............ love me for what I am not what you want me to be.
That is what I first thought of when I saw this bear. He is just so adorable. I immediately fell in love with him and played with some effects until I thought it was just right. I'm pleased, but what the hell do I know. I've been saying for the past couple days I wasn't inspired, my creative juices have dried up. I will let you decide. Don't you just want to take him home? Hmmm... ladies maybe you can use him as the IOU! :)~
These are the graphics I tried to post twice yesterday. Only the Valentine one from earlier today is a tutorial, these are mine ::grin:: AOL did not want to cooperate at all. Today? Well, it's a new day and all seems to be good. :::knocking on wood::: Thanks so much for all the tips, emails, and ideas. I've saved them all. Hopefully I won't need them, but I have them just in case. I'd say 'go free and this is what you get', but I was still paying the first time it happened and tech support told me what to do.... but of course they don't know shit so I am taking your input for future reference.
Today was pretty laid back, and I spent a good chunk of the day watching the football games. No offense to my New England friends, but I really wanted San Diego to win. Call me bitter, being from Buffalo, but I am so sick of hearing how wonderful Tom Brady and Tedi Bruschi are. Grrrrr it's a team sport! Not that it's their fault, the media plays it up. I will say congrats to both teams!
I went to my car a bit ago and it was weird. It is cold, so the thermometer says, but it didn't feel to bad. Maybe because it's so cold I didn't feel the moisture in the air. It isn't doing anything now, but it rained on and off all day. As I was getting into my car I noticed the tree next door. It glistened with the reflection of the nearby streetlight. The branches looked to be covered in ice. And I swear I saw buds. Good gaawd those poor babies.. they have no idea what the hell is going on. My car opened no problem, so I don't think it was as icy as it looked, but I sure as hell hope I don't wake up tomorrow to my car being encased in an ice cube. Oh the joy!!! :::making mental note to set alarm a bit earlier just in case::: HeHeHe.. you see if I do that nothing will happen. Well, maybe. They are calling for a winter storm tonight and all day tomorrow.
The weekend went by so fast I can hardly believe it. I did get a lot accomplished, but damn I wish I had 3 day weekends!! My son and I didn't do dinner tonight. He wanted to veg in front of his own TV, and I don't blame him. He had worked 10 days straight, and his shift changed on Mon. He worked 7pm Sun to 7am Monday and then had to go back in at 3 and work until 11. Ohhh to be young! I would not be able to do that. Not unless I could use that couch for a bit :)~
Suppose I should get to bed and get some sleep. I have a feeling I will be scraping my car for a bit tomorrow. Someone remind me..... next year ask my son for a remote car starter!
Night... hope all had a great weekend and sending good wishes for a happy Monday.

love your graphics. Yeah we are at 58 right now but the cold is on its way. I pray no rain so the guy can put down oru deck Soemtiems when its cold it doesnt feel cold I know what you eman
We've been having what they call a "cold snap" here. 30's at night and only in the 50's during the day. Very unusual for So Calif! Hope your car isn't frozen in the morning. Sheesh! I'd hate that.
Beautiful graphics....you haven't lost it, girl!!
your work is amazing. I love the tags,
Thank you.
You always make such nice graphics. Yeah, the weekend went by too fast . . . it is always that way and ho hum it is off to dumb work again tomorrow morning. Stay warm and have a good week.
have a good week:)
These tags are beautiful! Have a good Monday!
i took a pic of my backyard tree that i swear is budding. Crazy weather. It is STILL raining....has not stopped for weeks. I am glad your son finally has a day off.
I love all the tags as always.
XO lj
We have an impatient crocus that is already in flower, no doubt it will panic if we get a cold snap lol.
Take care
We too, here in the UK have buds on trees etc...it's so mild in my neck of the woods - I actually have yellow flowers on a tree in my garden! It doesn't usually start flowering until around march/april time - poor thing..if we get a good freeze up then all the new growth/buds etc are gonna suffer :((
All your valentine graphics are lovely...snagged a few, thank you! Millie :)
Great graphics babes..I LOVE the 'Could you love me?' one....soooo cute!!
Hope you have a great day..Love ya!!
Ok, the little bear is adorable! I'll take him! Sorry to hear you've AOHell problems, but glad to know things have returned to what passes for normal again. I hope you don't find your car encased in a big ice cube this morning. Be careful driving to work. Hope you have a great Monday!
These are all so lovely ,Steve chilling out at home I would imagine after ten days he was glad too ,Your bear is as adorable as you say ,I d like him in real life sitting in a chair in my bedroom ,Have a good week ,dont forget if you get worn out there is always the couch ,lol Like you said you will never live that down ,bet you wish you hadnt told us ! lol ...love Jan xx
Great graphics as usual, could not choose so ended up snagging them all.
Love Pat x
Your graphics are wonderful Donna, was only going to take the little bear as I love bears and he is adorable but ended up taking them all. I feel sorry for the trees and plants the poor old things dont know which end is up. My vegetables I did nto get to take out in October when I went to Oregon were growing again and looked terrific. Yes there are buds coming on the bushes not sure about the trees though. Now here we go with the ice and snow. Your son sounds like a really hard worker, god bless him. My son works long hours like that also, but he always manages to get to Buffalo to see his beloved Bills. I am not to sure who he is pulling for now. Have a good week.
I love the teddy and the perfect valentine tag too cute :) v
Problems problems I read all over J/Land with AOL sorry about that again Donna.The bear is fantastic I love him to bits.Then again I have always loved bears.Special ones are on my bed LOL!! An oil painting on my bedroom wall where two of them are dressed as Fortune Tellers with the crystal ball it is called "Bearvoyant" just had to buy that many yrs ago now.OH!! and one from Dallas Texas in his stars and stripes waistcoat holding hands with his girlfriend Miss Ellie from Southfawk Ranch I visited LOL!! so yes I will take him home thanx a mill LOL!! All the graphics are fantastic.and afraid nature doesn't know where it is at just now.Take care God Bless.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Be better if you had a remote control D-Icer that you could do from the comfort of the house!
luv bella xx
love the bear! he is adorable.
cute bear graphic...I like the sentiment too.
Gem :-)
wow they are all awesome. remote car starter sounds like a good idea. hope you don't get a storm, hope we don't get one either. (((((hugs)))))))
Can I steal the bear, can I, can I??? He is adorable and loved just the way he is!
Ok, put yourself a list on your frig for next years Xmas gifts and add the remote car starter in as an October gift early so you can use it before the cold days come on you.
I could have used one of those living in Pa. but here in SC I am enjoying the 77 degree temps. Am out cleaning my yard today and tomorrow this landscaper is zipping down all the bushes in front of my house!
Orchid tree is opening, daffodils are out and azalea's have buds on them! Yahoo!
I do love the south.
Hi ya, remember me? Im back!! So sorry Ive been away for so long!! I'm back with a new journal - its to help me with my art but Im sure I'll soon be blabbing about anything and everything LOL. Love all your graphics, especially the bear!! Hope your weather doesnt get bad!! We are supposed to have storms here on Thursday!! Take care! Love Laine xxx
I thnk you need to plan something to do for fun with someone...
a day just for that
Girl its 20 degrees in Portland .....freezing....supposed to snow which I hope it does...need some winter lovin....I wish I enjoyed sports but I am the gal who would rather sleep than watch football,lol..Try and stay warm.~Raven
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