LOL... love the 'bratz' and I was messing around with this earlier today. I had no idea what I was doing. Adding a bit of this, a bit of that, and next thing I know I laughed and thought it actually came out cute. So I added the saying. Not sure where or who... but I sure as hell didn't come up with it. A tad true... but ............. I might have to mess with a few others and do tags. Not my normal style, but wondered what you guys think of them. Like 'em? Hate 'em? Could care less?
After dinner tonight there was a knock on the door, guess who? Yeap 'bug' and her Mom stopped by. She jumped on my lap and wanted me to show her all the graphics. She would sit for hours and just go through them all if I let her. One problem. She always says, 'zoom them out!' Makes me laugh when she says that, as she wants me to print them so she can put them in her photo album. Today we only printed 2. She was a bit disappointed but it only took a few seconds to get her mind on something else. The rain had stopped and this evening there looked to be a full moon. I actually think it's tomorrow, but boy it was big and bright. It wasn't really dark out and I wanted to get a picture. Bug came with me and we talked and giggled about the moon and fairies. She let me take a few pictures of her but really didn't smile. I bribed her with a brownie to get her to stand still. Funny thing when we got back in the house she forgot about the brownie and wanted to see the pictures. Soon after they left and I sat with brownie in hand and did a little graphic of her. Couldn't resist! Her face isn't the cleanest, LOL, but what the hell just look at those big brown eyes.

I took a shot of the moon last night from their backyard too. I have a couple fairies I want to incorporate into them. We'll see how they come out ..... One with a dark 'smokey' moon and one bright and full with blue sky. I will post them tomorrow. I bothered you all enough today.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and I wish you a pleasant Monday. Sleep well :)
I love that bratz graphic. I had to have that one!!!! Hope your Monday is good as well.... Tawnya
I admit it, I think I have a crush on you! What a great entry with such a cute couple of pictures of that little doll. I see a bit of you in her. Hope you won't mind if I drop you an email :)
awwwww she is such a cutie. hope you have a good night. ((((((hugs))))))))
what a cutie:) have a good week:)
the Bratz graphics is cute and bug is even cuter lol.
Debbie xxx
Awwww, Bug is just adorable!! Love going out at night to look at the moon when it's full. Can't wait to see how your pics come out. Hope you have a great day today!
Just look at that face ,full of innocence and awe,as I said she is gorgeous Jan xx
She is the cutest! Funny, I always thought she was your daughter! Linda
Bug is a very cute little girl, pretty eyes. I love all yours tags. I hope your week is a GREAT one.
What a nice surprise visit! The graphic of Bug is adorable. It sounds like youhad a very nice evening.
What lovely dark eyes 'bug' has! She looks all shy and angelic . Sometimes you you wish they would stay this age for ever. (sigh!)
I would love to have a little forage into PSP. You are so clever and talented at doing it.
And....I wish I had been there so I could have helped you eat the 'brownie'. Lol!
She is so cute, how can you say no to that face. lol. I can not wait to see what you have done with the moons. The Bratz graphic, is ok, any thing you come up with is good.Your wanting a bigger head lol. Your a clever lady to do this type of thing.
love and hugs
LOL, gotta love Brats and Princesses! Hope you have a good week, too!
the moon was beautiful last night I also took pics. and that baby girl is so too cute love the big eyes
LOL Love that brat tag!
That baby girl is soooo cute! She's got such thick brown hair! Too cute!
I don't like the it doesn't mean anything to me. But, I'm sure others like them. And you did make a cute graphic.
Have a good day.
Awww bug looks so cute in that graphic :-) I love the first one shall look forward to seeing more like that!! Glad it has stopped raining for you xx
I love to see photo graphics of "Bug" and Gage. That is so cute her wanting graphics printed for an album. You have made osme really cute ones of her. I am so thankful my daughter-in-law Angelina saw to it that Dante was photographed in every possible way. I about broke myself when I was young pruchasing a photo plan for my first born. Poor seoond born did not get one! Gerry
I love the first one Donna and Bug is always so cute! Jeannette xx
Awwww she is so cute your lil bug. Laine xxx
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