It has arrived... 2 things...
I woke up this morning to a coating of white and the snow falling. I was freezing my ass off. Ok, so maybe if I sit on a block of ice I should have pants on. LOL I just love those 'Mandy' graphics!! It's so fitting today..... April 15 and we are getting snow. It looks extremely sloppy out there... and extremely miserable. Someone ....... paaaaaaaalease make it end!!
So what is the second thing? I'm not even sure what to say about it. I went over to my tag journal to send out requests and add a new tag. I log back on here to do my entry and I have email from a friend. A fairly new visitor to my journal who found me on the main community page. Apparently he was there again this morning and saw what he thought, with a quick glance, was a new entry by me. So he clicked. What he found was not my journal. He sent me the link. Thanks Dan... I think ::grin:: I actually thought my troll grew some balls and was going to show themselves for what they are. A coward! Another new name, but thought it might be interesting. So I stop over to see what it's all about. A confusing entry to say the least. Just one. I notice some 20 comments already and it's only been about 10 minutes since the entry went up. So being nosey I click to see what's being said. More confusing garbage all entered by the owner of the journal. WTF!?! I don't know, can you say no life?? So I click on the author of the entry. A feature of AOL, it will give you additional information. So I find the username has three different journals. Yes, damn straight. THREE I clicked on them to see, and low and behold more bizarre behavior. Three journals, one entry each, all with multiple comments, all made by themselves. So I'm thinking my existing troll has either lost all sense of reality or I have a new one. Should I be flattered? LMAO!!! Should I be scared? ::shiver:: It takes all kinds to make the world go around, but damn this is the kind my world could do without.
I did play with a few more of the movie type graphics, and since I think I'm being called a perv (I'm not real sure there), I thought this would be a good graphic to use today. Oh, I guess my opening graphic too...... Me a perv? Ok who the hell told???? Geeeze!! Also my new tag request. I used Jeannette's name, and hope she won't mind but I know she is going on a trip this week and she'll be turning off her alerts... I am being a bit presumptuous.... Jeannette say the word and I will remove it. If you'd like your name on 'country girl' just click the graphic.
Off to get some things done around here, have a great Sunday.

What a weirdo!!!
Debbie xxx
Wow! lol I can only say that I wish I had that kind of time on my hands lol. Love the tags...they're great!
Crazy people are everywhere. Don't worry about it.
Love the graphics!
I came, I saw, I can't even think what to comment, except ... takes all sorts and apparently you've now met them all!
Happy Sunday. Snow or not.
Umm, my friend, some things are better left alone, lol.
That is seriously weird Donna,there really are some saddos out there Jan xx
Donna, loved the name you assigned to you first graphic. Don't sweat the nerd. Ignore him and he will go away, Stay warm and dry. We are getting a Noreaster in the Philly area. Lots of rain, Bill
Oh Donna, I'm sorry about this idiot. The world is full. Ignore them, but yes I suppose being flattered is good. It looks like this clown wants to be on the main page with lots of comments, so they add their own. Sorry you're getting the brunt. Being genuinely popular can be a you know what at times. Just move on and do what you do best. We're here for you.
Oh Donna! Wierd goings on then!!! Dont worry about it they cant help it - feel sorry for them! Love the graphics Love Laine xxx
Hmmm just read that journal - crikey dont some people have a life - I really cant believe it! Laine x
OMG what can one say lol, i too have looked. i will not be going back. freaky is the word
love and hugs
WTH is right! That is just too creepy...
I think I'm gonna move to Florida. Have a happy day!
well i must say though i do NOT smoke the weed, that person may have smoked an entire bowlful before making that new journal. Good Lord. You are a perv? WHEN? WHERE? Can i come?!
Love your tags, love you too.
That "blog" was rather weird. Amazing how someone even found it in the first place!
Well....all I can say is that it takes all kinds to make a world! We just have to watch out for some of them trying to enter our lives. Jeanie
Where is that damn spray???
Egads! trolls now - where's the Ogre when you need one, ha ha. When I first started online with AOL dial-up, like almost six years ago now, we called those "trolls", "clones". Being involved in chat rooms at first, (hubby threw me in one, and said, "go have some fun" - yeah right), a lot of people said that there are many weirdos who take your screenname and change it ever so slightly, so if you have poor eyesight or are getting too old (like me) to see the extra tiny print, you can easily mistake one name for another. I've noticed that since AOL has updated the People Connection, as well as putting up comments posted by the latest journalers, that many just smell of weirdos and spam/buy the latest junk on-line garbage. I definitely need to make sure I wear my bifocals more. And, Dear Donna, if you are ever so inclined to add my name, "Rose" to any of your creations - I would be honoured. Thank you!
Sincerely, Rose~* (PS) if you want to have a thrill, just "google" those "Troll" names, and see what junk comes up . . .
LOL, D, I saw that in the community section under journals. Had to check it out and saw the fool left all the comments him or herself. I do believe you have more than one troll as this one's grammar leaves much to be desired. Love the ice block. Feel like I'm sitting on one. Our lake effect snow is starting sometime tonight. Love ya, Chris
Oh, I love love love this country girl graphic. I saved it and I would have you put my name on it except that I am just about to fall in love with a country guy from
Escalante in my memoirs who can't ride. However he could sing country like a meadow lark. Along the Navaho Trail, Riding down the canyon, Tumbling tumbleweeds, Cold cold heart, Heart Aches, Your Cheatin' Heart, so he earned his right to cowboy status as far as I was concerned. I married him and was all done with cowboys, but I am going to put this graphic in my blog first chance I get. My dad tried to teach Dean how to cowboy but he was pretty much a bust at it. However, my dad was cowboy until the day he died. Down the road aways after our marriage was over I fall in love with a guy up there who was so outlaw, a logger by trade, a pro skidder operator, a thief, oh Lord help me. He did nothing but try to teach me how to steal! Hey why not, put my name on this graphic! You are so good! Gerry
lvoe the horse one!!!!!!! man the troll that is interseting to say the least.
YUP I agree the girl with no pants well she is one cold Arse to say the least but it still a cool graphic. yes this cold needs to go fast
man I just went to that entry you had a click on . that is a crock and Im really not sure if you should be flattered or mad as heck !!!!!
Hugs hugs and hello's.....OMG perv perv perv!!!! NOT! hahaha I love the tags and am sening a hug your way. don't hve time to follow the troll tonight as I have my son Fuz and his 2 kids here for the weekend...he got demoted and saught shelter with us for the weekend......but we totally enjoyed it! It sure is good to have the kids come back home once in awhile :))))))))) Doreen
I think that person is very sad and demented too. Oh great, now he is going to come visit me! Like the graphics alot! Linda
Would you please add Linda to this tag. Thank you
Hey Perv! (and I thought that was MY nick name!)
I know I'm late again hehe but not as late as usual (just think I have't been too far down the dates yet though) may I please have it tagged with Promise please.
Love all of these.
now I must go check that other thing out (that is the link right? I hope it is cuz I am in the mood for a mystery) btw.. I'd be flatterishly scared.
Luv ya,
PS. Nope I don't think YOU were called a perv... I think he TOLD you hockey mommies about the pervs (heck if I understand) .... although I am wondering if a perv calling out other pervs is really proper perv etiquette (aka PPE)
Sorry I'm just on a roll tonight.. finally feeling a little better.
Donna, I see why the nomer, troll, is used. Certainly these people lie in wait for unsuspecting passersby. I'm glad you are going to ignore it. Your graphics are great. bea
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