It feels like I put in a full week already. I doubled checked the calendar and sure enough it is only Tuesday. The weather has been great, and my windows have been open pretty much since Saturday. Thank God! I can only imagine if the weather was crappy, my ass would really be dragging. I got home from work yesterday and I couldn't keep my eyes open. My head felt like it weighed 100 pounds. I went and laid down and before I knew it the clock said it was 8:15. Oh great! I will be up all night. I went to bed about 12:30 and forced myself to stay there. Tossing and turning. I think I got into a deep drooling sleep just as my alarm went off. Always the way, isn't it? It was a bit tough getting moving, but I did. I think it was about 3 this afternoon when it hit me. I wanted to just lay down. LOL No Jan, I did not hit the couch in the ladies room. I grabbed a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar. Can you say rush? LOL It got me through the day and I made myself stay awake until I got my second wind. I know I was so tired because of the long emotional weekend, but I will be back on track now. I should have no problem falling asleep tonight.
I want to clarify that my earlier post is not about anyone. It was pretty much a general statement about life. I suppose at one time or another we can all fall into that trap, but some stay there. Never doing anything to change it or them. I hope no one takes it personal, it was not my intent. I was just venting a bit about several different things that have happened over the past couple of days. Nothing specific, just this and that....... I'd bore the hell out of you if I went in to it, but I am good. :)
No, you are not imagining things. I've done more of the tile blinkies. I know some are sick of seeing them, ummmmmm....... can I say too bad? LOL I absolutely love the effect and playing around with different graphics and accents. I'll get tired of them soon enough :::grin::: Just remember when you snag to make sure you save them as .gif files. Resizing can distort and make the animation disappear. If you need help let me know I will gladly assist you, I'd appreciate you asking...........
Oh my... the news is on as I write this and they just did a story on the most tragic event. A young mother was leaving the house thinking her children were all tucked safe inside. She backed out of her driveway only to realize they were not and she ran over her 1 year old. The child did not make it. I felt my heart stop and tears came to my eyes. I can't even imagine what that poor woman is going through. We are all enjoying the nice weather, children included. Take the extra time to walk around your car to make sure. A small child on a bike will not be visible in the rearview mirror.
I am off to bed. Have a great hump day. And again, I'm ok and my entry was not directed at anyone.

OMG!!! How horrible!!!!!! I can only imagine...... Tawnya
Thanks for the clarification and the email. I am so glad you are good and content. A vent is good once in awhile. It was a deep entry and made me think a great deal. As for the graphics, you are an expert at what you do, keep it up. I've been doing a bit of surfing through journals and I am always seeing your graphics. Even though you may not know it or even realize, so many come to you for their decorations. What a tribute to you and your talent. Does everyone tell you when they take something? Curious about how that works. Are there rules? How sad for that mother, her pain and sorrow must be overwhelming.
It's never a bad thing to cut loose now and then, it's kinda part of what having a Journal is about. Your friends will never take offense, and I don't read between the lines. I'm confident that if there were a problem, you'd address it directly, so that keeps things nice :)
Sleep deprivation oh the memories lol when I worked I worked mainly nights 12hr waking shifts often extended to 13 if one of our ressies passed in the night. 3am is a great time for chocolate lol.
Debbie xxx
Oh that poor mother, my heart goes out to her, hope that you sleep better tonight, I suppose I am one of the lucky one, I never have trouble sleeping, very grumpy if I dont get enough sleep though LOL, Love the teddy graphic,
Love Lynne xx
I love the curitanand breeze blowing thru the window that is a cool effect. we been getting rain each day and for the next couple of days but its been warm and we have had periods of sun. Im tired too but I think its all the outdoor fresh air tired. . that is so so so terribly sad about hat woman. I would just wnat to die I tell you. that would just kill me. how did the baby get out there????? that is so upsetting. she must be beside her self
Love your graphics, can we rub elbows maybe it will rub off on me. I'm determined to figure this out. Still not doing animations but working on it
Love & Hugs Diane
Graphics are extra nice today!
OMG my heart just breaks thinking about the pain that mother is feeling right now....i can't sad!
Hope you perk up soon. So tragic about the mom and child. Linda
I know that sinking feeling from lack of sleep ,how did you resist the couch,hoprefully you will be back on track tonight ,if like me you cant function with out the required amount of kip ,the graphics are brilliant love the curtain blowing wonderful effect ,and love the Teddy Jan xx
it's weird....i have felt the same way...can't believe it's just wednesday. all day yesterday felt like thursday! i've been so busy at work i think. lol anyway....friday will eventually get here. love the top and beach graphics.
i hope the rest of the week finds you rested and feeling well. Nice tags as always. So sorry to hear about that mother running over her child.
I think your graphics are all very pretty! That story on the lady is soooo sad. I cannot even imagine that.
Have a good day.
I think your work that I see through j-land pretty much says it all - Very Talented!
Love the breezy, beachy feel - Had to snag! Thanks, Katie
How very sad about the mother!! Love the graphics as ALWAYS!! Hope you have a great rest of the week! Hugs,TerryAnn
I'm glad you are ok. Whew I was worried. So sad about the 1yr old child. I always look behind my vehicle, one can never tell anymore. Love the graphics, I'm gonna snag me a couple. Ty for sharing them. ((((((((hugs))))))))))))
The window and the curtain blowing. That graphic is going to strike a deep chord in someone's soul. I think it could speak of loss, emptiness. Nice. Be back when I can spend more time to catch up on your life! Gerry
Your days sound like mine...grabbing coffee and a candy bar...on the go. Love the tags...very nice. The windows are open here too a lot. Rain coming our way tomorrow. We need it. Hope you have a great weekend coming up...enjoy...hugs and love,
Sounds like you had a bit of a rough week. Well, as I write this it`s officially Friday. Whhoo - hoo!! :)
That's horrible about that young woman. Glad you've enjoyed some good weather and I hope you've managed to get some sleep ;-) It is the way that just as you fall asleep the alarm goes off LOL
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