Sunday, January 14, 2007

~ I Think I'm Back ~ (SAC)


Well, I've been doing graphics this morning and I think I'm back.  LOL  I have a new tag offer that some might consider SAC.  If you'd like your name added click on the graphic to request it.  I saw something similar in one of my groups.  I changed it up a bit with different pictures, elements, and animation.  Is that considered stealing?  No more so then doing a tutorial..... LOL  Sorry a bit punchy.......


Off to get something eat, I'm starved.  Will also probably watch some football.  Whoever do I cheer for?  No doubt you'll get at least one more alert later... can you stand it?  ::grin::


Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying their Sunday.  





                   <-- Click here to request your name.


Anonymous said...

i dont' tag, but i dont' think it's stealing unless you just take a tag and change the watermark and claim as yours.  you see too many of the same graphics being used all over the internet (well, the same tube being used in different ways) to get upset over someone taking part of a tag and reworking it into something different.


Anonymous said...

I'm picking Da Bears -- although the rest of my family want the Seahawks! Martha :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice to see your back on form hun --- already requested this one i love it..

enjoy the football - lookforward to the alert later lol

hugs stacey xxxx

Anonymous said...

I don't even know who is playing!!!  LOL!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I could sit here for hours and just watch the water in the first pic, that is lovely.
I wish my butt looked as good as the one below does lol. Good job on both.

~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

The graphic are beautiful as usual.  But I have to say GO SEAHAWKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes your back

Anonymous said...

Wow...would I like to see that back view looking at myself in a full length mirror...woof woof...nice

Anonymous said...

Very nice as always. Have a good Sunday.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes it is considered stealing unless of course you can take it and transpose my head onto the top so I can go with the rest of that bod!  If not please insert your wrists in these slots _____ and _____..SMACK...SMACK, ok your done :)))))))

Anonymous said...

Rut Roh! I had to come back to put a bandaide on her bruises >>>xx<<< on one, and >>>XXX<<< on two.. of course that one was a bigger boo boo so you made out on the bandaides :)))))))))))))
You might be able to get a day off work if the boo boo's get very black and blue!
< I am the meanie and I ride a crooked broom so some say haha>
:))))))Doreen aka Dah Marshmellow

Anonymous said...

i love your work no matter what and who.
I hope your PC issues are gone.
LOVE, lj

Anonymous said...

that is a very "deep" quote on the sailboat..yeah, you're back!
(not that I even notice you were gone) :-)
Have  a great week,
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

ok! I'm gonna have to snag that. I very rarely use graphic in my journal....THIS graphic is MINE!
LOL! do I do it? (post it in my journal?)
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Gonna have to go request..that is such a hot tag!  love it!  TerryAnn