:::waving::: Hi Everybody!!! I hope everyone had a good Monday. I will tell you about mine later. I just wanted to post 2 things real quick.
I just wanted to clarify my challenge from last night. I never meant I expected everyone to leave a comment on each entry, or at all. I was more directing it to those that have not commented before, just to introduce themselves, leave a link so I could visit them. Don't get me wrong, I love the comments, but hell if I left a comment at each entry I read, on each journal, I would never do a graphic again. I'd have no time! I try to leave one, and most often I do. So please don't think that is what I meant. Leave a comment if you can, I'd love it. My regulars I know you are here ;) If you've never left a comment feel free to do so. Am I making sense? Making things worse? :::shaking head::: Sometimes I just talk too much!! With that said, did you see who was here? I really must have been good!!! Santa visited me and left word :) :::giggle:::
I've also done another graphic for tag. Feel free to stop by and request one if you'd like. D's Designs or email me at mydsdesigns@aol.com I will most likely make the graphic a tad smaller. LMAO I didn't realize how big it was until I actually saw it on my journal. Also please see my note on the entry so you get what you want :)
Ok, 3 things........ go BUCKS!!!! LMAO

Hye I finally got site meter on my jouranl so I can track visitors thanks for suggesting it
I know what you mean about people visiting and not leaving a comment. I always try to leave one but some days I just don't have time since I don't get home till past 10pm! The graphic is beautiful! Jeannette xx http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/
Hi :)
Don't worry about it ... I think we all know what you meant LOL....
I try to leave comments as much as I can though sometimes I just like to sit back relax and just read without having to touch the dreaded keyboard LOL...
Thank you for your time to try to help me figure out how to add music to my entries..... I still havent even figured out how to make the background thingy work..I managed to do it 2 times but I think I just got lucky because for the life of me I can NOT do it again LOL ..I have just about given up...Thank God we have talented people like you who make tags.....
On that note can you please add my name to that beautiful tag that you just made...TY AND this time you are on BL so I promise it wont be hard to send LOL..
Take Care :)
you must have been good for santa to visit.love the winnie the pooh graphic. Always loved the hunny bear :P, and everything the poor guy gets into. hehehe
hugs to you
My grandsons(can you hear them giggling behind me??)are absolutely nuts about Pooh & Friends.You did them so nicely.
I gave up on putting music on my journal,as I got so disgusted I removed the real player from my computer!!
Oh well,stop by and I'll humm ya a tune!!!LOL
i love Pooh, he is COOL. Yes, go Bucks!! Damn shame i have to go to work.....too bad i dont drink...Rick and i could go sit at a sports bar and watch grown men and women spit, cuss and scream at the TV. LOL
LOVE, lisa jo
hun...we are used to you nattering away lol,I hope you are having a good new year and take care of those headaches,just rest up,all the best zoe xx
have a good week:)
Ahhhh I geddit you wanted those who have NEVER EVER commented to leave you a comment lol............I knew that really ;-) Love the pooh graphic.
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