TGIF!! Other then not having to work tomorrow, I am not really sure why I'm glad it's Friday. The week wasn't bad. I guess I'm just hoping the weekend gets me out of the 'blah' mood. I can't even explain the mood. Maybe it's the weather, it's ever changing forecast, ever changing results. Earlier in the week it was cold. Not the bitter below temperatures of January of years past, but it was below freezing by a few degrees. Threats of snow loomed over head with low lying dark full clouds. Some areas did get snow, but I didn't. I see my brownish green grungy grass laying flat along the yard. Bare trees that look so deformed with half branches and blunt ends reaching for the sky, from the storm in October. Dirt and slop on the side of the road. Yes, even garbage that folks discarded out car windows. Where do they think it's going to go when the give it the good 'ole heave hoe? This evening it is 50 degrees and raining. WTH!?! Where is Jack Frost on this January evening? I'm not begging for snow, but damn could it make up it's mind!?! You get up and dress for work it's 30, you come home it's 50. You get up for and dress for work it's 50, you come it's 30. No wonder we are all sick!!! No wonder no one can kick the colds, the stomach bug, the 'blahs.' This reminds me of the winter weather while I lived in Dallas. Just do something and stick with it a few days. I'd prefer a clear blue sky.... warm or cold. Ok, so I'd like it warm but it's January. :)
My story from yesterday was absolutely true. No joke! My co-worker wasn't having the party, she was invited and looking forward to going. She wasn't at work today. Maybe she needed the day to prepare? Maybe I will check with her on Monday to see how it went. Maybe not! I don't think I could look her in the eye as she tells me about it. ROFLMAO!!!!
Didn't go wild with the graphics. I do think I'm a bit burnt out. No doubt I will get the inspiration back, but right now snags maybe few. Sorry, and I hope you'll understand. I liked the sewing mouse graphic and was going to offer it as a tag, but I decided on a blinkie instead. If you'd like your name on the purple flower with brushes click on the graphic and let me know what name you'd like.
Hope everyone is doing great and had wonderful week. It's Saturday...... YEAH!!! The 'blahs' can leave now.

Might be just the way your feeling that you dont like your graphics, they are as always great! let us know about the doggy party nosy and find out it will cheer us all up if nothing else!
luv bella
Lots of people get the post Christmas blues Donna. It's a big come down after all the lights and fastivities of December, all we have are grey January days. Would you believe that in my workplace garden we have daffodils in full bloom and daisies sprinkling the grass! This weather is crazy! I hope your 'blah' has gone, at least for the weekend! Jeannette xx
Forgot to say I absolutely adore the sewing mouse graphic! Jeannette xx
I know what you mean about having the blahs. Hope today is beter for you. (((((((((hugs)))))))))
i am so glad that week is over. UGH. I need some sleep. We all need one of those winter lights that you are supposed to use on your face to make the blues go away. I hope this weekend is a good one for you!
Raining cats and dogs in Ohio.
XO lisa
What is it with those people throwing their garbage out the windows as they drive by. One woman did it and she had her children in the room. She didn't know I was watching. I hollared after her, nice lesson Mom. We had snow this morning, boo.
aw cute mice. Yes Im so sad and mad. My mom has pushed my buttons for two days.............finally to the point of having a migrain yesterday. Then came to Tracys B day party and managed to tick every single person off in the thirty mins she sat here. !!!!!! so yeah Im in a mood. this weather does not help I agree one day its 30 you come home its near 60 here in ky and then wake up its fifties and get homeand its 20's yup its the worst cold season !!!!!!!!!!
Our weather is the same ,doesnt know what it wants to do ,Please try and contain your self ,must hear the outcome of the dogs party lol Jan xx
BIG Cyber Hug coming atcha (((((((((((((D)))))))))))))) Just look at this time of year as a ending, yet it's a beginning... the earth needs the winter in order to rest, she's getting ready to give birtha again ya know... spring is about to be sprung soon, the days are getting longer bit by bit and she's getting ready to burst forth in Spring... her rebirth. In my belief...the year goes according to the seasons, the harvest times etc. Spring is the time of the Maiden, Summer of Motherhood, Winter is the time of the Crone...of wisdom, of life lived, of power within women...not saying that all ascribe to what I feel, just an idea :) Teresa
LOL!! I'll go with Stetsons thinking!! Sweetie want a laugh check out my Journal entry my house is insane!! (Hugs) Indigo
Take it easy, Donna, and don't go hunting for the muse. It'll come to you when you least expect it
Here in So Cal we're having what they call a "Cold Snap." It was down to 28 last night!! YIKES!! I'm sooooo not used to that!
So Awesine cute! And so is so cold here. Burrrrr! Hugs,TerryAnn
I love the thank you snag ~ so have indeed snagged it. Thank you xx
LOL...D, the surprise birthday party for that damned dog is spreading through JLand. Everybody is cracking up. Now, I see you did get some inspiration. Love Jack Frost and the little mice are sooo cute but I know what you mean. For every tag I put up, I must have thrown at least five or six in the recycle bin. I'm thinking there are a lot suffering January "blahs." Love ya, Chris
Thanks for the 'thank you' snag, it's so cute!!!
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