As long as this week has been, today is like a blur. I had to check more then once to see what day it was. Between work, hockey, getting some last minute things done for the benefit on Saturday, and hockey (oh.. did I say hockey already?), I've lost track of all time. Spent so much time on the phone this evening. By the time I get home from work I hate the phone. I do not want the thing any where near me, but tonight it rang non stop. Looks like all is coming together nicely.
I was hoping to get new jeans to wear, but I've had no success at all. What the hell happened to the clothes industry? Have they completely forgotten about middle age people? No offense intended to anyone, but I hate low rise jeans. I am too thick to wear them and I hate the mushroom effect rolling over the waist band. I don't need my panty waistband hanging out, nor the crack of my ass exposed if I bend over. My belly button is not pierced so I don't need that exposed either. Can't they just make jeans that come to the waist and are not made 16 sizes bigger through the ass and thighs? I've lost weight, but not enough to get away with dressing like a 17 year old, nor do I want to. I want to dress my age and I will be damned if I could find anything! The jeans I fell in love with are not carried any longer so now what the hell am I to do, go to the sportswear section of a department store and wear matching co-ordinates? I think not! I will find jeans that fit me comfortably or I will die trying!!
Did some playing with lighting effects. I think I like the fairy one. Played with it for awhile so it didn't give the spot light effect, not sure I accomplished it, but I do like it. The 'magic' one was just messing around with the different effects available. I saved it and figured I would toss it out there. I was to preoccupied to really be creative tonight. LOL
Off to bed.. hope everyone had a great Thursday and wishing you a perfect Friday.

You know, that's the reason I wear guy jeans. There's no size guessing there. Pick your waist and length size (any combination of which is available) and you're good to go. No ass cracks, no belly buttons... and the BEST POCKETS EVER.
I used to wear Levi's but recently switched to Wrangler. If they're good enough for the real cowboys, they're good enough for me! I can handle $14.95.
Loved the fairy graphic, Donna. Amazing what you can do with that program. Hope to try out a few things as soon as the hockey season is over with. We lost tonight in an overtime, stupid "too many men on ice" thingie, which gave the ice advantage to the Stars, so it's back to Dallas for Game 6 on Saturday. The streets are so quiet over here, you can here a pin drop. Getting ready to root for your team. Go Sabres, Go!!
So agree with you on the jeans thing so hard to find a pair with a zip longer than my little finger ahhh. Love the graphics too.
Debbie xxx
So agree with you on the jeans thing so hard to find a pair with a zip longer than my little finger ahhh. Love the graphics too.
Debbie xxx
love the light effects. I love low rise only becuase I m short waisted and normal jeans on me being "ALMOST" five two on top of that make me look like urkle lol I have seen some by lee and route 66 that are mid rise taha are nice and they at walmart have size that is talyored in the butt adn I cant remember the name of them dang it
Guess what I bought a pair of jeans yesterday,that come up to my waist lol ahhh I had forgotten ,after wearing ones that barely do ,how much more comfy they are ,the only snag they are white ,I did hear that waisted jeans are coming back Jan xx
I quite like seeing the crack of a womans ass as she bends over.
Its most enjoyable.
I'm glad to hear the benefit is coming together nicely. Good luck with this event tomrrow, wish I could attend myself.
Yeah-I hate the low rise too, but Levi's make the regular waist still...try Pennys.
Glad to hear your sisters benefit is coming along nicely..have a great day.
Have a good Friday and a nice weekend, Donna
Levi's and Lee's still make the regular waisted jeans, but it can be difficult to find them. I'm sorry I just cracked up laughing because you expressed so nicely how I feel about shopping for middle-aged clothing! LOL!!!
I've been buying the cheap Walmart Faded Glory jeans. And oh, I didn't want to do this, but I'm down to one pair that fit and I either have to starve myself or buy Plus size jeans. Linda
I like the last one best, but both are cool!
Hi Donna, Not been getting any alerts for your journal just lately, dont know why,
I know what you mean about not being able to get jeans that are comfy to wear, why cant they make the good old stly of jeans that dont show half you butt, or most of your belly, when I get dressed I want to feel like I'm dressed not showning half my body to all and sundry,
going to catch up on your journal just to find out what I have been missing, Love Lynne xx
I LOVE the stretch jeans from fashion bug...they are the most comfortable jeans i have ever had...Hope you find some that are just what u are lookin for!
Have a great weekend's suppose to be near 80 sunday here in Kentucky....WOOOWHOOOO!
Awesome sharings. Thank you so much. Have a nice weekend. Hugs, Maria
You will be great no matter what you wear. I hope all goes as smooth as planned, I am sure it will. Your sister is in my thoughts.
ugh shopping for clothes is always such a nightmare!! Hope you managed to find something in the end ;-) I know I'm a bit late but I sure hope the benefit went okay xx
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