..... and the humidity! Don't get me wrong, I love that summer has arrived and the weather is good. Well, ok, it's fair. It's been warm and sticky with haze and overcast skies in the morning and then again in the evening. The sun tries to burn it off during the day and it does somewhat. It's heavy and thick air swirling with the fans. I actually thought today would be a good sunset for pictures, but it doesn't look like it will turn out that way so I am not even heading out down to the lake. I may take a ride to the local park in a bit, we'll see. There is a community day carnival going on and tonight is the night for fireworks. Not sure I want to fight the heat and crowds and attempt to get pictures. LOL I'm feeling pretty lazy.
Did errands and some laundry and then headed to the grocery store. As I walked in all I could smell was fresh fruit. The honey dew, cantaloupe, watermelon, and pineapple. I couldn't just walk by. I filled my cart and headed for the things I needed most... coffee and creamer! Grabbed a bit here and there and headed home. I got things put away and started cutting up the fruit. A few for the bowl, one for me. OMG! What magnificent luck I had! The honey dew was sweet and juicy, melting in my mouth as I stole a few chunks before they made it to the bowl. The cantaloupe was a bit firmer but perfectly ripe. The flavor burst in my mouth as I bit into it. Now, the fresh pineapple was a winner. As soon as I cut the top off, the scent filled my kitchen. I felt like I was on a tropical island! I got it all cut and it is sitting in my fridge as I write. A little bit longer and it will be perfectly chilled for an evening snack on an extremely hot day.
I'd like to take a moment to send Lisa Jo over at Damaged Goods happy thoughts and get well wishes. She's been released from the hospital, but could still use your prayers and good thoughts. If any of you talk to her let her know I send my best. A few months ago she blocked me from commenting in her journal. I wrote twice thinking it was an error but apparently it is not. I have no idea what I have done to her. She obviously didn't want to talk about it then and now is not the time. I just hope she knows there are a lot of folks out here pulling for her.
Speaking of 'doing things', I've apparently pissed someone else off too. Gawd, see ya'll you didn't believe me when I said folks think I'm a bitch. I've recently had mail ignored then deleted from someone I thought was a good friend. Use to be a whole different relationship. I understand this person has some personal things going on and time is not what it was. But ignore, then delete? Bet they are cloaking too. LOL No worries, I'm over it, life goes on and I have too much good to dwell on it. Be an adult, fess up, move on. Like I said I'm over it no need to hide, and no reason to skim through mail for something from me as you've no doubt noticed I am not sending any!
Well off to find some graphics to share :)