Yes, you heard it right. I went from shitty Saturday to perfect Sunday. The morning started great as you may have read. I showered and ran to the store. I was still uncertain of what I'd make for dinner but as I walked the isles and fought through the mob of Sunday shoppers I decided I would do Italian and have stuffed shells. I grabbed what I needed and headed out rather quickly. While in the store the snow had started coming down again and there was a slight coating in the parking lot. As I headed towards my car an elderly woman had slid and fallen. I went to her side and helped her up. Making sure she was ok and helping her wipe herself off. She looked so frail. Such white wrinkled skin, a touch of pink lipstick, shiny white hair tucked under a rain bonnet, and the bluest eyes. Piercing blue but such a softness about them. I swear I saw her kind sweet soul. She thanked me a few times and I made sure she was ok. Before I could walk away she looked me in the eye with a perfectly straight face and said, 'Thank you my dear, all I could think of was I'd have to yell, help me I've fallen and I can't get up.' We both cracked up. I had tears immediately, from such a bad day to such a good one. I thanked her. She grabbed my hand and thanked me again telling me she was not hurt. I helped her to her car and I was on my way. The whole drive home I giggled at what she said. She was as quick as a whip, and I still can see those blue eyes. I wondered if my Grandma would be like that. She has been gone so long now I barely remember, but I bet she did have that sense of humor once upon a time.
Once in the house and groceries put in their place I started the sauce and mixed the meat for meatballs. As I seasoned, browned and turned I remembered all the times I would yell for my son as I made them, 'you going to be my tester?' He wasn't there and I had to go by instinct and smell. When they were ready to go in the sauce I left one out to cool. No, I tested it, I didn't wait for him. I'm such a bitch! The meatballs simmered in the sauce all afternoon. The smell filled the house and made me so hungry I wanted to eat right then and there. I settled for dipping a piece of bread. YUM! Now if 5 o'clock would just get here. I messed around and waited patiently for them to arrive. Patiently? ROFL! Yeah right, I was excited, ok and maybe a bit nervous. Why? Who knows, if I remember correctly she should be the one nervous.
Well, she is perfect. She is very pretty with blondish brown hair. It's past her shoulders and she wore it perfectly straight. She did say she does have a little curl but nothing like mine. Dinner went without a hitch. We sat and talked, giggled, and got to know each other. Ohh, and Steve asked who tested the meatballs. Told him it's someone else's job now I guess. He looked a bit puzzled then told him it was me. He gave me a smile with his gorgeous dimples. She was a bit shy and a little quiet, but as the evening wore on she talked a bit more and more. We talked about what she does and what she wants to do. Get this. She had a job interview on Wednesday to work at a graphic place. Her Mom has worked there since she got out of high school. OMG! Well, you know where and what that lead to. We chatted some more and had a nice time. We ate dessert (cheesecake with cherry topping) in the living room as we all watched Titanic for the gazillionth time. Great movie!! We talked through it at times. After a couple hours it was time for them to head out. I fixed a 'to go' bowl of shells, sauce, meatballs, and some garlic bread. I wonder if it will make it until tomorrow.
What a difference 24 hours makes. My weekend ended on a very high note. I do thank you for your support and rest assured things will and have changed. I did set up my PC to be password protected. I had hoped it wouldn't come to that, but if you can't follow the rules you lose. He will not be in the house when one of us is not here. Though I am sure it will be a long time before he comes by when I'm home. I know my sister understands and is in complete agreement. I'm not sure if she has talked to him outside of my presencebut it doesn't matter at this point. He knows he went over the line. Lets just hope he doesn't stay away for a few days/weeks and then come back like nothing happened. I will not change my mind on this issue. His brother did call today and he was aware of what happened. Apparently my sister told him. He was pissed at his brother and couldn't get over the rudeness. So I guess it wasn't me.
Well, this turned a bit longer then I had anticipated, sorry if I bored you. Just wanted to let you know how dinner went. No pictures... I thought that rude. LOL But I will get some come the wedding. Can you believe it's only a few weeks away? Time flies!! Speaking of flying.. the weekend is over. DAMN!!!! I guess mine was 50/50... hopefully the week will just improve from here. Wishing you all a good week too!
I'm calling it an early night. The TV is beeping and a snow warning is crossing the screen. It's been an emotional couple days and I just want to crawl under my thick comforter and drift off to dream land. The January tag I made a while ago. I figured I better use it before it's too late! The others are some of the snags I worked on while I was fuming. Nothing gothic this time, and I really like the way they came out. A little bit of this, and that...... I think some softness comes through and some really good sayings. Whatcha think?

Dinner sounds great! I watched Titanic tonight, too! I still like it even though I practically know the whole script.
Hope you have a good week.
I am so glad to hear that your Sunday was so much better! Linda
Sounds like you had a nice dinner!! Glad you liked her!! I hope that everything is ok with your sister, and I hope that you're week is much better!!
very diffferent graphics. glad your dinner went so well and you liked her. YOU are so sweet ofr helping that old lady how kinds that was of you rather than just walk on by
You were in the right place at the right time being an earth angel for that poor lady. Glad your day went well, we all need days like that in our week. Today was busy for me chasing a puppy around and trying to clean, cook and wash clothes. Monday my son has to have a spinal shot for pain management so I am keeping my fingers crossed it will work for 6 months. Wish you all a good week, have an early rise tomorrow so you all stay warm and sleep well.
cool graphic!! took the last one lol, love, nancy
Okay so some where along the line I missed dear son is getting married??? how did I miss this...oh...dang always a day late and a dollar short...LOL..dinner sounds all you have to do next is post the directions on how to make this awesome sounding dish....yummmmm...glad it went well! Big hugs and thanks for sharing! TerryAnn
Im glad that your sunday turned out great! *hugs*
How sweet to help the lady who fell and she does sound like she has a great sense of humor. Glad your dinner went well.
I`m sure you made the old ladys day just by being there for her, I`m glad your weekend ended better.
luv bella x
Hi D,
Always knew you were an angel, bless !!
That little old lady must've known you were there, Lol!!
You're really sweet to help her like that and she must have felt your kindness by being brave enough to speak to you with humour too.
Hope things are settling down with the family situation and well, HEY !!! didn't know Steve was getting married, must've missed that one, Lol !!
Congratulations Donna and would you please pass it on to Steve and his fiance for us.
Sooo pleased for you.
Hope to catch you online later for catch ups and goss.
Got my kitchen floor to tile over the next couple of days, DOH !!
More like couple of weeks, Lol !!
Love you loads Pat x x x x
I TREASURE all of your tags but i especially love the ones with the beauty that you so carefully choose to go with the words. How inspiring.
I am SO SO SO happy that all went well with your son and his GF. Yeah! I can almost smell the stuffed shells. It makes me HAPPY that you had a good time with them both.
I'm so glad the meeting went well, I knew she'd like you .... who wouldn't?! I think you've found a good friend if she wants to work at a graphic place! So you have another qualification to add to your CV .... meatball tester! Lol! Glad you were there to help the old lady up in the car park, bless her! So your sister came back home, I'm happy her other son agreed that his brother was out of order. Have a great week! Jeannette xx
I am so happy for you. The meal you cooked sounded lovely. I hope you saved some cheesecake for us out here in jland. You did so right not backing down to your sisters son. You have got backing and support from other family members, even if you didnt have you would still be right.
Love and hugs
I'm glad this wekend had a better ending than it's start for you. It sounds like the dinner for Steve and his girlfriend was a success. How about her wanting to work in graphics? Glad you all had a great time.
Good to hear you had a nice Sunday, and managed to address the issues from Saturday. Roll on Monday!
Awww hun, what a great entry....I got SO engrossed reading all of that. I love how it drifts off to a side story, but still stays relevant to what you're talking about. The best movies do that too..hehe!!
Bless ya for helping that old lady, although I had no doubt that you would anyways! See, that was a sign. She must've blessed you for a great Sunday..:-)
The part where you said Steve was your 'tester' was me all!
Glad you had a great time, and thrilled that you two get along so great...GRAPHICS, who'da thunk it? lol!
Love ya
Your little lady sounded so delightful ,bless you for helping her ,and Iam so pleased you and Steves young lady got on well ,fancy her being interested in graphics wow ,have a great week Jan xx
great graphics, glad you all had a great time at dinner, MISSY
So happy to hear that the dinner went well....and glad to hear that your day went better also...Thank God you were around to help the elderly lady!
love ya,
I'm glad you had such a great first meeting with your son's girlfriend. Sounds like things are going well with them....and I'm glad you and she got along so well too :)
Sorry your nephew isn't as respectful as he should be. I hope he got the message and will not repeat such bad judgement again. Does your son have a good rapport with him....could your son talk to him and help him see the errors of his ways?
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