Good Morning!! Been awhile since I've done an entry about something other then hockey. It's playoff time as you know, and it takes over my life ::giggle:: I know by the time I get this posted it probably won't be morning any longer, but who cares? I wanted to use the rain graphic and by golly I'm going to. It is raining here this morning and a bit chilly, but it is making my surroundings absolutely beautiful, or will when the sun does come out. As I made my morning coffee looking out the window across my backyard I smiled. Not because it was raining, but because signs of spring were every place I looked. The patch work of green on the lawn. It is evident in the colors where the dog upstairs fertilized throughout the long winter months. The patch of woods beyond my yard is full of color. Green leaves have already sprouted on some of the bushes, different colored buds on the trees fill the skyline. There are some bushes back there that actually appear to be red. Not so much the buds or leaves, but the actually branches. I have no idea what they are but it makes for a nice accent to different greens. White and orange blossoms on other trees. It's magnificent and it seemed to happen over night. I will try to grab a picture later. I need to get these lazy bones in gear first!
This week was so draining to say the least. The effects of Saturday lasted well into the week. I think I've finally gotten back to normal, whatever that might be. Work was work, and it was hard concentrating from time to time. I am not sure why, maybe because I was tired. I know each evening when I got home my brain was tired. Lots of good things happened at work and I was kept very busy, but at the same time I felt like I accomplished nothing. Ever feel that way? I didn't feel like writing and I didn't feel like doing graphics. OMG!!! Did I say that? LOL I puttered around with a few, but nothing came to mind to make a statement, make a point, it was all the same 'ole same 'ole. So there you have it, I'm addicted more to hockey then I am to graphics. That is a relief!
I was interrupted by the phone as I was typing this. A sales call. Great! I let her start her spiel, and as she talked about the greatest Internet connection available, I about spit my coffee all over the place. When I got my new computer I wanted something besides dial up. I called around to see what was out there and how much. I called this company only to be told it would be over $300 to get a hook up in my living room. Then over $40 a month. I think not!! I went with the cable connection. Hooked it up ourselves and have been running smoothly ever since. :::knocking on wood::: In my most pleasant voice I responded, 'when I was looking for a 'great' connection I called you, I was told it would be over $300 for just the install. I went in a different direction, but thank you so very much.' She tried to continue, no doubt to tell me things have changed but I didn't let her. 'Oh, thank you so very much for the call, but too little too late and I am extremely happy. Unless you tell me it is a free install and I get the service free I won't be changing.' Dead silence. I said thank you again and hung up.
I was reading some journal alerts this morning and came across Bea's - Wanderer. She writes about why she reads journals. I skimmed the alert as I cooked breakfast. As I was sitting at the table eating I was thinking, why do I read journals? I came up with first and foremost because I'm nosey. LOL Then I thought seriously about it. I started my journal to fill a gap. Not sure what it was, but I did it just as an outlet and the intention was to write about my passion for hockey, hence the name. As you all see for the most part it went in a completely different direction with only hockey here and there (until the playoffs anyway) I never thought I'd get readers, and in the beginning I only read a few. A very few. As visitors came and left their links I started visiting more. I will be honest some did nothing for me, but you can't please everyone all the time and I don't expect any of us to think that we'd be of interest to all, so I moved on. Some grabbed my soul, some my heart, some my head. My alert list grew and grew and grew. Then AOL decided it didn't want us to have so many alerts. Go figure. I had to remove some. I try to visit regularly, and comment too. It's not always possible, but I do try. I consider a good portion of JLand to be my extended family, some have become extremely good friends, and now it isn't about being nosey, it's about caring. I did go and read Bea's entry, she took the time to list a few of her favorites, and I thank her so much for mentioning me. I smiled when I saw that and wondered why folks visit me. Because they are nosey? LOL Because they want to read what I write as boring as it is? Or is it for the graphics? In the two years here, I've watched my readers change. Some have been here from almost the beginning and I thank them. Some have come, some have gone. Some are probably like me and don't comment on each and every entry but they visit. Some are lurkers being nosey to see what I've done or said (I'm not an idiot and site meter tells me so ::evil grin::) It's an interesting thought with a forever changing answer. Why we journal and/or why we read specific journals. Think about it ::grin::
Told you this entry was 'this and that' Did you believe me? LMAO!! I did do another tag request. Yes, good gawd, it's another tile blinkie. Are you all sick of them yet? I can't seem to stop. Just click on the graphic if you'd like your name on it.
I'm off to try and get motivated and moving. I have a hamper full of clean clothes that I never folded and a mountain of dirty that has to be washed. Who the hell left their dirty clothes in my house? Let's not forget more hockey today too. Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.
PS Yes I know it isn't even close to morning any longer. Sue me for using an inappropriate graphic & title :)~

I hte sales calls. I really do. you sure idd a great job on graphics as always
I will start by saying the good morning graphic is beautiful, it really says so much even if it isn't morning any longer. Why do I come to your journal? When I first found it, something caught my attention. I am not sure I'd say it was being nosey, but I did find myself scanning your archives. I come back now because I enjoy your wit, your humor, your honesty, and the fact that you lay it out there. Just the other day I happened upon another graphic journal that did an entry almost the same as yours, did you see it? I will see if I can find it again. I was impressed with how this person obviously felt something with your words and decided they needed to do an entry on the subject as well. This from someone that doesn't normally write based on their other entries. Bravo for making an impact here with more then just your graphics. I'm impressed.
I don't even use graphics, but I still enjoy viewing yours. I remember someone once making a general comment(not specifically about you), that doing graphics wasn't some big deal rocket science. True, neither is journaling. I come to AOL journals in part to GET AWAY FROM some of the big deal stuff I need to accomplish/deal with in my life.
I started reading you when I had my first journal because I enjoy hockey. I kept reading because I became fond of you & your writing style. ~Mary
I think even if you didnt make graphics (perish the thought )I would still read your journal ,well I might gloss over the hocky ones lol ,(wicked giggle ) I love your humour ,In the words of an Irish comedian ,'its the way ya tal em 'your newsy entrys ,you are as clever with words as you are with pictures ,I think I have said this before ,but you wont mind me saying it again lol Jan xx
I try to comment on every entry of every friend i have here....sometimes that is impossible though. My feelings for you have nothing to do with tags though yours all speak to me and i love them. You are a real friend and very fair. You are very easy to trust. I have to say though the journalling is not what it once was for me anymore.
LOVE, lj
I really enjoyed this entry. It's good to take stock of things every now and then. I often reflect on why I keep a journal and why I like being a part of this community so much. As for why I read your journal, well, it's obvious, isn't it? I need to see what the weather in buffalo is doing. Okay, just kidding! ;)~
Your journal caught my eye early on. You were going through a bit of a poetry phase at the time and some of your prose struck a nerve with me. I kept on reading and you held my interest with your take on your day to day happenings, your great graphics, and your attitude in general. I enjoy keeping up with you through your journal and I have really had a blast learning about the game of hockey under your tutalege. Yes, why we journal and why we read certain journals may be an ever changing answer, but I'll bet your journal continues to be on my reading list always,
Bea is one of the first people to comment on my blog, and I love to wander by hers now and then to see her beautiful photography. Rained all week over here, but now we have sunshine, and the birds are enjoying the warmth. So true what you said about the Spring foliage. Seems to have come out of nowhere, considering you guys had snow just awhile ago. Hopefully, the weather in May will be better for you.
Interesting that you posted this entry today. I just had an e-mail from a fellow journaler talking about liking feedback and enjoying reading comments ... then I came here ... and just last week I was all in a fret about public, private, journaling, why ... it must just be the life cycle in J-land that every so often we have to think about and decide to continue or maybe morph a bit ....
Nice entry! Very newsy.
I love your clever graphics and although I am not a fan I sometimes have made time to read your entries on your beloved team. If I am honest I have skimmed some as I don't understand the game and have read two all the way through. I've admire your depth of knowledge on the sport. You really live and breath it. Most of all I love your enthusiasm. You should be a TV announcer on the game. You seem to miss nothing when watching. Your power of recall is amazing too!
I like this enty very much. Love the graphics also. I have to admit I was nosey at first when I started reading journals. But now if I go one day without reading about everyone's lives, I get depressed and miss everyone. I consider Jland family also. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
Yup, spring is coming! Linda
I read journals because it gives me the opportunity to meet new people and, like you, I've made some very dear friends. Not too many people read my journal, and that's okay. I'm probably pretty boring, lol. I think another reason is that our own lives become boring or too hectic, or whatever and it is a nice break to live a little through someone else's eyes. Have a great weekend! De ;)
Enjoyed your entry I think when I first started..I was trying to feel a gap as well...I found more than I bargined for...many I like to call being one of them! Hugs,TerryAnn
When i first started reading journals...I was being nosey as I lurked around for awhile slowly i began commenting...and before ya knew it i started my own. I became so connected with people, and have made some awesome friends through Jland... it's amazing how attached you can get to people you have never you many are like extended family to me... and a couple I feel as if i have known them forever...and really do seem like family to me. I love reading about peoples everyday lives...whether it be happy and or sad times...and the support i have gotten from Jland in my times of sadness has been amazing...and i will forever be thankful to you all! I am blessed
Great entry Donna!!!
Well Donna I came to you via Jan (serendipity) and stayed because I like how you write as well as your graphics. I love people who show passion be it for their families or hobby or yes even hockey lol.
I saw that in B's journal as well. That was really sweet of her to mention us. And I can't figure out why I started journaling. I think it was because I wanted to track my movements and happenings and then it became so much friends...etc. Pretty rain graphic. : ) Love, Shelly
Your entries are always special, if about hockey, or tags and snags, or your life. All is a good read, no matter what. I know the feeling of looking out the window, or door...seeing the colors of Mother everywhere...look forward to your photos...please take many or a video. You take such great video's. I too, read Bea's entry...and agree, you and others are worth the mention. Hope you have a lovely week ahead...hugs and much love,
I don't quite believe this world of J-land. Since I started writing my journal ~ I don't even remember why I started but I think I've got sucked in and it's very enjoyable lol
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