Monday, February 20, 2006

Graphic Clarification..........


I had a comment on my last entry that was from a new comer, so once again I do want to clarify the graphics.  As it says in my journal description 'D's Designs are animations done by me.  Graphics are mine, found throughout the net or sent to me to use.....'  I do not claim to draw, paint, or make all graphics I use to animate (which I have posted before).  I have several PSP groups who share their graphics/tubes for others to use to make tags and/or animations, with their blessings and permission.  Some even say the 'S' in PSP is for share.  If there is a copy write available I do include it in my work.  If it's not there it's because I don't know it.  My regular readers know me well enough to know I would not take something and use it without permission, or at least I hope they do.  Some of the pictures I've used are mine and if not I have always stated where they came from.  I thank you again for letting me use them to create other things.  I hope this clarifies things for those of you who may be wondering, but the gate was opened and the light is on welcoming me to use the graphics. :)


Anonymous said...

Everyone that does animations JLAND do not do the originals graphics & do not even say where they are getting the graphics from.  Maybe you would save yourself alot of trouble & aggravation by just stating that on the top in your description.  I know, like everyone of your loyal visitors do, that you belong to graphic groups & that everyone shares.
You, along with many other Jlanders have made beautiful animations for anyone that wanted them.  Thank you for being so helpful & sharing~
PS....keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I was going to comment but I can't think of something nice to say about that comment as my mom taught me, I'll keep my big mouth shut!

I appreciate how generous you are with sharing all of your hard work! I know it takes a lot of time and skill!

Darla ;o)

Anonymous said... I have to "CLARIFY" what I meant....Not the comment from Marie, the one in the last post!

Sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

The graphic goes quite well with the entry.  nice once again.  Hope you had a good day.  TerryAnn.

Anonymous said...

I was sooooo worried about this, so glad you cleared it up.  I was up NIGHTS worrying about you and your graphics and if they were yours or not yours.  LOL!  NOT!  ;)
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Dearest Donna,
::) You're so true and great too!
Love you! love,nat

Anonymous said...

You go girl!  Linda