What else do you call it? The day after holiday always seems to have a let down. The anticipation, the work, and of course the eating is all over. It's back to work, the every day grind, for me at least. There were lots of folks off at the office today, but of course I wasn't one of them. I'm a little picky with my time off and today wasn't a day I needed nor really wanted. That is until I got up this morning and didn't feel like going. Oh wait, I'm like that everyday. I need to win the lottery or find a sugar daddy. LOL
My planned entry tonite was for the up and coming playoffs, but I was lazy. I didn't feel like doing graphics. I'm actually using a few I had done and just hadn't used yet. Yeap, more water. I loved the spring hide away. Growing up we camped every summer and this just reminded me of some place... some time. Peaceful.... when all was good and right. I lost the steady hand a few times on the river and falls movement, but I just imagine it rough at times and/or splashing. LOL Go with me on that one :) I'll do the picks for tomorrow's entry (maybe). Not sure how well it will be received anyway. Not like you're all hockey fans, but I do appreciate you humoring me.
I did do a new tag request. I thought the girl was cute on the bike. It's not perfect by any stretch, but it sort of gives you the illusion... doesn't it? If you'd like your name on it, just click on the graphic.
I am trying to switch things up a bit. So many more taggers in JLand these days. So many different styles and talents. Which brings me to a new tagger. Deb has only been doing PSP for a short time but I am amazed at how quickly she picked things up. She is doing really well and has decided to do a journal and offer up her work. Please stop by and take a look. Say hi, watch her grow. I'm sure you'll be impressed and I bet you even find something you like :) Debs Dabs
Wow! Just noticed the time... where does it go? I need to get moving here and get to bed. There will be some late nights coming up and I need all the sleep I can get now. Hope everyone had a great Monday!!

have a good week:)
Thanks for the pimp lol. I would love to be able to go for a walk in that top graphic it looks so peaceful (where is Mary Poppins when you need her lol if she can get into chalk drawings ...you get the picture lol). I enjoy your entries about the hockey, I may not understand half of what you write, lol, but I love the passion with which you write it.
Debbie xxx
I'll go and visit Deb Donna, I think I saw some of her graphics in Jan's journal last week. The days after a holiday always seem so slow and quiet, I hope the week goes fast for you so you can get back to a good weekend! Jeannette xx
thanks for the new link. Yes getting back into a routine is hard to do . I love your graphics always
Deb lives near me ,so yes Im familiar with her work ,you have helped her tremendously (sp?) and she couldnt have a better teacher ,and growing old and retiring ,suddenly becomes an advantage when you are all going back to work,after a holiday ..love Jan xx
Good Morning. I love all the graphics in this entry. Beautiful work. I kind of miss the days where I got up for work. But my health won't allow me to work now. I can't even sit down without getting dizzy or my back aching, let alone standing up. Always, always some kind of pain, right at this moment it is my back, and right shoulder giving me pain. I hope you have a good week. I will go check out Deb's site. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
I never want to go to work and I only do a few hours a day, but once I am there I'm ok, love the water graphics that you have done, good luck with you hopefully future lottery win or your search for a sugar daddy, but then again stay on your own you dont have anyone to answer to and your, your own boss LOL,
Love Lynne xx
Just a moment to say hi. I am back on line with broadband which is wonderful. It will free up so much more time I had to spend posting photos for one thing, as the dial-up was incredibly slow. I sometimes had to go through hometown 6 or 8 times for one pic! I see you have lots of new graphics. I am looking forward to getting back in the flow. I have been busy on line all day. My eyes are protesting with their ripening cataracts! I will be able to go to the candle site so much easier now. I believe in the feeling of lighting a candle for someone who is fighting for her life and health. Gerry
Loved your graphics in this entry, so pretty!!! Only 3 more days to go until the weekend. :)
Many who have worked at my job know how to work the schedule and will end up with almost all holidays off...we are not allowed to have Christmas off, never ever. BUT we are NOT paid for Easter. They think its only a religious holiday and its not paid time off. Someone needs to explain why it is considered religious and Christmas isnt?
LOVE, lj
Ugh I hate going back to work after any holiday ~ I think your right I need to win the lottery or get a sugar daddy too ;-) If you find one and he has a brother ;-) Loving the graphics xx
Every Monday is a downer, for me anyway. These pictures are so life like. The water making its way down the mountainside is perfect. The falls, subtle yet effective. Looks like it is a movie clip. All your water movement is the best I've seen. The girl on the bike is cute. Great effect.
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