I was off working on a graphic for this evenings entry and really didn't know what I'd write about. I had so many thoughts and emotions going through my head. I took a break and started reading a few journals. A good friend had an entry about friends, how many, what is your definition, expectations, etc. It made me think, and I decided to use some of that for my entry. Thanks Lisa!!
I got to work today and a co-worker/friend came to my desk with two bags. She donated two baskets for my sisters benefit next weekend. They will be used in the Chinese Auction. For those of you not familiar, you buy tickets and visit the items for auction, generally just displayed on tables. In front of each item is a bag/bucket/container. You drop a ticket in the container of the gift you'd like to win, no limits. Winner is selected by a drawing sometime during the evening. I was stunned by the beauty of the baskets. I was brought to tears that she would take time out of her life to go shopping and create these wonderful items. No questions asked, she just did it. For my sister, a woman she has never seen. I was touched by the generosity. Expectations? No I had none. I mentioned the benefit, and the multiple raffles, but asked for prayers. Over and above prayers is a bonus and so appreciated.
Later in the day another friend/coworker called me. She is off on disability as she had shoulder surgery last Friday. She has three baskets and asked if I could stop and pick them up. I will bring her dinner and sit and chat for a bit tomorrow before the hockey game. Does she want dinner? No. Did she have expectations of something in return? No. I was planning on brining her dinner one night anyway this just works out perfect.
The top graphic includes a couple extra baskets that have alsobeen put together and are at my house. I just thought I'd share the beauty. The pictures had to be resized, but you get the idea and no doubt can see the beauty.
Friends, life is empty without them. They come in all shapes and sizes. Offer different things. Stay forever or come and go. It's part of life. Some come into your life to teach a lesson, shine a light, give direction and move on. It isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes it is. Sometimes expectations on one side are far more then can be done. Life can often lead is us in different directions only to meet up again at a later time. I don't think I expect much from others. Honesty, trust, and the ability to be me. Love or like me for whom I am, not what you want me to be. I will give you the same in return. Loyalty. Yes that too, no strings. You don't have to prove anything, I accept you. Sure it isn't always a match in heaven and it doesn't always work. We are all different, we have different interests and a mix of different friends, hobbies, etc. putting strings on these other things will make a relationship go sour faster then flipping a switch. Allowing the freedom builds the foundation that much stronger. Trust.
I talked to the girls putting on the benefit and the number of items they have is unbelievable. It filled me with so many emotions. I am proud. I am proud that she is my sister. That she is so loved folks will give of themselves, no questions asked. They would support her no matter what, but in her time of need they are giving, sometimes things they don't even have. How wonderful is that?
So though you may not have expectations of friends, co-workers, acquaintances, it is magical when folks come forward and give of themselves. Just like here. So many came forward and lit a candle, are saying prayers, sending good wishes. It warms me to my very core. Do I expecteveryone to do it? No. But to see folks who don't necessarily believe what I do, do it because they care. It's wonderful and I will never be able to say thank you enough.
All of the graphics below are made with pictures I'd taken. I was feeling sentimental, warm and fuzzy. Nothing great, nothing exceptional or extravagant, just graphics my heart went with. Not to assume anything, but they are snaggable. I normally ask that you don't take personal pictures, but these are the exception if you'd like them.
The evening flew by and I will be off to bed. My boys play their first playoff game tomorrow. I'm excited and nervous, but confident. I hope everyone is doing well and please know you guys are the greatest!

I am glad that things are going well for the benefit. Wish I could go, but will be sending lots of good thoughts!!! And I will be there in spirit. I am off to light a candle before I forget!!! Thanks for the reminder! Tawnya
the baskets are great:) we have faculty follies and they have a raffle with baskets to help the school. have a great thursday
The baskets are beautiful...isn't it wonderful how the generosity and compassion of others can just wow us? I hope all works out well, from what you say I think it will be a totally awsome occasion....good luck and God Bless :)))Doreen
To give is one of my greatest pleasures Donna and making people happy helping in whatever way I can.I love the way you have written this post.The gifts are beautiful,and the graphic too.The candle is still burning from me,and my prayers are being said thousandfold for everyone who is ill in the world.I hope things improve with your sister.I hope the auction goes well too.What a great idea,one I shall note,for future referance.Good luck to the team,Fantastic snags thanx a mill.Take care Have a lovely Thursday.(KATH)
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Wonderful baskets... and truly wonderful friends!
How wonderful to read this entry. You have super friends and co-workers. Community spirit is not dead it is still there... even here in cyberspace.
God Bless your dear sister and you too.
Thank you also for your clever graphics and the taste of friendship, love and care in the personal one at the top of the page. That one was magical to think about. Jeanie
You have some wonderful people who really care about you, you are so lucky. The baskets are beautiful. Good luck with the game.
Debbie xxx
What a lovely entry Donna, friends are a God send at times like this, everyone needs someone to lean on at some part of their lfe, just so pleased that you have so many to help you, those that you know in real life and some like me that you only know through your journal and who you will never meet at all, you have some lovely baskets I hope that the auction goes well for you,
love Lynne xx
P.S. love the graphics
It certainly gives you a warm feeling inside to know people are being so kind. I hope a lot of money is made next week to boost your siisters medical fund, it shows when there is a crisis that people do come together and show kindness and caring
lots of love
waht a great idea your chineese aution is. that is so wonderful about the baskets. what a great thing. yes I agree with yo rfriendship thing. each one brings something new to the table and we all have different things to give to friends too. some are forever and some are not
Silly woman, you give of yourself every day. Look at the time you spend on your pictures and you give them. Free for the taking. Without those strings you mention. You are a special person with a gift of love and light I'm not surprised so many are willing to give back. I've seen in the past you've had some trials here and yet you fought on with the strength you have. Friends- new and old have come to support you and your family because you support them.
Great entry!
You were able to say so eloquently what i was trying to say. Thank you! I agree with everything you said. I have your sister in my prayers everyday and i am so very pleased that your coworkers made those baskets. If someone cares about you then we are going to care also about your family. I want you happy and safe and content and i wish only good health and happiness also on your sister.
It takes only a second to chose to be a friend to someone and extend kindness instead of meanness or pain. I hope your Thurs is a happy one.
This was a wonderful entry about friendship! merry1621
Good entry about friends. Love the baskets! Hope they make lots of $$!
What cute little baskets....
Your sister is loved by many =)
Friends are like angels they just dont have the wings! Laine xxx
The baskets are so beautiful! People really can be caring and nice - a very touching entry!
Your sister is in my prayers.
The baskets are a very interesting idea! I have never seen that done before. I do think it will help everyone who contributes to give more energy for your sister to get well with. Psychic and spiritual energy I do think comes from friends every day of the year. Gerry
That's so lovely the lady bringing the baskets!! Hope the benefit will go well xx
Beautiful tags...loved them all...hugs and love,'
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