Saturday, November 18, 2006

Scared to Death

Today was a day of mixed emotions.  I've been trying to do things to keep my mind off Tuesday.  I suppose if I think of it long enough I can come up with more, but basically I am scared of 3 things.  When thinking of these, I get short of breath and actually shake a bit.


I am scared of heights.  I have been to the top of mountains, and tall buildings, but I am not one that can go to the edge.  I can go on any kind of amusement park ride that moves fast, spins you in circles, turns you upside down, but I cannot do a Ferris Wheel.  I shake, sweat, hyper ventilate, and could actually cry with fear.


I have a fear in elevators.  Not that I am scared of the confined space.  I am afraid I will get stuck in one.  It's not the idea of getting stuck either, it's that I am going to have to pee.  I know that sounds so freakin stupid, but it is true.  If I am going on a elevator going more then one floor I will make a conscious effort to go to the ladies room before getting on.  At work, I do, even though it is just one floor.


Being sedated.  I know I am probably not alone in this, but I am afraid once I am under I won't wake up.   With all the surgeries I've had, you would think I would be over it, but I am not.  My heart beats as though it will bust right out of my chest.  I sweat, feel nauseous, and I fight it.  They are assuring me I will not be asleep, I just won't remember anything or feel anything.  Yet I don't believe them.  Since Thursday my mind has wandered, I am telling my son where all the papers are, where my life insurance information is, and I've been a nervous wreck.  I want the surgery done, I want to be done with this pain and nonsense.  I am just a wreck and scared to death and it's only Saturday.  What the hell am I going to be like on Tuesday morning?  :::shiver:::


I think I'm gonna have a drink!





Anonymous said...

You probably won't be any worse come Tuesday morning... in fact, you may be a little calmer.   Fear is something that we don't have much control over, isn't it?   But most of the time, when it's over, the fear was a waste of emotion.    Have you prayed about it?    I know God cares.

Anonymous said...

I can not go into elevatrosr I have been known to walk up 12  flights of doublle steps to get to some places. I pass out. I can do heights but can not get on a rolloer coaster that holds me down. I can onlly ride ones that buckle and I love them so I hate that. I have such a fear of being put under I had my teeth pulled with only a local no sedative. now that was a trip I do understand your fears and THEY ARE NOT SILLy

Anonymous said...

you will be ok. come tuesday this time it will all be over and you will start a healing process that is gonna be free of pain. man i envy you, i wish it was me having the work done. (((((hugs)))))

Anonymous said...

I may be facing surgery soon too.
Cheers! ::sigh::

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Anonymous said...

I Have the same fear...I am sorry you are going through that..I will be praying for you on Tuesday!  BigHugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

I hate elevators, too!  Claustrophobic here.  Never thought about having to PEE!  LOL!  Now it's one MORE thing to worry about LOL!
You'll be ok on Tuesday. I recall years ago they put me out for my wisdom teeth to be taken out. It wasn't bad, really.  I woke up and couldn't believe it was done!  I'm sure the meds they use now are even better!  Will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Being sedated is scary! I will be praying for everything to go well for you on Tuesday!

Lots of hugs,

Anonymous said...

Tuesday you'll be the same fear-filled human you are now, just like anyone would be, I won't tell you to ignore what you're going through, Donna.  You're brave, I'm not worried.   Having said that, I've been sedated many times, it'll go something like, you'll be awake, then suddenly you'll be awake again.  You won't feel or remember yourself caling falling asleep.  Trust your instincts that say you're in the best hands, and God will do all else.  Promise.  xoxo CATHY  

Anonymous said...

  I get that way every time I have surgery.  Take a deep breath and it will be done before you know it.  Meditate baby!


Anonymous said...

Im so sorry. *Hugs* I wish there were more things u could do to keep your mind off of things. I hope you will be able to find some peace some how so you wont make yourself sick with worry. And oh....dont drink too much, lol. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you are feeling so nervous about Tuesday.  I hope that you will be calmer on the day, I am sure it will all be ok.  I had something done to my gum under anaesthetic in the hopsital quite a few years ago and really it was fine, better than being awake at the dentist.  Worse thing was not being able to get any sleep that night due to the noise on the ward.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

You are being perfectly normal in your fears Donna ,and every minute till it is over will be hell ,and you know the minute its over you will fine ,its the getting there ,the between now and Tueday that is the problem ,try to keep busy ,I will be keeping you in my prayers ,I so know how you feel Jan xx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its normal to feel like you do. The elivator and going to the ladys room before is something i do myself, although i try my best to avoid lifts. I hate small spaces and panic accordingly. You will be ok tuesday try not to worry too much.keeping busy is your best bet.
love and hugs

Anonymous said...

You'll be fine.  I don't know anyone who can say that they aren't nervous before being put under general anesthesia.  Den has been in the O.R. over 500 (not a typo) times in the last 39 yrs. and he still gets nervous.  You'd think he'd be used to it by now but he isn't.  I'll be praying for ya.

Anonymous said...

There isn't a person I know who doesn't feel the same way about being under.  I will keep you in my prayers that Tuesday hurries up and gets over with already.  I know you'll be just fine hun!

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember me?  The one that made sure everything was in order before my surgery?!  It's all normal to feel this way.  I hate being put to sleep for any surgery, but what you are getting is the "twilight" meds I think right?  You don't go into a deep sleep, you are still aware of everything going on around you.  You will be just fine though!!!  Still a good idea to keep your mind at ease though by making sure all is in order.  It is to make YOU feel better prior to going, so go ahead and do it.
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

I would prolly be the same darn way!
You will do just fine though...
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!


Anonymous said...

I am afraid that if I am ever stuck in an elevator I will have to pee too!  Really!

I have had multiple surgeries and every time, EVERY TIME I am scared to death I won't wake up.  The last surgery I had (on my foot) I took a (small) stuffed animal into the operating room with me.  I had a death grip on that thing!  No one could ever tell me I was being silly and don't worry about it.  Everything will be ok.  

Truth is I was scared.  Truth is they were right, I woke up and everything was ok.  

Call the doctor (dentist?) first thing monday.  See if he/she can give you something you can take Tuesday morning to help calm you down a little.  (One of my surgeries was running late.  My doctor came to check on me and tell me why I was having to wait.  I told him I was ready to walk out of the hospital.  He gave me a marvelous little pill and the next thing I knew they were coming to get me for my surgery)

I'm here to tell you it will be ok and you'll wake up.  But I will put in a prayer to the guy upstairs for you.  Hang in there.  


Anonymous said...

its ok to feel that way my sis feels exactly like you do every surgery. with the new drugs out there make sure you tell them how you are feeling. Keeping you in prayer


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel I had emergency c-section with my first son and then planned ones for the other 2 those are worse I always write a letter to my husband and kids before going in just in case I know it's terrible and it will all be fine just wanted to let you know it's normal to have fear but, you will be fine big hug love vicky

Anonymous said...

goo luck Donna!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you are so nervous tonight, I think anyone would have your fears going through the same thing, so they are normal fears and everything should turn out fine. Saying some prayers for you tonight, hope you are back with us soon.

~ Jenny