Today was a long day and what proved to be pretty productive. I was out of the house by 9:30 am and my son and I went out to the car dealership. Of course, the car he is specifically looking for was not on the lot. The one there was a hard top convertible. Color and interior was different, but it was the car. We took it for a test drive and he really liked the way it drove, the way it handled, and the way he looked in it. LOL He decided he wanted that type car and the dealership will be pulling one in from someplace else. It will be black with black interior, sunroof, remote starter, high tech stereo system and sporty rims. He filled out the credit info and I did too just incase he needed a co-signer. We left as it was almost time for my hair appointment. I dropped Steve off and before I could get to the salon he was on the phone. He was approved by himself. OMG my baby is all grown up and will be signing his life away. He should have his new car by the end of the week no problem. He will also be working on getting his other car out of my driveway. It is as dead as a door knob. We tried to jump it etc, and no signs of life at all. It's been diagnosed, unseen, as being the starter. Because of the make of the car the engine will have to be lifted out to get at it, a rough cost of over $200, plus maybe $50 bucks to tow it someplace. Yikes! That is almost half of what he paid for the damn thing. My cousin will tow it back to Steve's house with his truck and a 'buddy' will be working on it with the intent of fixing and using it for a winter car. We'll see.
I got to the salon and my 'girl' was able to magically make all the gray disappear. My family will be thrilled I have no more play off head. I decided not to go back to being short and instead just had her trim it up a bit and give it some shape. We'll see how long that lasts once the humidity kicks back in. We ran out of time because I had to take my son to work so no highlights this trip. I might have my niece do it next week. She does a great job, it's just finding time with the new house.
I got home in time to grab my camera and pick up Steve to get him to work on time. We live south of the city so we drive north on the highway and around the city near the lake then followed the Niagara River further north to his plant. Across the street from the entrance to the plant there is a little park and a boat launch. I wanted to stop there and get some shots. I actually thought I'd get better ones, but it was hot and hazy today. I walked to the shore line and looked south towards the city. You can see the HSBC Bank tower which is in the heart of downtown. The black bridge you see is the International RR bridge that goes from the US to Canada. Beyond that would be the Peace Bridge, but I didn't attempt to get it in this shot. I do have one that I might post at a later date. The picture below is Strawberry Island and is pretty much straight out from where I was standing. North of that there are signs in the river letting boaters know the current gets stronger and then there is a 'turn back warning', as you are headed towards the Falls. Years ago a boat lost power and was unable to get back. It ended up going over the Falls. All passengers vanished but a 7 year old boy in a life jacket and his swim trunks. He went over the Falls and was picked up by the Maid of the Mist tourist boat that runs below the Falls. Alive and well and as far as I know still living.
I farted around at the park and enjoyed the warmth of the day. I sat on a bench and just soaked up the rays and the wonderful breeze coming off the River. I got home just in time to get ready for dinner. All in all it was an extremely busy day, but a good one.
Tomorrow I have no running to day in the am. Whatever will I do??? LOL I can't wait to get up and relax, that was the intent of taking the week off. Timing.... oh it is so wonderful isn't it? I do have to get some requests done from my Tag Journal, so if you're waiting for the new one, I promise you'll get it soon.

Glad Steve found a car and was able to get it without a cosign!
These graphics are beautiful, Donna!
Wish I were there!
Oh I just love the pics and what you did with them. thanks for sharing them with us. And I'm glad your son got the car on his own....will make him appreciate it so much more. Hugs and GBU, Shelly
I just can't believe how you can make water look so's unbelievable!! Such awesome talent. That's wonderful that your son can get a car on his own merit...I'm sure he is proud!
Take Care,
So your baby's finally grown!! I'm happy he got the car he wants and you didn't have to co-sign. The story about the boat going over the edge of the falls is scarey, the boy was so lucky! Have a lovely relaxing day today. Jeannette xx
Dearest Donna,
Evrything sounds on the up and up! cool! love,natalie
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