If you haven't heard already, Ste made it on to the next round. I had no doubt. To be honest, from the first time I heard him sing I told him he would be a star. LOL So, I thank you all for the good wishes that were sent his way. Keep good thoughts and fingers crossed. This would be so awesome for him!
Congrats Ste you are awesome and deserve this so much!!
Another YEAH... the wind died down a bit. Last evening we got sustained winds of over 40 mph with gusts at like 60mph. It sounded like a freight train going by my house, or even through my house every several minutes. I lost electricity for a minute and I swear I got teary eyed. I did not want to go through that again. It popped back on but I lost my cable connection for the Internet. I didn't panic, I just played in PSP. Be ready for some graphics later. :)
I did see that Stevie made it to the next round. I sent a congrats. the lights went out. Ooooo Scary thought.
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/ Tracy
YAY FOR STEVIE! lol of course we all knew he would make it to the next round. He totally deserves this.
And good thing your electric didn't go out again. We don't need that happening.
Yeah I saw that! See just a chance is all he needed and with his talent like WOW!
Well, you see I met him through D :) Yeah !
He is really good! I just read your entry about him and just checked him out. That is so awesome for him. I know what you mean about the electicity going out. I was one of the crazy people that stayed here for Hurricane Katrina. One of the worst parts of it was the week after with no electricity and almost 100 degree temps. Usually I leave so that I'm not here with no electricity. LOL I'm glad yours didn't stay out long. Have a wonderful evening!
He is really good! I just read your entry about him and just checked him out. That is so awesome for him. I know what you mean about the electicity going out. I was one of the crazy people that stayed here for Hurricane Katrina. One of the worst parts of it was the week after with no electricity and almost 100 degree temps. Usually I leave so that I'm not here with no electricity. LOL I'm glad yours didn't stay out long. Have a wonderful evening!
yeah I never seen wind like that before in a while well not blowing as long as it did all day. man stu is dong good
horray for Steve, I heard him sing for the first time the other night. He is awesome.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for him.
We had the same winds here, they were INTENSE!! I already congratulated Ste! He is going to be famous!!! :)
Hugs and love,
Great news about Steve isnt it ? ,hey we had strong winds in the night too ..love Jan xx
congrats ste! love v
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