Yes, I can say that now. I will tell you I was absolutely wild for the past several hours, and I could have easily looked like a crying Minnie. You all know I had issues yesterday. The more I mentioned it the more I heard how others had problems too. I was told it related to cable connection, DSL, and Dial Up. I am on cable and could not figure a connection between all 3 but was assured it was an area issue and no one could help. I was so frustrated. I could get to a main web page a good portion of the time, but if I clicked on a link, nothing. I'd get a blank white page and it said done. Yeah, done like toast. Burnt toast! If I wanted to log into a secure site I could just forget it. The boxes to enter my information didn't even appear. Funny thing neither did the ads on AOL. LOL Upload. Not on your life! I was lucky enough to get a few up yesterday but today I had the same issues. I was so pissed off. I dropped more 'f bombs' in the past 2 days. Journals? Oh yeah right! Once every say 10 alerts I got I could visit the journal. Maybe 3 I could comment on. I had more alerts in my in-box then I care to admit. It was a waste of time to be here to say the least. Then the evening news said if it was a cable connection, reboot and disconnect the modem. Wait a few minutes and plug back in and start up. Well, I did that yesterday a couple times and again today. Did freakin nothing! So I go to the cable company web site. They are in the process of changing over to another company but not everyone is 'moving' at once. I check my zip code and it says I've not been changed. So I go to their tech support. Hey what else do I have to do besides sit there and wait? I mean why would I be surprised that no other page works but that one does. Minutes turn to hours and now it's becoming more about principle. Finally I get help. I got through all that I've done only to be told I was switched over and I had to go to other companies support area. OMG! Can you say smoke out the ears? Eyes bulging? Blood pressure going sky high? I gave that tech a few choice words and a good piece of my mind. Why did they not have that on the main page? I checked and it said no. How stupid is that? They could avoid so much trouble if they just posted additional information on their main page. Or at least updated it. I went to the other companies tech support. Five minutes tops. I was fixed. She said she couldn't see me connected. I shut down my firewall, went to one site. POOF there in a heartbeat... just like it always had been. Turned firewall back on and presto I was as good as gold. I was appreciative to the girl who helped the second time and wrote a wonderful note complimenting her. The company before? Oh they got an earful. Can you say credit? BIG Credit! With all that said and done I have to wonder how many folks know how they are actually connected to the Internet. Kind of cracks me up. Either way I am fixed and will spread the word. If you are in my area and the cable connection is changing try turning off the firewall for a minute go to site and then turn it back on. The girl in tech support assured me she did nothing on her end. Things just needed to recognize each other. Soooooooooooo I am happy. I'm tired.. but I'm happy.
I'm off to bed... will wake up happy.... now this just better work in the am. LOL Hope you all had a good day. I will try to catch up on journals during the week. I know I emailed some of you when I could actually get to your journal but couldn't comment.