable! Like you, I've ALWAYS got a toothbrush in my purse!
Keep up on the pain pills like you are doing. I hope you sleep well thru the night.
Enjoy your day!
I hope ur having a Happy Thanksgiving
LOL You are cute! So happy for you, D!
Beautiful Bells:)
Happy Thanksgiving:) i have a question? are you pulling all of your teeth and getting false ones? sorry to be so nosey lol
The bells are very pretty! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Glad you're on the mend! Lovely graphics here! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK...but wishing you the best Thanksgiving! Keep well, Millie :)
Happy Thanksgiving. Love Joan.
Glad to hear your slowly feeling better. Hang in there. OH!Thank you for stopping by my journal and leaving me that comment. I'm so happy that you liked my lil' creation, I value your thoughts on it so much because as a learning psp'er I look up to you and your talent. Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
- Jessica
happy thanksgiving . yes your turkey you may want to make srue is soft and eat tiny bits if you do but I was nervous so prefered somethings in private. for me keepng the meds going and not letting them wear off was the key too. once you fal behind seems it out of control. I love yout gold bells. need some silverones for hte song silver bells lol
Hope you are feeling a lot better today and are able to enjoy "Thanksgiving " have a wonderful day ~ Ally
so please to hear that you are on the mend and getting well again, you might be surprised at how quickly your gums will heal once you start swishing you mouth with the salt water, hope that you manage to eat a bit of you thanksgiving dinner, and that you enjoy your day,
take care Lynne xx
P.S. loved the Sants bell x
I am so pleased all is going well ,I hope you enjoy today ,and manage to enjoy something tasty ,The Christmas bells are lovely Donna,Keep swishing,and have a very happy Thanksgiving ,and thank you for all you have given us ...love Jan xx
Happy thanksgiving!!! Ihope you have a good day. The choccy pudding sounds good to me, lol i would live on puddings if i had my own way lol
love and hugs
katie x
Happy Thanksgiving - when you wrote this, wasn't it Wednesday? LOL
Happy Turkey Day!
I am glad your feeling better and got to brush your teeth. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Love the tags, esp the bell with Santa.
Have a wonderful day
Love the bells :-)
This is the perfect opportunity for me to say this...
I am thankful for the people that I have found here.
I am thankful for the way they all make me feel.
I am thankful for knowing that I have them to turn to.
I am thankful for having them to lean on (as much as I resist!)
And finally, but most importantly, D...
Take care, have a Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for everything :)
I hope your turkey day has been a happy one surrounding by family and i pray your mouth isnt hurting too much.
XO lj
Glad to know you are doing good.
mashed taters and gravy! yum! how 'bout some pumpkin pie? you can leave the crust for the birds outside!
Happy Thanks Giving
Hope you feel better soon
Sarah (sexkitten)
I hope you had a good day at your sisters, happy Thanksgiving! I know I'm a little late but I've just got home from work. I hope the pain soon goes enough for you to cut down on the painkillers. I just know you're gonna feel like a new person! Jeannette xx
Donna, Happy Thanksgiving, hope you enjoyed it.
Salt water rinse worked for me and don't forget the benzocaine for the sore gums.
After two weeks I finally was able to eat a full meal today and enjoyed it very much. I have been almost pureeing my meals. Slice the meat up into small bites works well aslo.
Take care every day gets better. Bill
OK, had to snag the Christmas bell's...very nice...loved them.....In another week you will feel like a new woman....happy for you..although, I know this healing time isnt fun...-Raven
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