NOTE: This is the entry I did last night but was unable to post for whatever reason. I gave up and went to bed after several attempts. I am not sure things are any better today but I am trying anyway.
The graphics are in no way going to convey my mood. I love them, and think they are nice and relaxing. I made them with the intent of having a happy entry not a bitchy one. I woke up happy with the sun shining and a bright blue sky. It went down hill from there. I logged on to my computer and nothing wanted to work. I shut down and tried again. Zilch! I could get on line and check mail but any web site I went to either timed out or just never opened. Then I'd have a bright spot and get through for a bit, then back to the same thing. Needless to say I was getting pissed. I thought it was me so I cleaned out stuff, burned graphics and removed them. did a scan, defrag, you name it. Logged back on and same old shit!
I was frustrated over the game. I know I was a bit hard on the boys in my earlier post, but I hate when the lose. LOL Yeah yeah I know they don't like it either. I want this to be the year. I want them to dominate. Ok, I'm breathing here now no worries.
I tried to load my graphic for the my entry on the game about 6ish, do you think I could. Hell no! I just timed out. I shut down. Disconnected and refreshed my connection. Tried again. DAMN IT what is going on? I asked around and apparently it was me and not AOL. I thought about just saying F' it but I am to damn stubborn about things like that. I want it to work and by gawd it's going to. My sister came home and told me of issues they had at the mall. Apparently systems crashed all over and they had a hard time with credit cards or checking things at other stores via the Internet. My other sister was having issues with the Internet at her house. Ok, so maybe it was not me. I bitched and moaned with a friend in email and poof my graphics loaded. All of them. YEAH! Then I went to do the entry. LMAO I wanted to cry. CRASH. No such luck. Tried and tried and it finally took. I decided I would test my luck and see if this would go too. ROFLMAO you'll know if it does.
I'm off to bed this has just given me a big 'ole nasty attitude. Hope everything went better at your house.

I noticed my computer was slow last night, thats about it. Linda
I often wonder is it AOL or is it my DSL? Grrrrrrrrr
the bottom picture has a red x. I hate days like that. Must have been some kind of phone line problem or area problems sounds like. thing is its so funny in stores people cant do a thing without the computers anymore lol no one knows how to do cash or figure things up lol I knwo the game seemed frustrating but sometimes thouse are the best games when you cant quite get in synce. but the thing is In our house atleast three of the four were feeling a bit off yesterday.
dare I say it, everything seems to be fine over the pond I hope that I havent spoken to soon, LOL, there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to do anything I have a little more patience than my other half, he gets really F, of with it, and very often threatens to throw it through the window,
love the first graphic snagged it I hope you dont muind
Love Lynne xx
i hope you are back online and things are working as they should. It is beyond frustrating when things go wrong. I hope you have a great Monday. Great tags, D.
XO lj
AOL is moving about from place to place spring cleaning and renewing. It is one pain in the neck!
It will pass as I had all that not long ago where I couldn't post or access my photo album on aol.
We don't know how much we rely on our computers until they go down.
Rant about your team all you are among friends who are good listeners. Jeanie
Just the other day, the same thing happened to me...I thought the same thoughts you online, in the middle of the day...all worked fine. Your graphics are always...glad all worked out well in the end. Hugs,
Sorry you've had such a hard time posting this. No problems down my way with connections or time outs. I hope things clear up for you soon. The graphics look great!
How frustrating for you ,dont you resent putting some thing right that isnt your fault ,and the time it takes when you could being doing other things Grrr Jan xx
I feel your pain.. I too live in the Buffalo area... Angola and had horrible problems with the internet yesterday and some today. It's still not back to normal .. grrr. Take care and crossing my fingers that our team kicks some butt on Tuesday. They better or my hubby will be bumming all week lol.
Been there got the t-shirt and thrown the wobbly lol. hope you have better luck next time.
I had this a couple of weeks back Donna,then this morning just after doing a few comments one of which was yours you will find,I got disconnect for no reason at all.Message came up on screen from the dreaded AOHELL close down your computer and sign in again..Touch wood I did so .Spent a couple of hours doing my housework etc. Came back online and so far so good.But it does happen often to people I know here, my family have had the same probs and they are all with AOL and all live in differant areas's of England.So I say it's them.Grrrr Hope you find it better today Monday.Try have agood one if you can.Take Care God Bless Astoriasand
Long live ISPs, eh, Donna?
Love, Love, Love these graphics! Sorry your computer was PMS'ing - thank goodness your persistence prevailed. Love your overall attitude - Have a wonderful week ahead - Take care of you and yours!
Sorry Darlin'. I absolutely hate it when that happens!
I do recall getting an alert from one of the AOL Community (blog?) guys, saying they were getting reports of people crashing when they tried to upload via FTP. Could that be it?
Now you be good for the whole rest of the day, ya' hear?
They LOST???? BOOGIES!!! I'm so sorry...
My internet connection has been sketchy for about 24 hours... I've done all the things you are saying.... Hope it improves soon <LOL> I've talked to a few others who are complaining about slow pages, etc... maybe it's the internet ;p
Hope things are better now. Love the graphics you posted.
I hate when the computer/AOL gives me trouble...
it sends me into a funk too! Hope all is well now
Ahhhh computers drive me crazy as well. De ;)
Don't it just gripe you when they act up like that??? I think it is something going on because mine has been showing out too!
love ya,
Well, they were definitely worth waiting for. The water effect is really cool.
Now don't go losin' faith in your Boys...remember, I'm riskin' my life here!
I've been having problems with mine, too. Your graphics are beautiful though! Thanks!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I see a happy entry next so I am hoping you are all better. I am reading in date/time order ;)
i love the graphics you used they are so pretty. I do hope your computer behaves itself now. (((((((hugs))))))))))))
Damn computer ~ hope your having better luck with it xx
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