Oh yes, there is a theme....... Baby it's cold outside! Friday when I did my entry, ok so it was already Saturday when I posted it, but the point I was going to make was it was 50 degrees. Now, well it's not even 30. Yesterday when I got up there was a fresh white blanket covering the yard. The grass wasn't completely covered but it was pretty. Sort of! I was actually more in awe of the trees. They looked pretty. The broken edges, and shortened branches almost disappeared as your eye was pulled to the bright white laying on the branches, in the crevices, and seams. It looked a little like winter. I never did see the snow fall, it did that while I was fast asleep in dreamland. I know some think I'm wishing for snow. I am not really. I just know it's winter and I'd rather have it now then in May or June. Do it, get it over with. It's not snowing now, it's more rain, but it is going to freeze. I've seen on the news were the Midwest got it yesterday, and believe me I feel for them. Having tree limbs snap is not fun. Remember October here? ::::shiver:::: I wish that on nobody. Hmmm.. well... let me think..... ROFL! No, I'm teasing.. 5 days without power was the pits!! I just hope it's not a rerun.

Speaking of the pits...... freaking AOL once again is up to it's old tricks!! Yesterday I had more issues then you could shake a stick at. Believe me there are still plenty of those laying around here. Awhile ago I had issues with a corrupt file and I had to reinstall. The last few days I seem to be holding on by a thread. I open mail and it is listed there but I can't see who it's from or any subject line. I have to shut down and restore. It closes my mailbox while I do this, so if you send anything during that time you will get a message stating my mailbox is not available. I am not blocking, so please try again. I don't bother blocking. Even with all the drama of past days it wasn't worth it. I get so much mail I just go thru it in order, I don't pick and chose. If I did that it would take a lifetime. Besides it's easy enough to send mail from a made up name. Don't open from who I don't know? OMG!! I am on so many lists for graphics and hockey I'd be deleting more then I read. YIKES.. I got off the subject there... the point was my mail is screwed up big time! If it happens again I will probably reinstall, but in the meantime I'm doing my best :) Last night I tried to do an entry and I just hung there and then got bounced. I came back and same thing.. Grrrrrrrr I went to bed instead.
I've also heard I'm not alone with the blahs or with the block when it comes to graphics. Some aren't doing any, others are deleting, and even others are doing tutorials to make it easier. I'm glad it's not just me. No doubt we will all bounce back, we always do.. as a matter of fact I'm feeling much better.
Hmmmmm.... ok maybe not much.... but I am better.
Have a good day and I will no doubt be back later :)
Hi! Well we kinda wanted winter and winter we got, although not exactly what we ordered! LOL We have freezing rain and the cars are in a little ice cocoon here in Michigan this a.m. and its only going to get worse they are saying. It is supposed to get worse over the next few hours.
We have gone from rain to sleet back to freezing rain and now palm sized snowflakes which are really quite pretty. I know the rain has created a monster road situation because they are advising no driving unless its an emergency.
Missed ya yesterday but I figured since I was having issues with AOL everyone probably was too.
Just got the third alert from you this a.m. so something is still not working.
As to the blahs almost everyone I have talked to said they have a case of the blahs that are unprecedented. Must be in the water, he he. Have a great day and hopefully this weather won't be coming your way.. I tried to e-mail to no avail so I thought maybe you might get this.
Glad you feeling less blaaa. Seems to be going around. I am hoping we don't get the ice here. I can handle the snow but that ice is a killer.
The mail thing..... Are you using the AOL Client software?? Do you actually use AOL as your internet provider? If you have your own internet provider it might be better (i.e. faster and less glitchy) to sign on, and use AOL.com to 'go in the backdoor' I prefer Firefox as a browser for this (it's free), but any browser will do it. You can do anything from the browser that you can do from the AOL client software without all the 'bloat' of that program. Just a thought!
Even if you are signing on with AOL as your internet provider you can get around problems sometimes by 1. signing on 2. minimizing the software 3. bring up a standalone browser and go to aol.com.
I don't know if any of these things will work for you, but at least they are options when AOL is being a bear!
Yes I have to admit I had the after Christmas blah's but that is just because of the "awe" you hear when I open the bills! No wonder Santa does the HO HO HO, he isn't paying my bills!
Well today's forcast here is RAIN so I need to get my motor runinng and get out before I end up in a downpour. Happy Day all :))))))))Doreen
OH!! Donna keep that white stuff over there please.Yes it looks lovely throught he window and on picture postcards but when it turns to ice.I am a recluse in my own home.I even feel cold now reading your entry.As for the problems you are having.I read lots are having many probs just now.Hope everything works itself right for you.Love the snow graphic.Hope it is safe driving in the morning for you for work.Take care God Bless.
Astoriasand http:..journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
Donna...u can send a little snow down here. We never get any but I'd like to see a couple inches anyway. It's been nice during the day (70's). Just perfect but it gets cold at night.
So pleased your blah's are lessening ,Sounds very cold where you are ,roll on Summer and we are all grumbling about the heat ,love Jan x
Your creation is beautiful. - Love the color combination. Stay warm! Hugs, Maria
Lovely graphic, Donna - sorry to hear the gremlins are still about
Love the graphic...I have been so tired and blah my self...it is soooo freaking cold here....yuck..have a great Sunday! TerryAnn
Love the Graphic theme.... beautiful!! Hang in there, and stay warm!!
Joann's weight loss journey
just emailed you about your email.
let me know if it works.
AOL Hell!!! it should get better soon hopefully! have a good night Donna
luv bella xx
ah we are at 62 here today and yes its warm but so too nasty wet!!!!!!
AOhell... lol
be well,
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