Oh yeah, I can! I got up early for work, just like I said I was going to. I looked out the window and it was raining. I could see spots where it froze, but it did not look bad. I did my normal routine and headed out the door a few minutes early. I could see some ice on my car, but the door opened no problem. I got in and started the car blasting the heat. Dug the scrapper out from under my seat. Damn, I've used it very little this year! I cringed as I thought, this is going to be a bitch to get off. I pushed the scrapper down fairly hard on my windshield, and Wham! No, don't worry, I didn't break the window. The ice came off in one sheet, well almost. It only broke where the scrapper hit it. Off it slid on to the driveway shattering into a million pieces. The rain falling and the little bit of light that was peeking through the clouds and it looked like diamonds. Hmmmm a girls best friend! LOL The roads going in were not bad at all, just wet. Further north they were not as lucky and I was driving right into it. I should have grabbed my camera, but I hate taking it to work. I'm always afraid it will be stolen.
Downtown the ice covered everything. The chain link fences looked like crystal instead of metal, the trees were coated. There was a haze over everything. This may sound sick, but it was beautiful. The day never brightened, but you could see sparkle for miles. I did take the pictures with my cell phone. Not the best quality, but you may get an idea of what it looked like. I couldn't get too close and surely couldn't zoom. You'd think that they would have that feature on all phones, hell they have everything else! LOL I took a picture out one of the VPs windows, I thought I could get half way decent shot. A tree in the lot next to work, had to walk on water, literally to get it, a vine up the side of the building that is absolutely beautiful during summer and fall, and lastly the picnic table in our back lot. I had to stop on the way home, and by the time I got here it was way to dark to get any decent shots. Now? Oh it's not doing anything. We got a bit of snow over the ice, and they are calling for 12-18 inches more starting tomorrow. Winter is here!
I'm dead tired and going to bed. I've had a great day even with the weather, but one can only do the happy dance for so long. Laughing, squealing, crying, dancing, it takes a toll on an old lady.

Do you know how much I enjoyed reading your post! Here in lower SC we dont' get weather like yours and you make it sound so beautiful.
Enjoy your happy dance and ty for sharing :)))))))) Doreen
Stay warm and safe!
Still no cold weather out here in Ny ..though the weather man did say to get ready for a drop in temps..... Great pics the ice does look beautiful......Whoa 12-18 ins.... Send some my way LOL.... Take care and good luck with all that snow!:)
Yucky weather. My mom is currently on day 2 of no power because of the ice. She is in Oklahoma.
love the bear :)
Your weather sounds as bad as ours, I don't know where you are? We still have our snow and cold, lovely but I am so tired of being cold. Now we are expecting more snow tomorrow morning. They say it will warm up to 40 something soon, for once I can't wait for plain old rain! We've had ice storms before and they are not fun here, too many curves and hills. I'd like to know where the person is that has no cold, I'd like to be there. Take care and drive careful, Joni
Funny your off to bed and I`m just heading for work! when you do get up Donna have an "ICE" day! without any accidents!
luv bella xx
There were 22,000 people still with out power in the county where I live in Michigan because of all the ice. A lot of trees down and such. This is my first ice storm.... Tawnya
Like you Donna I think the ice glistening in the light is beautiful too.Though I sure am happy I retired and havn't to venture out in it these cold icy mornings.I pray for you all each day that you see all the beauty, but have safe journeys.Happy to read you had a lovely cheeful day with no Hump.Love the TED graphic Awwwwwwwwww that is so lovely.Is it there to snag can you tell me please.Take Care God Bless .Have a lovely Tuesday.
Astoriasand http://journals.aol.co.uk/astoriasand/MYSIMPLERHYMES
This one is so sweet... sweet dream :D
We have seen the News pictures over here, as pretty as it is it must be quite scary at the same time......especially knowing the number of accidents that are happening due to the ice! Be careful out there, driving in those conditions is exhausting in itself so i'm not surprised you are tired!
woke up to 31 degrees this morning........... yup feel the cold and the rain is freezing where it is. Icant wati to see your pics becuase yes though a pain the ice on trees and fences is really pretty. I see the one up top but wondered are you putting more in
So pleased you managed to de ice the car with out to much trouble,drive carefully and keep warm love Jan xx
The picture from the cellphone camera look much better than I would have expected. They have really come a long way with those things! Just be careful on those slick roads going to and from work. Oh, and what part of your office complex are the polar bears kept? I like how you got them to pose together for you like that, LOL! (wink)
i hate it that you have ice....i hate ice!! I do, it scares me. But only you could find the beauty in it and be able to describe it as you do. I love how you write.
XO lj
Girl, when we even get a threat of ice (or snow) we empty out all the grocery stores and close the town down!!! lol
Ice and snow are a pain but so so pretty!!! Wish we had snow!! Laine xxx
It's cold and icy here too in the Pacific Northwest...worked from home today. Who is that singing Brown eyed girl? You gave a very nice tribute to Steve....take care. Maria
Ice is pretty to look at, I remember a few years back we had ice formed on every branch of the trees in my garden, it looked beautiful! Stay warm, I hope the forecast snow doesn't hit you too badly! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
I have never seen an ice storm, or maybe I should say the day after affects of an ice storm. I however must admit I think it would also look pretty amazing seeing everything covered by a blanket of ice.
Darn, I would've LOVED to have seen some pics!! LOL!!! We had a thick frost on the lawns here, but that's all.... still, pretty good for L.A.
Take Care,
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