Imagine that sound and multiply it 100 times and that is what I woke up to this morning. I was off in slumber land enjoying sleep when all of a sudden the sound rattled through my house and made my windows shake. I jumped out of bed thinking I was going to find a car or truck in my living room. I ran down my small hallway into the living room only to find nothing. I went to the picture window, stubbing my toe on the coffee table to look out the front window. Again nothing to see but rain pouring down and small pond in my front lawn. Then a rumble, low at first, like that of your tummy growling when hungry and it slowly got louder and louder, then KABOOM. The house shook and the windows rattled. I think I jumped too. Aaaaaahhhh April showers! I thought about crawling back in bed, but I would never be able to sleep with that racket. Imagine that! A girl who needs the TV on for sound and/or a night light to go to bed at night can't sleep through a 'little' rain storm. Ooohhh Good Morning by the way :)
The party last night was fun. It was a small get together of family for cake and ice cream. Hmmm did I say cake and ice cream, I meant ice cream cake. It was luscious! I was able to snap a picture before the candle was inserted. Looks too good to eat, right? Not on your life! We tore into it like we were a family that always ate somewhat healthy. Bottom layer was like a pound cake instead of the graham cracker type crust. A huge layer of vanilla ice cream, a bit of frosting and the fruit. It was out of this world and as I type about it I wish I had some now. What better for breakfast then birthday cake! Well, ok chocolate cake is better in the morning, I'll agree :)~

Got some mixed reviews on my entry last night. You all know I love Gage dearly and he can't control what folks buy him, nor can his parents, really. I was thrilled with the guitar and amp. He has showed a lot of interest in music lately and he really seems to enjoy playing. He pays attention to his uncle and tries really hard. He even sings. I think it's a good thing to be involved in a few things. He plays soccer, is a boy scout, and now music. Well rounded and keeps him from just sitting in front of the TV playing video games. The cell phone, well I think it's over the top. It has prepaid minutes so it won't be a curse on his mom and dad. I just don't get it as I rarely even see him on the phone. He talks to his cousin in MD on occasion but that's about it. It's not like he needs it. Where is he going to take it? School? Can you imagine his teacher? LMAO! Ok, not really funny and I can't explain it, so I am just going with the idea that his uncle wasted his money.
The rain has since stopped and my pond is gone. It's a good thing, but I had wondered if the ducks I've heard the past few weeks would stop for a visit. Not today. I'm seeing some buds on the trees and it won't be long now. The grass is slowly coming back to life and turning beautiful shades of green. Now I just need to hope the weatherman is wrong and we will not get snow later in the week.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday morning. Posting a few other graphics that I did the other day. Not sure about the water movement in the lighthouse one. Looks a bit jumpy or off, but :::sigh::: just pretend you hear the crashing of the waves. The one I call 'spring pond' just called me. I love the soft colors, smooth movement, and the peaceful setting. Much better then dreary day I'm having.

I love thunder storms we don't get enough of them lol. Lovely graphics.
Debbie xxx
Ooh, I love the graphics. Especially that first one at the top, it's stunning.
Well Mother Nature certainly didn't waste any time bringing in her April showers then, did she? First day of April, geez. Nothing here. Yet... I love storms. Hope we get one.
And what's this about Gage getting a guitar? You weren't putting that down, were you? Obviously I missed this entry... Never stifle a kid's love for music! *puts up fists* lol I know you wouldn't... and those gifts. Wow. Nice people to give him that stuff, but wow. That's quite the expensive mix, isn't it?
Anyway, enjoy your "little" storm and have a good day!
I'm glad the party was fun. The cake looks YUMMY!! I agree with you....I can't figure out why an 8yr old would need a cellphone. Maybe it's just in case of an emergency? My son got 15.
Have a good Sunday.
Oh How I hate the KABOOM part of rain storms.I would be hidden somewhere lol.
Love the pic it is fantastic,how that rain is pouring.Wow the cake looks so tempting yummy.Seems a good time was had by all.Lots of youngsters here Donna have mobiles too and so young.I agree with you too young.Lovely graphics once againHave lovely Sunday yourself.Take care God Bless.
lighthouses:) our preacher collects lighthouse stuff so i am snagging and sending it on thank you and have a good week
I love your first graphic ~ it's beautiful :-) Glad the rain didn't last all day for you and your pond has gone. That cake looks fab too but I agree with you regarding chocolate cake ;-) lol
The ice-cream cake looked really artistic! Shame you had to eat it...Not! Lol!! At least you have a photo of it for posterity. I can only hear in one ear so that affliction comes in handy, now and then, when it's really windy outside or raining hailstones. I just roll over onto my good ear and shut it all out. Roll on Spring unfolding in your hometown. It's all happening here in Lakeland. Jeanie
OOOoooo that cake ,Iwant some ,lovely graphics again thankyou .love Jan xx
Pretty tags as always.
Dont worry if you ruffled feathers over Gage. You have the right to your opinion in YOUR journal. Sounds like you are having quite a storm there! I am glad it is not snow. It was supposed to storm here all day but it is perfect, fluffy blue skies and gentle breeze. Feels like a 70's love song.
LOVE ya, lisa jo
Hope you had a good Sunday, Donna - and that the thunder stayed away lol
Snagged the lighthouse graphic :-)
These graphics are beautiful i love them, thank you very much, you are so very talented.
Hope that Gage had a lovely birthday, love the cake, wish I could have tasted it, lovely graphics as usuall, love the spring pond, not had any thunderstorms yet in England, it doesnt matter how loud the thunder is it doesnt wake me up LOL, but I love to watch the storms WHEN I am awake,
love Lynne xx
I love thundershowers when I can lay in bed. yeah I think its a good thing he got such thoughful gifts to encourage musical abilites.
I love that cake got a recipe for it??????????
Great work on the graphics in this entry, Donna! The rain is cool in the top one and the Spring Pond has the water movement so realistic it looks like video. I understand how you could not climb back in bed with such a close thunderstorm overhead. I can sleep all day to the sound of rain, but thunder has me wide awake every time.
Graphics are nice, I think the lighthouse looks fine. Since when are waters smooth? What a rude awakening you had this morning, but I would share that cake with you anytime.
Oh I love thunder storms...I could happily lay in bed listening and watching the lightening! That cake looks delicious..would love to have tasted it but thankfully could not...cake isn't on my menu lol Graphics are great Donna. Take care, Millie :)
Love the first graphic in particular! LOL ... you can't sleep through a noisy storm. I'm the same way. Have to have some background noise to drift off but a little thunder? I'm up and awake.
Have a great day!
We had a bit of a loud storm the other night...woke us up at 2 am. The cake looked yummy...and the tags are awesome...have a great week.
Hugs and love,
Love these graphics hun. My fave is the last one. The water's moving so smoothly!
The weather here has been suspiciously warm and sunny...I'm waiting for the!
too long dude! make it short and sweet next time!!!
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