Yes, we had a little surprise party for my Mother today. Of course I couldn't write about it here just in case she was reading over someone's shoulder, ya know? Both my Dad and sister visit and who knows what she actually sees on the screen. Months and months ago we changed the settings on their computer so my father could read it. Hell, she could probably read the entire entry from the couch across the room behind him :) I had added a few extra elements to the graphic I did on the entry earlier and made it into a birthday card, she loved it! Photo paper and all. It sparkled on the glossy paper and the iridescent colors really showed up. Turns out no one had visited during the day so my sister pulled it up so she could read what was written. As she sat reading tears flowed down her cheeks. She was so honored you all commented and she loved each and every one. Thank you so much from her and I! You guys are the absolute best!! She was surprised no doubt that we were there. Like we'd all forget her 75th!?! LOL It was nice, quiet, and relaxing. Well, ok I will fess up. We had the boys on so it wasn't all that quiet :) We also switched back and forth to the football game. Yes we are a sports family for sure.
Another surprise......... I changed the song on my journal. Anyone notice? LMAO!!! No worries tho, I love that voice and just couldn't take him down, soooooooooooo I just switched. Since I pull my journal up at work to listen, and it is ...over and over... and over again, it was time. My co-workers enjoy him as much as I, but a new beat was needed. So yeap, I have Ste singing Brown Eyed Girl. One of my all time favorite songs and having his calming voice sing it just tops it off. Thanks Ste, you are the bestest!! And you know I love and adore you! :::giggle::: I think everyone knows that! I know some of you don't hear songs on journals, and I'm sorry.. you are missing a good one. When you follow the alert it sometimes doesn't play, so try going 'back to journal' at the very top and scroll down a bit giving it time to load. It should work. I hear it and I had a few other check it as well. I don't think a simple refresh works, you'll have to go back to the entire journal.
Last surprise? I'm posting winter graphics. Amazing as it is the East Coast is having extremely warm temperatures and no snow. I wasn't one of the lucky ones to hit 70, but almost 60 works ... it's January for cripes sake! What is up with that? We have spring weather and Colorado is getting hammered. Oh and Deb... it was great to see you online! I'm not sure exactly where you are, but when I heard of the avalanche on the news I immediately said a prayer for you and your loved ones. I knew you wouldn't be skiing... but......... I am sending good vibes your way!
Well, it is late and it was a busy day. I hope everyone had a great Saturday and wish you a wonderful and peaceful Sunday... Night all ......... and again THANK YOU for all the wishes for my Mom.. she loved it!

PS.. love these bears!! LOL
so glad your mom was surprized:) thank you for the prayers no we weren't sking lol the avalanche was aways from us but mom and dad had whiteout conditions all day at home. Drifting snow blowing snow yucky weather. have a great Sunday
Awww man, when I go to comment Ste's voice is gone. Sigh, guess I will have to go back and listen after commenting. Love his voice and haven't heard him sing this one. Funny to hear him singing about a brown eyed "girl" though, have to admit. LOL! So happy your Momma had a great birthday and was able to read all the comments she was left. Hey, she produced you, so she HAS to be a wonderful lady right?! I took all your winter graphics because I have a feeling we are going to be in for it VERY soon!!!
Hugs and love,
B E Girl just kills me.....the main song from a heartbreaking love affair gone wrong. SIGH.
I am SO glad your mom had a good day!!!!!! She has an awesome daughter thats for sure. I love these bear graphics, so so so so cute.
XO lj
D. your graphics are great as usual... I love those where there is water movement and reflections in them. I did not know you had some music on your blog... I guess I need to go on the blog rather than an entry to hear it... I still have to work out how to download some music on my computer and then paste it on my blog... I have not found the time yet.
Godd day to you,
What a lovely surprise for your Mum ,she must realise what a special daughter she has ,when she saw how all your friends wanted to wish your Mum well ,love Jan xx
That`s really nice that your Mum had a great day,sounds like you all did, If I`ve missed wishing her a Happy Birthday in the previous entry then give her my "Bestest" wishes!
luv bella xx
What a nice surprise for your mum. I'm glad she had a lovely day. Donna you are an amazing graphic designer, love the bears, so cute! How do you put music onto your blog? Have a great Sunday.
Best wishes,
Leigh :-)"
awwwwww so glad your mom had a wonderful birthday. and i love the graphics, snagged all 3 of them, lol. ((((((((((hugs))))))))))
I'm so glad your mum had a good birthday, I knew she'd love the collage especially as you made it into a card for her! I can hear music on journals, I love Brown Eyed Girl! Have a good Sunday! Jeannette xx
love your graphics and great you surprised your mom. yes better have snow here in graphics becuase it sure had been warm here. Of course now it s cooling off again
A belated Happy Birthday wish to your mother. That was a really nice card you made, wish I could have been home to add my comment before you showed it to her. The winter graphics here are superb, as usualy. Oh, I have tried everything to hear the new song. It doesn't play for me and I tried all of the tricks you suggested and more. I had no problems hearing all of your previous songs.
Well sounds like a great party for your mom. Many happy returns of the day to her.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time so glad your mum enjoyed herself, hope she has many more wonderful times to share with your family.
all the best
Those graphic just don't seem right to me -- we were swimming and sunning at the beach yesterday -- 85 degrees, bright and sunny here in Florida! Weird!!!
So glad your mom had a good birthday!
Martha :-)
What a wonderful surprise for your Mom. There is a lot of work behind a surprise party. I am sure she was happy and appreciated everything.
Thanks for the beautiful winter snaggings. Hugs, Maria
Love the graphics but it seems so out of place since my bulbs have popped up and my azaleas are getting ready to bloom. LOL
"Happy Birthday" to your Mom
That was such a sweet thing to do!!
Our daughter lives in Westminster ,Colorado and
I worry about her.
She recently moved there from Austin,Texas.
Love your graphics. (So-what else is new- they are always fabulous!!)
Awww, I hear it now!! Thanks Donna!
It seems you have a long line of beautiful ladies in your family..hehe! Your Mum is gorgeous and as I said before, you ALL look so alike!
I hope she enjoyed her party you sneaky lil devil, you! lol!
Love and hugs,
P.S. Maybe I should've made this comment for the previous!
Hi !!!!!!!! I hope your Mother had a great party it sounds like she did. I love the graphics in your journal. I also like the song in your journal its my favorite. I so love coming to visit your journal its amazing. Everything about your journal is wonderful I love love love love love love it. Thanks for sharing your journal with us. Take care.
I'm glad your mum had a good party ~ it's a pain isn't it when people read your journal and you have things to write but can't coz they might read it. I've just been through that with my best mate lol................I've snagged the bears on the wagon I think that's so cute. Thank you
I think we're finally going to get some winter here. Love the graphics, especially those bears!
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