Holiday graphics? Or a rant? You can thank AOL for these! You know the crappy service we pay for? Well since it rendered itself about useless today (and the last few days) I had time to do graphics. I got a boat load of alerts and guess what... the freaking link for the specific entry didn't work, but you knew that right? If you went to the journal by a saved link or the main journal link in the alert you could get in and low and behold there is the entry. WTF!?! Sometimes you can comment sometimes you can't. Sorry for the rant, but I am just a tad pissed. I need to make a decision on AOL in the next couple of days and the only thing really keeping me is my journal. I can let this fall on the wayside and be deleted and put up with this bullshit for free by starting a new one on AIM. The more this goes on the more I am leaning that way. Nice way to keep customers isn't? Jam their crap ads down your throat in journals. Make upgrades to make it better... up this AOL you just keep messing it up! Resize the ads in email so you have to resize your mail to take the whole screen just to see some of it. Then, me the animation freak.... I can't stand the jumping crap in those ads! Talk about freakin annoying!!!! Keep upgrading AOL, you will upgrade yourself right out of business! :::deep breath:::
Ok, the graphics..............

Wonderful graphics! Thanks for sharing!
And as far as AOL..... I was wondering why it was acting up... and still is???
I was getting worried that I might have to strip and load everything new again.
Thanks for sharing your AOL frustration. - It does not make it go away, but at least I can stop worrying now ..... LOL
Hugs, Maria
i have had problems all day for 2 days grrrrr and they keep adding new things i say fix the old ones first! love the tags:) thank you for sharing
That happens to me sometimes too...I get so poed...Sometimes I email the person my comment...sometimes I am so mad that I tried 4 or five times that I just quit and wait until I get back again and leave a comment when i go back...hope it gets better...TerryAnn
Well, I am finally able to comment and all I have to say is AOL sucks big donkey dongs and I'm about ready to follow you to aim. They sent me a letter saying they were offering me a special for broadband and on the back of the letter in tiny print it said I would be locked in for a year and if I canceled there would be a cancellation fee. Sneaky bastards had to put it on the back of the letter in small print. I'm just disgusted. Why do I need broadband? So I can get irritated faster? So whenever they decide to make everything new and improved they screw things up I can't cancel unless I pay them money? Corporate whores.
Great graphics.
thaks Donna! beautiful graphics!
I have been pissed with AOL too. The mail was screwy! The alerts a mess, then when you do get one like you said, they don't work! Errr! Oh well.......Love the graphics you were able to create though. ;-)
- Jessica
It took me nearly three hours last night to post a few comments. I'm heartily sick of AOL, are other ISP's so crap? I don't like to read and not post a comment but last night I just gave up. These graphics are great, I love your animations but those animated ads are just too annoying! Maybe they could employ you to do a few with some soothing rippling water! Jeannette xx
Of course you are right ,and do we need all the frustration ,its going to put so many people off ,right across J land people are complaining ..dont they care ?Your graphics are lovely .........Jan xx
I totally agree with your frustration. I finally gave up and turned my computer off....of course I got some things done around the house that needed to be done, so thank you AOL for a clean house! (ha) I would have preferred to read journals your wonderful graphics, thank you!
Take Care,
My sentiments echoed exactly. Well done on the graphics!
Those are really nice graphics.
I dont understand why AOL continuously screws over the journals and then have these dudes who write the "oh well, sorry you will get over it" blogs to us. God knows we all could spend our $ elsewhere!
My journal is the only thing that keeps me here as well!!!I never started having all the problems until I got high speed...Sometimes i would have a few journals i could not comment in....but ever since I got high speed..AOL has been nothing but problem after problem...huggies...TerryAnn
Love the graphics. What can I say about AOL the past few days? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, is all.
LOL, D, AOL has been the absolute pits for the past week. I also cannot tolerate the flashing ads in the e-mail. Drives me insane. I've also had DSL problems with my Sprint to add insult to injury. Love all your new work! I would love to snag the fireworks tag to use on the 4th. You know full credit will be given. Thanks! HUGS Chris
I have left aol 4 times and gone to others and I always end up coming back because I like it better than the others. It does drive me nuts at times. lately I have been spending alot of time on my space. I'm really having fun with that. They have so much more to offer in the way of neat things to find and put on each others page. who ever is woking on what my space is offering they are much smarter and creative. if you leave please let us all know. happy 4th. I love your graphics.
Thats why I stopped posting on my AOL journal. I am still a member with them, but they got carried away with those ads. I especially hated the ones that popped out at you.
Every since I got AOL broadband through time warner, I haven't had any problems though. Wellllll maybe one.
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