Saturday, December 30, 2006

Can you say Commercial?

Well you all know we went to my sister's for Christmas Eve.  The other day my Dad sent me a link to the pictures he had taken.   I went to the site and laughed my ass off when I saw.  He's a hoot! 


I was sitting in the kitchen across the table from him minding my own business drinking my whiskey sour.  My favorite holiday drink I might add.  He pulls out his camera and I chuckle, thinking ok someone who can focus the camera.  I grab the bottle of Vodka and do a slight pose.  Well one thing led to another and as I was trying to do my best Vanna White impression the rest of the room had to get their two cents in.  Laughing ensued and yes, some snorting too.  I forgot about the camera and went on with the jokes.  Dad snapped the picture anyway. 


OMG!!!  I look like I should be in a Pepsodent Commercial.  Maybe I should edit the Vodka bottle to say something else?  Put a sparkle on my teeth?  Can my mouth be open any wider?  Could I show more teeth?  Could I have painted my nails instead of cutting them?  Could my hair look any worse?  Good Gaawd I laughed so hard I thought I was going to wet myself. 


Soooooooooooo it's not the best picture I've ever taken, it's not the best smile.  But hey... it's me having a good time enjoying my family and friends.  If I can't laugh at it then I'd be in a sorry state wouldn't I?  I could have just filed it away and not put it here, but I'm feeling a bit punchy.  A bit delirious from the Dayquil, and well, just plain silly, so I thought I'd share it with my friends.  LMAO ok... and those that will no doubt take cheap crap shots.  But hey.... it's funny isn't it?  Should I send it off to Pepsodent? 


Third period is starting... back to the hockey game. 







Anonymous said...

Oh yes! Send it to Pepsodent. I remember the old advert on TV when I was young, it went.... You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with pepsodent! Actually the pic is really nice, you have a lovely smile! Thanks for letting us see it! Happy new year to you and your family! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Hot Dang.....    you look so happy!  Good for you!!!  And yep....  I'm actually posting :)  my best....  gayle

Anonymous said...

damn are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know if i have ever seen you before or its been a long time. I love your teeth!! I mean it. They are perfect. This pic is awesome awesome awesome.
LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Donna, I love it. Thanks for sharing and don't be self conscience about showing off those beautiful teeth.

Anonymous said...

wow you look great. never saw you before your teeth but yup those are some pearly whites and you do make a good vanna white impression but im gonna say you mustshare what isa whisky sour I have heard it befroe the term but never had one I dont think so share th elove dear I mean recipe!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great pic and I'm envious of you and your family! :)

Happy New year!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh Donna your sick.....I'll let you keep it LOL. Sorry to hear your not feeling well though. I would bet anything it's this insane weather, you don't know if you should bundle up, or wear less. I loved the pic. of you, in my opinion it was a perfect Vanna imitation LMAO. Here's to hoping you have a Happy New Year filled with love and laughter to last you the whole year through. Love Ya Indigo

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I looked that good! A Great picture!

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful smile!!!!!    Just keep on smiling, Girl!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!  You look so young and that new smile is just awesome!!!  I love pictures like this because they truly show the "real" us!!!  :)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the picture!!!!  I think it is great.  I always love taking somewhat silly pictures myself!!!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

 Love the picture, you look marvelous.


Anonymous said...

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!???  That's a GREAT pic!!!!  You look great!!!  HAPPY and great!!  LOL!!!  Why are you so hard on yourself??  Glad you had a great time!!!  Good to spend the holidays with family and good friends!!

Joann's weight loss journey

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see you....thank you for sharing...I'd show the smile off anytime I could.

Anonymous said...

I knew you would be ...beautiful ,Donna thats a lovely picture ,a very happy healthy new year and love from Maurice and I ...Jan xxx

Anonymous said...

I think its a great picture of you.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Great pic and sober looking too!!lol shows you had a good time.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and all your family!

Best wishes,
Leigh :-)"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great picture, Donna - happy new year!

Anonymous said...

You look radiant, nice to see a happy smiling face,not laughing honest!!!. Hope your new year do leaves you just as happy. All the very best for 2007
love and hugs

Anonymous said...

I see nothing wrong with the picture. You look beautiful. Happy New Year. ((((((((hugs)))))))))))

Anonymous said...

You look wonderful, Donna!  So glad you were having such a fun time!  ~  Caroline  ~

Anonymous said...

It does look like it would make a great ad!  Hey, maybe send it in to the whiskey people and they will use in an ad!  LOL
It is a pretty good picture of you though.  


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a nice time and you look cute! love the red Vicky

Anonymous said...

Donna...I don't guess i have ever seen a pic of you....
either you've been holding back or i haven't been paying much   Great pic...look at those pearly whites...great smile =)   It really is a good pic of you...can you pour me one of them there drinks you have..?  hehe  <cheers>
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Having a good time enjoying family and friends is a most worthy endeavor and this picture sums it up perfectly.  I think its a great shot of you, thanks for sharingit with us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,

I'm trying to get caught up....I LOVE this pic of you!!  I'm glad you shared it....

Take Care,