It's just a bit past 11 and by my standards that is fairly early. Anyone who knows me, knows my last entry isn't usually until after 12. I'm early tonight. I'm tired! I never did hear anything about the sirens last night, but trust me, I listened to the screeching for well over 30 minutes, it was not my imagination nor was it my smoke detector. It was definitely police/fire sirens or some bizarre car alarm. I've never heard of any law about no sirens past a certain time, that must be a UK thing, but there damn well should be one that says you can't leave them on for an unlimited time. I'm beginning to think it was a car alarm, but out of my sight range, usually along with sound, lights flash and I didn't see any. :::sigh::: I don't think I will ever find out.
The afternoon was pretty much being a lazy ass and watching football, and I didn't take that nap. My body tried, it really did. I laid on the couch and just as I started to doze the phone rang. Grrrrr.. it was my nephew calling because his mother had wanted help. It was almost 5 in the evening and she had already done what needed to be done. Such help, eh? When he wants something he is here at the drop of a hat! I get back on the couch and continue to watch the game. Dozing again.... RRRRrrrrrrrring.. what the hell!?! It's my niece wanting me to look something up on the Internet... she changed her mind. We discussed her wedding for a bit. Can you believe it is only several weeks away? The big day is Feb 17th and I cannot wait! Everything is coming together for her and she talks and talks and talks.... Got back on the couch and then it was too late. I knew if I fell asleep I'd be done. Jumped back on the computer and played. Had roast beef, mashed tators, and peas for dinner. OMG!! It was wonderful! I love being able to eat. LMAO!! No doubt I will gain a shit load of weight. Even had chocolate/chocolate cake for dessert. YUM!!! I needed that chocolate fix.. but my hips and ass didn't! Ya know, I can't even tell you what I did after dinner, it went by in a flash. I just know I need to get to bed early.
I also know these 'valentine' graphics are early too. WARNING one is slightly AC. I got tired of winter scenes when it looks like spring outside. I figured everyone else could use a break too. I will say the temperature has been dropping all day and it is about 35 now. They are calling for snow, but who knows. I just know it's Jan 7 and we've been extremely lucky, can it continue? I doubt it.
Ohhh I also thought of a challenge earlier today. Might sound like I'm crying for comments.. LMAO but it's not that. I just did my entry earlier and my counter jumped by almost 50. I challenge those that stop to leave a note and say hi... :::giggle::: lurkers and snaggers alike. Tell me who you are, where you are from, if you're grabbing something, a link to your place so I can visit, something.... I challenge you ::evil grin:: I triple dog dare you! Take the challenge!!! 'Cmon :) Don't be scared.. we don't bite, and I bet if you leave a link others will stop by your place.
Ok....... that was a bit punchy... I'm tired.... hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for a great week.

okay up to the challenge,:)
love the valentines graphics. never to early in my opinion. Wierd about the sirens. I am sure that is driving or did drive you crazy :P
YUM-chocolate cake-I had strawberry shortcake.
hugs to you and hope you get a good nights rest
I wonder what was going on for you to hear that racket outside?
Get some rest tonight
Love the valentine graphics...I had a stawberry shortcake with ice cream yummy! Have a great week! TerryANn
HEHEHE i'm up for your challenge i snagged the hearts one hun
hope you manage to sleep tonight xxxx stacey
you know me, where i am at and where i come from and you have my link. I never watch my counter.....unless there is drama and i wonder who is reading and not commenting! I know the wedding will be so joyful for all of you....that dinner sounds delicious. Esp. that cake. I have had dreams for a week about a moist chocolate cupcake.
XO love,lisa
I'd have called someone, the police, the firestation.... and said "is that YOUR sirens blaring outside my windows?" THIRTY minutes.... WOW!!!! How about a home alarm?? Anyway, love the graphics, snagged a couple... thanks!!
Joann's weight loss journey
ah yes it now is officially cold and IMnot ready but looks like a warm up next weekend. BUT with rain grrrrrrr. yes everytime I try to take a nappy day........ my phoone rings and its not always annyoying family lol its sales people I have gotten to where I take my phone off at times. close ones that really need me have my email and my cell.
Ha ha love the challenge,who am I? Debbie, where do I come from? There is a line in a song that describes that ' from my mothers stinking luck and my fathers stinking breath'. Hope your nieces wedding goes well.
All the best
Some days there's just too much going on to have a nap and people always seem to ring when you just want some peace and quiet to drift off! I hope you managed to have a good night last night and got some sleep before work. You're graphics are great as they always are, I don't know how you keep up with making them but I'm glad you do! Jeannette xx
I think we all have some snow on the way Donna soon,but yes it is nice to see a change of Graphic .Love these they are great.If I am realy tired and do not wish to be disturbed I turn the ringer off my phone LOL!!! Batteries out of the door bell you name it LOL!! I reckon the screetching would have been a car alarm too.Happy to hear you are realy enjoying your food now Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm me too .Take care God Bless thanx a million for the snags.
Just when you are in that nice dreamy state the phone rings ,dont cha just love it ?!,Never mind dear there is always your couch at work ,I hope they dont dare disturb you there hee hee hee ,I agree about lurkers wish they would declare themselves ...lots of love Jan xx
Hey :)
Just wanted to say HI...... I definitely know how you feel about the sirens. It seems that is all that is driving past my house!!!
Its either police cars, ambulance or a damn fire truck allllll night long.. It also seems like they never get to where they want to be LOL..MAybe they are just driving aroud in circles who knows...It also doesnt help that I live about 3 blocks away from the hospital... Its very annoying..especially when it took about 3 hrs to get to sleep LOL....
UGHHHH the phone I hate it!!! The same thing happens to me!!! If its not the phone its the doorbell which is usually not for me!!! I gave up on taking naps all it does is leave me with a headache from trying so hard to get back to sleep....
Congratulations to your niece on her upcoming wedding..... I know it must be sooo exciting....
Thank you for all the GREAT graphics that you share!! Without you and the others we all would have plain ole boring journals...:)
You know I have you on alerts, Donna. Hope you have a good week ahead.
Checking in Donna, have been paying attention to your counter for the last month. Needless to say I am impressed.
I hope you did not fall asleep watching the Eagles. They are the only hope of Philly having a successful team.
Go Eagles, Bill
That last graphic looks like she has been bad. I am predicting diamonds this Valentine's Day for her. ~Mary
I hope there were no repeat sirens last night! Geez! Too bad you weren't too tired to sleep through all of the noise (or would that have even been possible). Great about one with a sexy man? :)
Well D, ya just don't know hey, i have got a 14 page site of other stuff going with my hobby,
I liked yours Jeano's and a few other too ya all just may inspire me if i get some time, i cant keep up on the family sites i'm on these days, i wouldn't want to bore people, Nor give away my christmas prep, details, hey you crafty girl, tee hee, ho,ho ho
Be good
Hi, Donna! I'm guilty..sometimes I just visit for a peek and don't leave a comment but I'll try to do better. ..By the way it's never too early or late for Valentine's day items. I love them keep it up! You are a late nighter...mine are usually around the time I am supposed to be going to work like today's....I have a goal to get to places early this know meetings and as to be more prompt. I goofed today and fell off the wagon...but I did get an entry in...I seem to work better under pressure...always have....I'll be back soon and let you know if I use an entry! Maria
Hi Donna, I`m always here so no need for introductions lol!!
luv bella xx
I do leave a comment occassionally ~ sorry it's not very often but I do like your journal and I love your graphics. Your a very talented lady :-)
Loved all the tags!
- Jessica
love all the tags, grab the first two valentines.tx Nancy
....come to think of it.... some time before Christmas, the siren thing happened to me in the middle of the night. I didn't find out for a month that a house a few blocks away had burned down. Love that heart 'em all, but that's my fav.
ok,I'm late.But had to put my 2 cents worth in ,too.
I,too,am glad you're out there doin those tags for us,and making our journals shine with your talents.
Lots o' HUGS
I like the Valentine's graphics
Great work on the valentines. We did get some snow today, but it didn't stick since the ground was so wet! It sure was nice to see though. Glad ya got some rest, even if it was later than expected.
my entry on comments got me the most comments that i remember getting at one entry. 24! you may be used to that number but it was a shock for me.
Oh D that last one is naughty LOL yeah like I'm offended HA!
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