You all know I am a brunette, but I just find this cartoon girl too cute. Would you love that waist or what? All day the temperature continued to drop. We went from near 70 degrees yesterday to cold and rainy today. About mid-day the rain stopped but the wind picked up. At times during work you could hear it roar outside. When I left to go home for the day anything not nailed down was flying. As I walked to my car an empty pop bottle that was discarded somewhere along the way found its way into our parking lot and was bouncing and rattling as it was pushed to and fro. The loose pieces of my hair were whipping my face and felt like leather straps. Hmmm.... not the kind of kinky stuff I think of when I think of leather whips. :)~
I start the car and pull out of the parking lot. I'm driving along and seeing garbage, small tree branches, left over leaves from fall, blowing across the roads. An empty plastic grocery bag is flying like that of a kite that got away from a child. I have my radio on and I'm listening to the guys talk hockey. You surprised? I'm heading towards the highway and I stop at a red light. It turns green and I start to go. All is good, until I hear a thud thud. I don't feel anything so I slow down and the sound disappears. I speed up and it's gone. Ok, some car on the road with me is making some funky noise and I just happened to hear it. I drive to the entrance ramp of the thruway and make my way on. The merge is a bit tough so I speed up to pull into moving traffic and I get in the center lane. Thud thud thud... ohhhhh shit! I slow down and the sound lets up a bit but I can hear it. I don't feel anything but I thought for sure I had a flat. I get back over to the right lane and then pull off to the shoulder. I cautiously get out and look on the driver side. Tires are fine. I make my way around to the passenger side. Tires look fine. I breatha sigh of relief. I notice nothing. I get back in my car and make my way back into traffic. I speed up again and get moving with the flow of traffic. Crap is still flying around and I now have my window open a crack to listen. Radio is off. I'm a bit distracted thinking something is wrong with my car. Little pebbles, leaves, you name it, pelting my car. Then I hear the noise again. WTF!?! I know it's not the crap flying, the noise is to constant. I steady rhythm, thud thud thud. I slow down, get back to the right hand lane and the noise is steady but not as loud. I'm a bit panicky, but I'm able to pull over. I get to the side of the road, on the shoulder and out of danger. I slowly get out of the car, thinking something is stuck in the wheel well, my tire is going to fall off. Acting all calm, cool and collected I walk around the car examining things more in depth. Like what the hell am I going to do if I find something? Nothing on the driver side. I go to the passenger side. Front tire, fine. Go to back tire looks fine. Bend over to look in wheel well, nothing. I'm grateful the tire wasn't flat. I'd never get the lug nuts off! I'd be standing there like a damsel in distress. I start to stand upright and that's when I hear the sound, and see what the issue is. On the side of my car I am seeing clear as day the shadow of my Sabres flag waving in the wind. It is hitting the roof of my car. I curse, then laugh. I stand upright, chest puffed out. Look around to see who is noticing me. Cool cat that I am I just got back in my car and drove off. Ooops!! What an idiot, eh? It's been awhile since my old flag got taken off the car. Years as a matter of fact. I don't remember it ever hitting the car like that. I've had the new one a few weeks. Never heard it. Today with the combination of a steady 25 mph wind and me driving about 55-65 mph was enough to have it whack my car and cause the thud thud thud I guess. As I'm driving all of a sudden I burst out in laughter. I mean laughing! I had tears and even snorted a few times. Anyone looking at me as they drove along side me or passed by must have thought I was a nut job. I'm by myself and there is no mistake I am laughing. Laughing my ass off. Nothing could be that funny on the radio! What a freakin ditz!! Yes... my flag is still on the car! Rest of my day was uneventful... good thing. I don't think I could take anymore! LOL Hope everyone else had a good day, maybe even a few belly laughs. They are good for your soul, even if you are laughing at yourself.

Thought these graphics were appropriate for this entry, well except for one :)~ As you see, I had been playing around with the blinkie square tiles. My initial intent was not to use them all in one entry, but........ what the hell... I'm human ::grin:: Off to crawl in bed and try to forget that it is snowing outside! GRRRRRRRRRR It's April 4th!!!! Sleep fast and well all.

That sounds like something that would happen to me.
lol..nothing gets me wound up more than hearing my car make a strange noise while I am driving on the interstate.
So you think of whips and chains often do you??? the graphics..have a great rest of the week! TerryAnn
LOLOLOL!!!!! That is too damn funny!!! Glad it was only the flag and not anything serious! That reminds me of a funny story.....I'll have to add it tomorrow.
Wow you had me hanging right up until the end! I couldn't imagine what it was LOL! Too funny! I'm glad it wasn't anything serious.
I can just imagine you looking around to see who was watching you when you were laughing.LOL.Loved this soooooo funny.Just the team pesent with you Donna Thanking you for your support.LOL.Thanx for the laugh this morning.Graphics are brilliant.Take Care.God Bless.
LOL, I get it! And no, you're not one of "those" people!!!!!!!
OMG I thought you was gonna say the drink bottle had caught up under the car ,thankgoodness it was nothing worse ,,lol Jan xx
Thanks for the giggle, we did something similar on holiday and still laugh about it now lol. But I have to ask what is a hump day?
Debbie xxx
LOL, too funny! At least it wasn't a flat! Very cute graphics! Linda
I hate when you are driving and hear a sound in your vehicle! You always think the worst and pulling to the side of the road is scary, especially on a highway. Glad it was only the flag hitting the roof. PHEW!!! And, you are right, it's always good to laugh especially at yourself. Hope you have a good day today. Stay warm!
OH well, at least you found out that it wasn't a major problem Donna, LOL
Oh, you're too much!
Lmao...yup, nothing surprises me anymore..haha!!
Good job it wasn't a BATs wings hitting your car..muhuhahahaaaaaa!!
Lurve ya
LOL too funny V
what are you like! lol! jo x
well Im glad you did not have a flat and it turned out to be a funny story and othing wrong. that is so too funny
Oh that made me laugh so hard...That actually happened to me one time too on the parkway & we pulled over too....OH man....I am a brunette too thank you.
You're such a trip, those blondes are hilarious.
That really made me smile, too! You sure tell a good little story!
I know if you had needed help someone would have stopped. Funny little story and I am glad it was just the flag. hehehehe
ROFLMAO...I'm laughing with you =)
You crack me up Donna!
Thank goodness it wasn't a tire!
It's cold and flurring here too...BLAH!
Have a wonderful weekend
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