Day was good. I got my errands done. Laundry folded, washed, dried, and even folded again. LOL I hate that I never folded the last loads I did, but there never seemed to be enough time. It's all put away too. YEAH! Got some shopping done, and even watched both hockey games. Well, most of them anyway. They were on but I couldn't just sit glued to the TV. I have my boys tomorrow and nothing gets done while they are on so I had to finish up today. No worries as it rained all day. Gloomy and dingy with fog rolling in and out. Not a bad day for laundry I guess.
I saw this first picture and immediately went back to my childhood. The scene I remember is totally different actually, but some how it reminded me of those days long ago. I grew up in a fairly small 'burb of Buffalo, not far from where I live now. The development consisted of 4 and 1/2 streets, all connected about half way down by a grassy cut through. At the end of the streets there was a small playground, a baseball diamond, a swamp type pond that was actually just run off and some woods further back. Beyond the woods completely out of view was the fenced in highway. The neighborhood was full of kids and everyone knew everyone else. Even the older kids, but that is most likely because we all had siblings and it was inevitable there was someone the same age. The playground area was never quiet winter or summer. Kids playing pick up ball, playing on the swings, tag or hide in seek in the woods.
The 'swamp pond' was always a buzz. In the winter we skated and the boys played hockey from early morning until late at night. The town even supplied a light for the dark evenings. Hmmm suppose that was the beginning of my passion? Damn straight! LOL In the summer you'd always find kids at the edge or walking throughthe water. Bucket and net in hand. With or without shoes. We'd make our way through the weeds and slime looking for pollywogs. It was not a hard search as they were plentiful. We'd capture them, put them in a bucket and take them home to the joy of our mothers. We'd wait and watch as they turned in to frogs. Sometimes the boys would come and dump them out and watch them flip and flop looking for water. Not to be cruel to the poor animals, but more to antagonize a girl they had a crush on. They would get attention this way. I know there were times that mothers got blamed too. Once they the ones that survived morphed, we'd set them free only to start the cycle over. :::sigh::: those were the days.
Today? The neighborhood is still there. I still have folks I know living there and have driven down the streets. Yeap, being nosey to see the changes in my old house. See what might be happening. The world has changed. The trees that lined the street when I grew up are mostly gone. Houses painted a different color, windows changed out, front porches added. The grassy cut through is gone. Land was sold and bought, fenced in, paved as an extra driveway. No more an easy access to the next street. The end of the street has been forever changed. Each street now has a paved circle so buses and cars can easily turn around. The 'turnaround' at the end of my street? Well it covered the 'swamp pond'. The playground is a bit more modern but appears to be so much smaller. The baseball diamond is still there. They also added a covered shelter of sorts and a basketball court. The woods are gone. The trees and over grown bushes cut completely down. A clear view to the highway now. Kids? I rarely see any. During the summer nights you may catch a league game on the baseball diamond but I've never seen a group of 20+ kids play a pick up game like in my day. Never see anyone in the shelter or on the basketball court. On occasion I might see a young mother with a young child at the playground. It's lonely and empty. No screaming, laughing, or noise of playful children, just the quiet breeze and the cars passing by way back on the highway. The world has changed.
I hope everyone had a great Saturday and can enjoy a peaceful Sunday. I should get to bed but I feel wired for sound. Maybe that last cup of coffee earlier. Though it generally doesn't bother me I think maybe this time it did. Or it's anticipation of the game tomorrow. Either way it's time to sign off.


i love it when you go back and talk about your paint a picture that is very pleasing to me! Yes, as i went to take Megan's Prom pics on Saturday i was confronted with a few from my past, some i had not seen in 20 yrs and it sure hits home that time marches on. LOVE your tags.
Boy, your entry sure hit home - Being born in the generation called "baby boomers", I also grew up in a neighbourhood where there were always kids of all ages to play or hang around with. We used to have the time of our lives in the summer, with tons of kids in our back yards, playing "Red Rover", or "Tag". My Dad even built a see-saw that held up to ten kids! Those were the days, for sure. Now, thanks to immigration and increased density, our neighbourhood never looks the same. They bull-dozed our elementary school and sold it to shop owners, complete with a local Pub. Guess those apartment dwellers have to have their "adult" entertainment. My parents still live in the home where I grew up in, but instead of having a couple hundred kids out on Halowe'en for Trick or Treating, they get nary a handful. And I remember catching "tadpoles" in buckets, too. Those were the days, alright.
Great trip down your childhood memories. De ;)
ah yes I love that pic takes me back to the days of playing in great granny chisms creek with the boys
That was a wonderful walk down your 'memory lane'. I envisaged it all and felt the atmosphere. How sad when we return as adults to find the changes that have been made. I have been travelling down my memory lane as a child of the 1950's in Glasgow. It's all there in my memory but none of it exists anymore. It was all rased to the ground to make way for the high rise buildings of the 1960's. In my days it was like village life living in the old tenements . Everyone knew everyone and the street games were endless. All gone...they no longer exist now as most children spend more time in front of gameboys or TV's these days.. and parents are afraid to let them out of their sights.
Thanks for the reminisce. I enjoyed that tremendously. Jeanie
Great entry, Donna
As I have gone back to see my old neighborhoods when visiting towns I grew up in I found much the same. In Tennessee there used to be a creek near my house that I could walk to and look for pollywogs and do some fishing, too. Last time I visited that place all the houses had put up fences and one couldn't walk to the creek anymore.
But its fun to remember those times of lesser concerns. To remember the kids and how we entertained ourselves before the elctronic age really came into it's own. Something has been lost, but something has been gained, too. Will it ever ballance out? I can't say, but I'm inclined to think not.
It does reinforce the idea that we need to enjoy the time we are in right here and now. We are still making the memories we will reflect on tomorrow. Lets do things we enjoy today so we will have good memories tomorrow. Too simpistic? Maybe, but I'd like to hear a better plan, LOL.
Just as I hit the "save" button I noticed I mispelled "simplistic." but it was too late.
Yes times have changed. Now kids don't go out to play and find friends. They have "play dates". Linda
Yes, times change ... we do too. I had a neighborhood much like the one you grew up in and we so enjoyed dodge ball and baseball and being with each other, outside playing.
I drive by my old house all the time and it looks terrible. lol. Nobody lives there anymore but it sure does bring back memories. Awesome entry D. love, Shelly
Summers we played kick ball and winters hockey, sledding. Growing up in a catholic neighborhood there were a ton of children and we played outside almost all day. Sure is quiet now.
Such beautiful memories...and lovely tags...all in one writing. I remember the day of a bucket and tadpoles...been there, done that as a child. Thanks for sharing...hugs and love,
Jim's at the laundry mat now washing and drying our clothes. When he gets home will you fold and put them away, lol. I hate doing that task. Laundry, UGHHHHH, lol. I think most playgrounds are empty now because of these video games out now. I won't have one of those. I don't want Rebecca sitting in front of the tv all day playing video games. If she wants to play a game, she goes on the computer, which is ok cause she learns how to use it, and when she gets older she'll have knowledge on it's purpose and will know how to use it. My old home town where I grew up, doesn't look like the same. It's so depressing when I drive through it sometimes. I hate change. I can't understand why people tear up a perfectly beautiful yard or field and cover it with cement. I hope you have a good sunday too, and enjoy your boys playing today. (((((((((hugs))))))))))
ps. I was gonna ask what a pollywog was, until I read further and seen it was a tadpole, lol. I never heard of pollywog before. Maybe I need to get more huh? lol
Ah the memorys this entry evoked ,we used to catch tadpoles and frogs too ,and so did my kids ,but for my Grandchildren,things are so different isnt it sad ? all that free entertainment fresh air and companionship ,now its no fun if you havent paid for it ,see what I mean when I said yesterday,I enjoy your entrys ,this one is a perfect exaple Jan xx
The world certainly has changed Donna you hit the nail on the head there .This sounds just as we used to do too as kids.Oh what joy we got from those hours of play out of school.Kids today have never experienced what we have,and I don't think they ever will.Thus the bordom they are always moaning of.We all made our own entertainment and going Tadding (Tadpoles) as we called it was so much fun.People and places are just not the same anymore.I think it's so sad.Loved the post.Have a lovely Sunday.Take Care God Bless fantastic graphics.Kath
I grew up in a village similar to yours, everyone knew each other, kids looked out for eachother, nobody was bullied, unlike these days, we used to catch tadpoles in our local canal, and my mum going mad when they turned into frogs and started jumping about all over the garden, LOL, the canal has now gone, thanks to a factory expanding, the playground stands empty, kids just dont seem to play like we used to, but then again society as it is today parents wont let their children out of their sights for to long, lovely graphics
love Lynne xx
Beautiful entry and beautiful memories from a beautiful soul. Another layer exposed, another part of you shown to the world. Your words paint a beautiful picture. I almost hear your giggle as you try to catch the tadpoles. Thanks for sharing
Awww it's nice to reminicse sometimes :-) Sounds like you had a lovely childhood.
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