Oh yeah, I had a bit of one today. I was up pretty late last evening with the idea that I could sleep in, no problem. I was snug and warm in my bed when all of a sudden I heard a noise and I stirred in my bed to see my alarm clock showing about 4:40. I heard the noise again and I jumped out of bed. Thud, thud, thud. I thought someone was knocking on the door. I'm sure I cursed, but I was worried. Who the hell? What the hell? I about ran down the hallway as I was trying to get my robe on. Stumbling slightly as my foot got caught up in the tie as it was dragging on the floor. By this time my head and heart were racing. My thoughts immediately went to my son. Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud..... what the hell! It wasn't my door, there was no one there. It was the dog upstairs, his tail banging off the hard wood floors. Maybe in anticipation of his owner getting up so he could go out to do his thing, maybe his owner was playing with him, or maybe he was having a surprise party and he was excited to see the other dogs. Regardless, it wasn't even 5 am and I'm now wide awake and pretty pissed. Not at the dog, it's not his fault really and I'm sure his owners have no idea how loud it sounds in my house in the middle of a peaceful quiet night/morning. After my heart stopped beating a mile a minute I went and climbed back into bed. It probably was a good 30 minutes laying in bed before I was actually able to get back to sleep. I got back up a couple hours later.
The day was pretty uneventful. I did some cleaning around the house, a few loads of wash, and cleaned up some old files on the computer. I had looked for a site that was in my favorites the other night only to find it was a dead link. Grrrr something I hate more then anything, so while was in between loads I went through and cleared the dead ones out. I checked on ones I hadn't been to in months, if not years, and since I hadn't been there I removed them too. No doubt some day in the future I will be looking for one of them, but I was cluttered and unorganized. I went to some of the tutorial sites I had used in the beginning of my graphic days and no sooner did I click on one my virus protection yelled with a warning. I then spent a bit cleaning up my computer and was good, no viruses, thank goodness. I am so glad it was caught before it could do any damage. Needless to say, I've removed some of the tutorial sites too. Technology these days and these computer jerks get some unknown pleasure causing havoc for others, and you can pick them up anywhere. Are you protected? Are you up to date? It's not that expensive and well worth it. Don't count on just AOL, they protect us from spam too. LOL
I also had some fantasy/fairy attitude so I threw some graphics together as well. I was pretty pleased with the effect on the 'dark moon open heart' one, it almost looks as though the rain is splashing in the water. Or is it me? Could be you know.... I think I imagine a bit when I work on the graphics and will myself to think it's something........... I used a different effect on the water for the 'love isn't fairy', not sure exactly what I think of that, but overall I do like the finished graphic. I was trying to get the effect of a cement type wall with a design etched in on the 'wall flower fairy', do you think I accomplished it? Ohhh.. and do you notice the nose on the cat? Can you see it moving? To much? I'm always afraid the blinking, movement, and glitter will look spastic and give someone a seizure. It's a timing thing with the animation program as well as the number of frames. Sometimes less is better. Ya know? Geeeeeeze did I ask enough questions? I better just go to bed before I make your eyes bleed! LOL
Hope everyone had a great Saturday and I wish you a good Sunday!

Really pretty fairies! You do so good! Ahhh the doggie tail on the hardwood floor huh..hahaha..how would you like waking up in the dark to a cold nose in your face and a loud WOOF when you open the eyes and see 2 huskys asking to go out at 3AM!!! Lately both have been doing it, maybe they aren't staying out long because of the cold but I am getting tired of the every 3 hour woof woof! Thank God mine are inside tho because in this kind of cold I think people are cruel leaving their dogs outside on cold cement or a little doghouse! Time to call animal cops!
Tonight you will sleep well...I predict...<the tylenol pm's are in the bathroom on the 2nd shelf hahah> Sleep well :))))) Doreen
1:20AM here , just woke up eyes not steady or focused. What were the questions again? Rain? oh I think I can, too:) All nice, D!
I can not seem to find anything that is like WOW Art for Beauty.
I think you accomplished everything you wanted to. They all look great. Sorry bout the dog waking you up. I know what its like to be scared out of your sleep, and not knowing what in the world is going on, so not fun. I hope u have a great Sunday.
Great graphics Donna I snagged them all, but I love the cat! hope you slept better and that Sunday is a peaceful day for you.
luv bella xx
How anoying your neighbours dog waking you like that ,good you were able to get back to sleep though ,your fairys are terefic ,the cat has such a holier than thou look on his face ! lovely ..love Jan xx
ah seems I never get to sleep in !!!!!!!!! sorry you got such a scare. your adrenalin got going and made it hard to sleep. I think you accomplished exactly what you inteded they are great graphics.
i hope last night you got a full nights rest....i hate scary middle of the night noises! These tags are perfect, as always. I have Norton's and it has caught LOADS of trojans and viruses in the last year. I pay $50 yrly.
I hope your Sunday is a happy one.
lisa jo
Have a great upcoming week and happy championship football watching today!!
Martha :-)
Oman! I hate being awaken like that too early! For me, that would be it. There would be no more sleeping, and I would be SO mad...which would be part of the reason there'd be no more sleeping. I like the graphics.... and the cat kinda looks like he's sniffin' me.
LOL, what a way to start the day, geez...thump thump thump. I'm glad you were able to wake up and make it a good day regardless!
Oh I so hate a broken nights sleep!! - It takes ages to get over it. Hope you have an early night to night. Laine xxx
My dogs wake me up at least 3 times per night by either itching or laying directly on top of me. They are about 90 pounds, not fun when they decide you are their pillow for the night. It's no fun to get woken up at night, especially if your heart starts to race. Then it takes forever to get back to sleep! Your graphics came out incredible as always. Love little fairies and angels!
Hugs and love,
THAT would've just pi$$ed me right off... Funny read though, not meaning to laugh at your expense... sorry!! Hope you have a quiet and restful Sunday. LOVE these graphics! Snagged 'em all! THANKS!
That would have been soooooo irritating to say the least that early in the morning!! Are you gonna talk to them?
Love the graphics. I wouldn't have noticed the nose on the cat if you hadn't mentioned it. Very subtle. I like it.
The fairies are great I loved the white magnolia one..Nancy
We have a two story home and I can attest that when the dog's tail thumps against the floor upstairs, it is loud downstairs. It can truly waken you from a good sleep and scare you at the same time. Glad there was nothing wrong and you eventually slowed your heart rate back down to sleeping speed.
All the tags look great!!!
I am so glad that it was only the dog wagging his tail upstairs! lol It could have been bad....
love ya,
Love all the graphics..nothing like getting waken up from a peaceful sleep is there??? Glad it was just the dog though! Have a great work week...we got 7 inches of snow yesterday...on top of the ice we got from the ice storm so you know I am just loving that...NOT..hehehehehe. Hugs,TerryAnn
Dont you just hate inconsiderate neighbors?!?! I am glad that you got some rest after you figured out what that noise was and went on to have a rather productive day. I would love to learn how to make graphics so any tutorial sites would be wonderful....Im sure mine would never be as great as yours though
Have a great one!
Glad you at least got back to sleep and that it was not bad news "thudding" at the door. Love the graphics!! Snagged the 1st one.
sorry the dog woke you up.
love the cat graphic, love all the graphics! You are great with rain and water.
Hi there! Ya know, it does look like the rain is splashing in the water...how'd you do that? I do like the cement wall, but my FAVORITE is the nose on the cat! Having it move up and down like that is just the perfect effect! You are so talented!
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