Sunday, April 30, 2006



I got a new plug-in that allows for a few different things and I wanted to try the lightening.  It's a bit dark, and really not my style but I know several of you like it so I finished it up and figured I would post it.  Karen said it looks like the 'wrath of God.'


Anonymous said...

Yes, this one is kind of scary to me!! (ha)  But your work, is awesome, as usual!!


Anonymous said...

It's very good, the lightening looks realistic but like you I prefer your lighter ones......pretty flowers, waves on the water, talking bunnies etc!! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is friggin awesome!!! Just too awesome. I love it!
Snag - er - Dianna:)

Anonymous said...

This one is very touching for me today. I am probably the reason God prodded u to complete and post it. :)  I have depression...probably genetic, treated for many years. I have good days and bad days. Today is not so good. I veiw it as symbolic of our Saviour standing beside us even through the storms! Dark yes, but with a promise. Thanks for sharing it. Beckie

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

Good job but I think Karen is right...but boy you did a good job...hugs, TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

uhoh scary!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! It is dark, but I like it a lot! Great job!

- Jessica

Anonymous said...

Now away from Alice in Wonderland and we now are reading ,Dickens 'Great Expectations 'Pip is hiding in the grave yard ,........out out jumps .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like it
Hugs, Marina

Anonymous said...

Really?  I see it as "a light in the darkness"..."light at the end of the tunnel".  I see the cross sitting beyond where the lightning and darkness are. ;)  C.