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I have no other words to describe what took place yesterday. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. People amaze me!! For every bad, indifferent, or cruel hearted person, there are 100's if not 1000's that renew my faith in humanity. Yesterday was a tribute to the good in my neighborhood, in my life, in the world.
Yesterday started pretty early for me. Up and out. We loaded both my car and my sisters. We had baskets, food, and tid-bits to be taken to the hall to. I arrived about 10 am and as I pulled in the parking lot I was overwhelmed. My eyes filled with tears as I tried to get my car into a parking spot. Cars and people lined the entrance way and there were boxes, baskets, and supplies stacked waiting for the workers to get there to let us in. I can use one word to describe what I saw... LOVE. No other words would do it justice. There had to be a good 40 people there to get things in order. One might think it would be utter chaos, but I have to admit things ran like a well oiled machine. Much credit goes to the girls who pulled this thing together. Everyone had smiles and worked hard to get tables arranged and decorated. Moving things here and there to set the hall up in a fashion that would allow the guests to move around with ease. As we set up the tables to put the baskets on, it became apparent that we didn't have enough tables there. We added more, continued on with the tasks at hand. Every time I turned around there were more donations arriving, more truck loads of goodies. I was truly overcome with emotion on more then one occasion. People are good at heart!
I left the hall about 1 in the afternoon and got home in time to do a few loads of wash and get ready to head back out. I arrived around 5:30 and the parking lot was already filling with cars. I scratched my head in wonderment as the benefit didn't start until 6. I grabbed what I needed out of my car and headed in. I looked around quickly and again felt the lump in my throat and tears fill my eyes. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed back to the door. I was going to be at one of the main tables to sell some raffle tickets. It was a great spot to be as I got to see those coming in. Little did I know how lucky I was. About an hour later someone came to relieve me. I got up and headed towards the main hall. It was then that I had a chance to really take in what was happening. The hall was full. People laughing, talking, dancing, every where I turned. It was amazing. I decided I didn't want my purse so I was going to take it to my car. Iwalked outside and was completely floored. They were lined up around the building to get in. Hundreds and hundreds of people, all there for my sister. Later when I finally saw my son he told me he had to park 3 blocks away.
The evening went by in a flash. Two bands played, first an Irish music band to go along with the numerous schools of Irish dancers. My niece (my sisters daughter) danced for years. She had gone to Ireland twice for the World competition. It was amazing once again to see the skill and grace of the dancers. There was food to feed an army. Sausage, pasta, pulled pork, bar-b-que burgers, hot dogs, salads, chicken, cheesy potatoes, different types of baked beans, meatballs, pizza and a dessert table that made you drool. If anyone went hungry it was their own fault. Even though we had an army, we had enough to go around. My nephew Jeff's band played as well. His band brought the crowd to its feet. Dancing and a good time by all. It was truly wonderful, and I have to say his band was really good.
Gifts, gifts, and more gifts! There ended up being over 300 baskets for the Chinese auction. Because of the number of baskets for the Chinese auction, a good 50 more would be given away as door prizes along with numerous gift certificates to various establishments. The silent auction was a success as well. They had about 25 items there all valued over $250. The drawings went rather smoothly, even though there was a 'log jam' for the collection of the winners on the Chinese auction, how could there not be!?! What a success!
I had a great time. It was a party to match all parties. I don't know the head count but I will say there had to be close to 1000 people there. I saw people I hadn't seen in a good 20 years. I missed people too. It was a good 2 hours into the party before I even saw my parents. I know I missed folks that I would have liked to talk to, but I barely got to speak to anyone. I was being pulled in a 100 different directions. I put together the slide show to give you an idea, and yes I purposely blurred some of the pictures.
A HUGE thank you goes out to all those who helped, donated, and came to celebrate! I also want to thank each of you for your support, good thoughts, prayers and candles lit. It is simply amazing!
Pat we love you!
What a fantastic happening for your sister Idont think we do ant thing like tat here certainly not on that scale ,sometime could you explain chinese auction and door prizes,love Jan xx
Two questions... what was the benefit for? Did I miss that? And what's a Chinese auction?
This graphic is crazy cool, man...
How wonderful! Linda
Just about the time you are ready to give up on Humanity...... The good shines thru! I'm so happy for your sister and that it all went off so well!
I am so happy for all of you that this fundraiser was such a success! Love is all around us and it's wonderful to see it in action.
WOW!! What an outstanding show of support for your sister!! It sounds like everyone had a fantastic time! Great pics! Hugs to you and your sis! Still saying prayers.......
thank you GOD amen !!!!!!!!
It all sounds so wonderful! Keeping you all in my prayerrs! Hugs,TerryAnn
Wow, D, simply amazing. It does the heart good to see such love! Hugs and Love, Chris
That is absolutely wonderful!!!!
What an outpouring of support for
your sister =) I am glad things went great.
Your nephew is a cutie!
Keeping your sister in my thoughts and prayers always!
I've been thinking about you and your sister, and am so happy that things went well. Well deserved love and attention. The slide show you did is perfect and shows how good man can be when the chips are down. You are so right in that it renews faith, it has mine thank you.
Your sister is an amazing and very loved lady and this is so heartwarming to read!!!!! I am so glad she was surrounded by love and support and i am thankful you were there to see this. God bless both of you.
Love,lisa jo
I am so glad it went well. People are wonderful for the most part.
Wow! What a huge undertaking that was for you all. No wonder you have been so exhausted. Nice to see such an beautiful outpouring of love for your sister, from the community. Blessings go out to everyone.
sincerely, Rose~*
It must be wonderful to know that so many people care so much about your sister. I hope she is doing ok.
Debbie xxx
Wow a fantastic tribute to your sister and to you as well! De ;)
Excellent news on the benefit night, i hope loads and loads of cash was made for your sister.
Love and hugs
What a wonder outcome and a beautiful tribute to your sister. I am so glad this event was a smashing sucess.
I sat here crying in happiness as I read this entry. I am so happy for you guys!!! I was there in spirit you know.... It is amazing what people can do. I have been amazed by customer's generosity this week for Angel's family. I am glad that your shin dig was a HUGE success.... And you are more than welcome for all the candles that I have lit. It is the least I can do. And yes, I may not know your sis, but she is loved. Tawnya
Wow, I have tears. What a wonderful thing to do. Your nephew is very handsome. TY for sharing the pics and all. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))
What a truly magnificent thing to happen, I wish I could have been there to experience it with you, I sat reading this with tears running down my cheeks, and the song that you have chosen is lovely, I just keep playing over and over,
God Bless you all, Love Lynne xx
oh wow how great that things went so well. :-)
This sounds like a wonderful party. I wondered how the basket event came together. The pics tell the story, too. Glad it went so well. I bet that made your sister feel good to get so much support. Gerry
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